Comments on: Seadragon and Djatoka Text-Image Linking Environment Fri, 23 Sep 2011 19:35:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rebecca Rebecca Fri, 06 May 2011 19:32:09 +0000 Neat idea. We're already using Djatoka with the Fedora-Commons repository; it would be pretty slick to combine that with OpenSeadragon or something like it. I've just spent a few minutes playing with your demo code, and with some minor tweaks, I have a rough proof-of-concept that uses your demo and works with one of my Fedora image objects, making the djatoka calls through the Fedora disseminator. Neat idea. We’re already using Djatoka with the Fedora-Commons repository; it would be pretty slick to combine that with OpenSeadragon or something like it. I’ve just spent a few minutes playing with your demo code, and with some minor tweaks, I have a rough proof-of-concept that uses your demo and works with one of my Fedora image objects, making the djatoka calls through the Fedora disseminator.
