A List for Activists, Scholars, and Students Women's Movements

This list is designed to promote the free exchange of ideas, discussion and debate on issues list members are facing in their research. We also welcome the sharing of information about archives, libraries, or resources on women's movements in the US and abroad. Researchers both from within and outside of academia are welcome.

There are two ways to subscribe to a group: via e-mail or via the web on the group's home page.
To subscribe via e-mail:
Send an e-mail to:
WM-Researchers-subscribe@egroups.com To subscribe via the group's home page:
1. Go to the group home page: WM Researchers

2. Go to the group info page
3. Click on the "Join" button, and then follow the instructions to complete subscription. You can choose to receive messages via e-mail (in individual or daily digest format) or only by accesing them via the web on the group's home page.

Miriam Bearse
Columbia University

Kimberly Springer
Williams College