Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Musical Theatre Studies LISTSERV launched

Tuesday, June 19th, 2007

I am pleased to announce the launch of the new Musical Theatre Studies listserv. This is a moderated, low-volume mailing list for scholars interested in the academic study of musical theatre. To subscribe, send an email to:

with the words

subscribe MUSICALS-L FirstName LastName

in the body. For example, when I subscribed, I sent an email to with no subject containing only the following in the body:

subscribe MUSICALS-L Doug Reside

Hope to see you all on the list!

Musical Theatre Studies

Monday, June 18th, 2007

Welcome to Musical Theatre Studies, the online hub for news and discussion relating to the academic study of musical theatre. Although the serious study of musical theatre is rapidly gaining interest in both the United States and the United Kingdom, the scholarly community, as yet, lacks an efficient online means of communication. It is the aim of this blog to meet this need. We will soon be posting calls for papers, academic job opportunities, book reviews, and other news items of interest to the musical theatre scholarly community. Add us to your RSS feed and check back often.

If you would like to make an announcement on this site, please send email to Doug Reside (dreside (AT) umd (DOT) edu).


Friday, June 15th, 2007

Musical Theatre Studies is the online hub for news and discussion relating to the academic study of musical theatre. We will soon be posting calls for papers, academic job opportunities, book reviews, and other news items of interest to the musical theatre scholarly community. Add us to your RSS feed and check back often.