The National Council for Research on Women
                        Publications List

A Directory of Work-In-Progress and Recently Published Resources

     The Council's online database in print. Includes indexed
     abstracts of over 1,000 research projects, books, articles,
     and programs underway or recently completed. Citations list
     over $28 million in funded grants and fellowships. Debra L.
     Schultz, Project Director. Edited by Susan A. Hallgarth and
     Tina Kraskow. New York: National Council for Research on
     Women, 1992. 320 pages. Price: $34.* ISBN # 1-880547-09-0.

A Directory of National Women's Organizations 

     Contains indexed descriptions of 477 diverse U.S.
     organizations and groups national in scope and devoted to
     women's issues. Appendices include women's PACs, women's
     funds, state commissions, and federal offices. Compiled by
     Paulette Tulloch. Edited by Susan A. Hallgarth. New York:
     National Council for Research on Women, 1992. 686 pages.
     Price: $44.* ISBN# 1-880547-08-2.

A Directory of Women's Melia, 16th Edition 

     Originally published by Women's Institute for Freedom of the
     Press. Includes descriptions of over 1,300 print/electronic
     media, publishers, bookstores, libraries, distributors, and
     other media resources by, for, and about women. Compiled by
     Dawn Henry. Edited by Susan A. Hallgarth. New York: National
     Council for Research on Women, 1992. 285 pages. Price: $34.*
     ISBN # 1-880547-07-4.

Opportunities for Research and Study, 1993-94 

     A descriptive listing of the fellowships, affiliated scholar
     programs, grants and internships sponsored by Council member
     centers. Also includes sources for locating information about
     financial aid. A resource forgraduate students, academic
     advisors, women's centers and research institutes, scholars,
     and independent researchers. New York: National Council for
     Research on Women, 1992. 26 pages. Price: $10.* ISBN #

International Centers for Research on Women 

     Lists over 155 research and documentation centers in 66
     countries. Also includes listings for the 75 United
     States-based member centers of the National Council for
     Research on Women. Compiled by Mariam K. Chamberlain. New
     York: National Council for Research on Women, 1992. 42 pages.
     Price: $12.* ISBN # 1-880547-00-7.

A Women's Mailing List Directory 

     Describes lists maintained by U.S. women's research centers
     and caucuses; feminist periodicals, publishers, and
     bookstores; and women's policy and activist organizations,
     programs, centers, and networks. Includes information on
     selling and exchanging lists, available formats, methods of
     compiling and maintaining lists. New York: National Council
     forResearch onWomen, 1990. 160 pages. Price: $15.* ISBN #

Sexual Harassment: Research and Resources

     The revised report of the National Council for Research on
     Women's Sexual Harassment Information Project. Launched
     immediately following the Senate Judiciary hearings on October
     14, 1991, the project makes available to the broadest possible
     audiences the wealth of research and resources available on
     sexual harassment. The updated report discusses current legal
     and scholarly definitions of sexual harassment, the extent of
     the problem, typical behavior of the harassed, myths about the
     harassers, and anti-harassment policy and procedures. Written
     by Deborah L. Siegel. Edited by Susan A. Hallgarth and Mary
     Ellen S. Capek. New York: National Council for Research on
     Women, October 1992. 68 pages. PRICE: $ 11* for individual
     copies. Quantity discounts available. ISBN #1-880547- 12-0.
     Highlights include:

          *Summaries of current research
          *Lists of key researchers and expert witnesses
          *Lists of resource organizations
          *Lists of guides, media, and conferences
          *NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund Guidelines for
          Effective Policy

Risk, Resiliency, and Resistance: Current Research on Adolescent

     A research overview commissioned by the Ms. Foundation for
     Women' s National Girls Initiative. The report contains a
     research summary and appendices of model programs and key
     researchers. The summary highlights fourtopic areas: female
     adolescent development; debates in the research literature on
     girls' self-esteem; research specific to girls of color,
     lesbian girls, and girls with disabilities; and images of
     girls in the media and popular culture. By Debra L. Schultz.
     New York: National Council for Research on Women, June 1991.
     33 pages. Price: $9.* ISBN # 1-880547-01-5.

