Text: Lope de Aguirre’s Letter to King Philip of Spain (1561)

It’s interesting that this panel included Lope de Aguirre’s letter to King Philip II.  Unlike Raleigh’s and Vespucci’s texts, which embrace discovery and invention, Aguirre’s letter rejects discovery and the invention of America as the object of European mythical aspirations. For those of you not familiar with this text, it was written in 1561 at the end of Aguirre’s failed expedition along the Amazon. Aguirre’s small piece of protest is the most radical of the reports, dispatches, and chronicles sent to Spain from the colonies.  It is a blatant break with the traditional letters of complaints to the King as well as a highly critical representation of the American enterprise.

Aguirre explicitly accuses the King of abandoning him and not respecting the old pacts of mutual service. According to Aguirre, the King’s priests and judges have taken over the hard-won marvelous space of the New World -- and their friends and relatives are benefiting from the unpaid loyalty of the good vassals. The wonder is gone and, along with it, the ethnographic discourse. Indeed, native otherness is almost absent from this text. Natives are mentioned twice, in reference to the corrupt priests who cannot inspire faith in them and the friars who “do not want to bury poor Indians.” (3)[1] In my view, these comments suggest an implicit, if only partial, identification between conquerors and Indians due to the evil treatment they received and their status as outcasts. It is even possible to infer from this text that the conqueror himself has become the Other as seen from the hegemonic perspective of the colonial elite.  As Beatriz Pastor asserts, Aguirre is truly aware that he is part of the “unburdening of the land,” a project designed to send off the disruptive men -- mostly idle conquistadors and troublemakers -- on a variety of exploratory expeditions.[2]

The vision of South America as a dystopic space is another important element of Aguirre’s letter. His text is a “disinvention” of America which leads to an inversion of wonder. For him, Amazonia is a terrestrial inferno, a “fearsome lake” and “ill-fated river” (4) to which no more fleets should be sent “because in Christian faith I swear, King and lord, that if a hundred thousand men come none will escape, because the stories are false and in this river there is nothing but despair, especially for those newly arrived from Spain.” (4) Harsh living conditions and disillusionment, which Aguirre alludes to in this quote, provoked Aguirre’s rebellion and many other uprisings from the time of the civil wars in Peru. As a consequence of this disillusionment, Aguirre invents a form of rebellion that articulates a new goal: independence from Spain and personal sovereignty in Peru.

From a pedagogical point of view, Aguirre’s letter serves as an excellent illustration of the fact that the process of conquest was not monolithic and cannot be studied homogeneously as a heroic narrative or a genocidal take-over. The conquerors were a very heterogeneous group and I think Aguirre’s letter helps us understand the complexity of the period of discovery and conquest.

In my view, the letter invites readings from a double perspective. First, it needs to be read in the context of the chronicles in which it is embedded and, secondly, it should be read separately from them. In the context of the many chronicles that focus on Aguirre’s adventure, among which Vázquez is considered fundamental, the letter appears self-incriminating. It is the final proof of Aguirre’s madness and betrayal in the accusatory accounts which systematically denounce and demonize Aguirre. However, when it is read independently of these chronicles, the subversive nature of the text emerges and the letter opens itself to many different interpretations and appropriations.

For instance, Pastor reads it as an anachronistic attempt to restore a Medieval form of political hierarchy, while Bolívar read it as a prelude to the struggle for independence. Aguirre’s letter refuses to be contained by the frame of the chronicle, though order is restored upon the death of the tyrant. It keeps resonating, opposing the workings of ideology which try to solve the crisis of the new political order.

The subversive nature of Aguirre’s letter is based on two polemical topics: the conflicts between groups of Peninsulars struggling to produce a new social arrangement that would fit their economic interest and the transition into a social order in which social mobility is no longer attainable through conquest and war. It is evident that the power of the conqueror is being replaced by the power of the Crown’s functionaries.

               Finally, although the geopolitical conflicts between European empires do not explicitly motivate Aguirre’s letter, Aguirre criticizes Philip II’s lack of concern for America and his father’s involvement with Germany -- because the Crown’s enterprise drew funds from the conquerors’ coffers. Aguirre also aggrandizes himself and his companions by claiming they are the real defenders of  the “Holy Mother Church,” (3) unlike the King, whose promises have, according to Aguirre, “less credence than the books of Martin Luther.” (1) It is made clear that Aguirre shapes his identity in opposition to the emerging Protestant power.  

 In summary, Aguirre’s letter is the only text that registers so openly the protest of the disillusioned soldiers. It is relevant because it introduces many of the themes that will be an integral part of the political space in Latin America in the following centuries  and it is provocative because it inaugurates a new discursive invention of America.   







Primary sources

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Novels, Plays and Films on Lope de Aguirre

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Amézaga, Elías.  Yo, demonio.  San Sebastián: Ediciones Vascas, 1977.

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[1] The English translation is by Tom Holloway, from the version published in A. Arellano Moreno (org.), Documentos para la historia económica de Venezuela  (Caracas: Universidad Central, 1961).

< http://www.mith2.umd.edu/summit/anthology1/aguirre.html >.


[2] See Beatriz Pastor, The Armature of Conquest  (Stanford: Stanford UP, 1992), p.173.