attn: Karen Davis
                        9 E. 97th St. #2D
                       New York, NY  10029
                    (212) 534-6423 phone/fax

On March 5-7, 1993 an historic conference was held at the
University of Chicago law school entitled Speech, Equality and
Harm:  Feminist Legal Perspectives on Pornography and Hate
Propaganda.  It brought together for the first time critical
race theorists, constitutional law scholars, and feminist legal
theorists and activists to address problems of speech, equality
and harm in the United States and Canada.  While each of these
groups had worked in parallel venues to examine connections
between harmful speech and conduct, this conference marked the
first time these groups had come together to explore shared
legal strategies for confronting those harms.

The proceedings of this conference have now been made available
on videotape and on audiocassettes and comprise an invaluable
permanent record and resource for yourself, or for your
department or library.  The accompanying two-page videotape order
form shows the plenary speeches, panel discussions and
roundtables which may be obtained on videotape.  Videos may be
ordered individually for $39.95 each, or as a set of ten for
$300, at a savings of 25% (there will be a $3 per tape charge for
shipping and handling).  In addition, audiotapes from the one-
page audiotape order form also included here may be ordered
individually or at $150.00 for the set.  Please note that some of
the concurrent panels which are not available on video are
available on audio.

For further information or to place an order, call or write to:
CENTER ON SPEECH, EQUALITY AND HARM, attn: Karen Davis, 9 E. 97th
St. #2D, New York, NY  10029.  Phone/fax (212) 534-6423.           

SPEECH, EQUALITY AND HARM:  Feminist Legal Perspectives on Pornography 
and Hate Propaganda

        University of Chicago Law School, March 5-7, 1993

               Center on Speech, Equality and Harm
                        attn: Karen Davis
                        9 E. 97th St. #2D
                       New York, NY  10029

                   -- VIDEOTAPE ORDER FORM --

Tape 1 -- 106 minutes

     "Welcome" -- opening remarks by Geoffrey Stone, Dean

     "Recognizing the Constitutional Significance of Harmful
     Speech:  The Canadian Supreme Court's View of Pornography
     and Hate Propaganda" by Kathleen Mahoney.

Tape 2  -- 43 minutes

     "On Speech and Conduct" by Cass Sunstein

Tapes 3 and 4 -- 120 minutes and 109 minutes

     "Pornography, Hate Speech and the First Amendment" panel
     including Steven Shiffrin, Richard Delgado, Mari Matsuda,
     Catharine A. MacKinnon, john a. powell, and Frank Michelman

     "On Freedom of Expression" roundtable discussion including
     Elena Kagan, Frederick Schauer, Irwin Kotler, Kimberle
     Crenshaw, Kathleen Mahoney, and Charles Lawrence

Tapes 5 and 6 -- 122 minutes and 47 minutes

     "Sexual Exploitation" by Kathleen Barry

     "Pornography and Prostitution" by Evelina Giobbe and Meg

     "Pornography Victimization and Survival" panel including Ann
     Simonton, Olivia Young, Barbara Trees, and Evelina Giobbe

Tape 7 -- 112 minutes

     "A Civil Rights Approach to Pornography" by Catharine A.
     MacKinnon and Andrea Dworkin

Tapes 8 and 9 -- 119 minutes and 85 minutes

     "Racism, Hate Crimes and Pornography" by Richard Delgado and
     Jean Stephancic

     "Racism, Hates Crimes and Pornography" panel including Chris
     Kendall, Mary Becker, Mari Matsuda, Helen Zia and Charles

     "Tort-Based Approaches to Pornography and Hate Speech" panel
     including Marianne Wesson, Jane Jarson, Gerald Torres, and
     Kathleen Mahoney

Tape 10 -- 115 minutes

     "Pornography of Race and Gender:  The Law's Response to
     Sexual and Racial Exploitation" by Patricia Williams

     "Pornography and Media" roundtable discussion including
     Florence Rush, Jamie Foster Brown, Deborah Evanson, Ellie
     Smeal, and Twiss Butler

Tape  1    Welcome; Canadian Supreme Court                    39.95

Tape  2    On Speech and Conduct                              39.95

Tapes 3-4  Pornography & Hate Speech; Freedom of Expression   79.90

Tapes 5-6  Sexual Exploitation; Pornography & Prostitution    79.90

Tape  7    Civil Rights Approach to Pornography               39.95

Tapes 8-9  Racism, Hate Crimes and Pornography                79.90

Tape  10   Race and Gender; Pornography and Media             39.95

Full Set at a 25% discount                                   300.00

Add $1 per tape for Shipping and Handling                   _______

8-1/4% Tax                                                  _______

                        -- AUDIOTAPE ORDER FORM --

1.   The Canadian Supreme Court's View of
     Pornography and Hate Propaganda          90 min. tape $10.95
2.   On Speech and Conduct, and
3.   Pornography, Hate Speech & the First Amendment
                                     joined set, two tapes  21.90
4.   On Freedom of Expression                 90 min. tape  10.95
5A.  Pornography and Prostitution, and
5B.  Pornography Victimization & Survival
                             joined set, two 60 min. sides  21.90
6.   A Civil Rights Approach to Pornography    2 hour tape  10.95
7.   Civil Disobedience & Direct Action       60 min. tape  10.95
8.   Racism, Hate Crimes and Pornography (speech), and
9.   Racism, Hate Crimes and Pornography (panel)
                           joined set, two tapes  21.90
10.  Tort-Based Approaches to Pornography
     and Hate Speech                          90 min. tape  10.95
11.  Pornography in Sexual Harassment         60 min. tape  10.95
12.  Organizing and Implementing Legal
     Strategies                               60 min. tape  10.95
13.  Pornography and Media                    90 min. tape  10.95
14.  New Feminist Research on the Harm
     of Pornography                           90 min. tape  10.95
15.  Pornography of Race and Gender           60 min. tape  10.95

Full Set at a 15% discount                                 150.00

Add $1 per tape for Shipping and Handling                 _______

Total order                                             $ _______

Shipping Address:






Make checks payable to "Center on Speech, Equality and Harm" and mail to
the above address.  Allow 3-4 weeks for delivery.