Emily Dickinson Poems

The poems in this directory have been taken from the following publications. They are the originally published versions of Dickinson's work. Many scholars agree, however, that Dickinson's poems were heavily edited for these works, and may not reflect Dickinson's artistic intentions.

* Poems by Emily Dickinson, edited by two of her friends, Mabel Loomis Todd and T. W. Higginson, Roberts Brothers: Boston, 1890.

* Poems by Emily Dickinson, Second Series, edited by two of her friends, Mabel Loomis Todd and T. W. Higginson, Roberts Brothers: Boston, 1891.

* Poems by Emily Dickinson, Third Series, edited by two of her friends, Mabel Loomis Todd and T. W. Higginson, Roberts Brothers: Boston, 1896.

* The Complete Works of Emily Dickinson, edited by Thomas H. Johnson, Little, Brown and Co: Boston and Toronto, 1960.

Please note that poems with dates at the end are taken from The Complete Works. The date listed on the left following each poem is that conjectured for the earliest known manuscript, while the year listed to the right indicates the date of the first publication.

Posted 6/23/99