Women's Research Network News (WRNN)

     The Council's quarterly newsletter, includes News from the
     Council; News from Member Centers; News from International
     Centers; News from the Caucuses; Publications and Resources;
     Upcoming Events; Job Opportunities; Opportunities for
     Research, Study, and Affiliation as well as other news of
     interest to the women's research, action, policy, and funding
     communities. Debra Schultz, Editor. Individual affiliates
     subscription, $35 . Organizational affiliates, $ 100. All WRNN
     subscribers are enrolled as Council affiliates and receive a
     20% discount on other Council publications.

A Women's Thesaurus: An Index of Language Used to Describe and
Locate Information By and About Women 

     An indispensable language list for writing, indexing, filing,
     cataloguing, and database searching. Over 5,000 terms describe
     research, programs, and policies affecting women's lives in
     communications; economics and employment; education; history
     and social change; international issues; language, literature,
     religion, and philosophy, law, govemment, and public policy;
     natural science and health; science and technology; social
     science and culture; and visual and performing arts. Main term
     entries list "do not use" terms and suggest preferred usage.
     Mary Ellen S. Capek, Editor. New York: Harper & Row, 1987.
     1,052 pages. List price $37.50 hardcover, $16.95 paper.
     Special offer from NCRW: Hardcover edition only $24; paperback
     edition $15* ISBN # 0-06-181171-8.

Women in Academe: Progress and Prospects, A Task Force Report

     A four-year study by a task force of fifteen leading scholars
     and educators, the report examines women's progress in higher
     education over the last two decades. A comprehensive overview
     of women's status and prospects during the 1990s and beyond,
     the book traces the increasing presence of minority and
     returning women, women's movement into non-traditional
     careers, and the institutionalization of women's studies
     programs, campus women's centers and research institutes.
     Mariam Chamberlain, Editor. New York: Russell Sage Foundation,
     1989. 415 pages. Paperback now available from NCRW for $18.*
     Call Russell Sage Foundation at 212/750-6037 to order in hard
     cover for $29.95. ISBN # 8-87154-218-8.

Mainstreaming Minority Women's Studies 

     An overview ofthe Council's Ford Foundation-sponsored
     mainstreaming projects at 13 Council member centers and
     affiliates, with introductory essays by NCRW Project Director
     Mariam Chamberlain and Project Coordinator Liza Fiol-Matta.
     Curriculum transformation project directors describe a variety
     of approaches that include involving minority scholars and
     racial-ethnic studies programs in planning and implementation
     of transformed curricula. New theoretical understandings of
     diversity, innovative pedagogy, and altemative approaches to
     learning inform this work. New York: National Council
     for Research on Women, 1991. 32 pages. Price: $6.* ISBN #

Transforming the Knowledge Base 

     Lively panel discussion from the first meeting of the National
     Network of Women's Caucuses that synthesizes several key
     issues in feminist theory (essentialism versus social
     construction, equality versus difference, and the relation of
     post modernism to these debates). Panelists Dorothy O. Helly,
     chair (History), Elizabeth Kamarck Minnich (Philosophy),
     Sandra Coyner (Women's Studies), Leslie Hill (Political
     Science), and Betty Schmitz (Curriculum Integration) discuss
     the impact of these debates on the disciplines, curricula, and
     educational institutions. New York: National Council for
     Research on Women, 1990. 28 pages. Price: $5.* ISBN #
     1-880547-04-X. Quantity discounts for classroom use.

A Declining Federal Commitment to Research About Women, 1980-1984. 

     A report from the Commission on New Funding Priorities.
     Prepared by Mary Rubin, 1985. 47 pages. Price: $5.* ISBN #

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Council Affiliates, Please Take a 20% Discount

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