"Surveying Our Divides, Discerning New Directions in Digital Humanities" (7500 words), in Textologies, ed. Travis Kroeker (University of Toronto Press, 2008), forthcoming. "Enabling Undergraduates to Understand Advanced Humanities Research: Teaching with the Dickinson Electronic Archives" (5000 words), in Teaching Language and Literature Online, ed. Ian Lancashire (New York: The Modern Language Association of America, 2008), forthcoming. "Public, Private Spheres: What Reading Emily Dickinson's Mail Taught me about Civil Wars." Companion to Emily Dickinson, ed. Martha Nell Smith and Mary Loeffelholz (Oxford, Malden, MA, and Carlton, Victoria, Australia: Blackwell Publishing, 2008), 58-78. "Elements of Blank, Formal Feelings, and An Autobiography of Chronic Pain" (3000 words), in 'Wider Than the Sky': Essays and Meditations on the Healing Power of Emily Dickinson, ed. Cynthia MacKenzie and Barbara Dana (Kent State University Press, 2007), 115-121. "'That Never Told CAN Be': May Swenson's Manuscript Witnesses" (5500 words), in Body My House: May Swenson's Work and Life, ed. Paul Crumbley and Patricia M. Gantt (Utah State University Press, 2006). "Taking the 'Man' Out of the Humanities: How Feminism and Technology Are Transforming the Discipline," Exploring Women's Studies: Looking Forward, Looking Back, ed. Carol Berkin, Carole Appel, Judith Pinch (Prentice Hall, 2005), 301-317. "Les omissions ne sont pas des accidents: ratures et cancellations dans les manuscrits d'Emily Dickinson." in La littérature à ses limites : genèse, censure, autocensure, textes rassemblés et présentés par Claire Bustarret et Catherine Viollet (Textes et Manuscrits, éditions du C.N.R.S., 2005), 149-160. "Electronic Scholarly Editing," A Companion to Digital Humanities, ed. Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, and John Unsworth (Blackwell Publishers, 2004), 306-322. "The Dickinson Electronic Archives Project: Evolutions of a Dynamic Edition," Editing for the New Millennium: International Perspectives (a bilingual edition; English and German), ed. H.T.M. van Vliet and Bodo Plachta (Weidler Publishers, 2002), 163-180. "Susan & Emily Dickinson: Their Lives, in Letters," Cambridge Companion to Emily Dickinson, ed. Wendy Martin (Cambridge U P, 2002), 51-73. "H.D.'s 'The Tempest,'" The Tempest and its Travels, ed. Peter Hulme and William H. Sherman (Reaktion Books, 2000), 250-256. "Suppressing the Books of Susan in Emily Dickinson," Epistolary Histories: Letters, Fiction, Culture, ed. Amanda Gilroy and Wil Verhoeven (U P of Virginia, 2000), 101-125. "Corporealizations of Dickinson and Interpretive Machines," The Iconic Page in Manuscript, Print, and Digital Culture, ed. George Bornstein and Theresa Lynn Tinkle (U of Michigan P, 1998), 195-221. "Editing Emily Dickinson's Manuscripts," The Emily Dickinson Handbook, ed. Roland Hagenbuchle, Gudrun Grabher, and Cristanne Miller (U of Massachusetts P, 1998), 113-137. "On Emily Dickinson," The Best of The Harvard Gay and Lesbian Review, ed. Richard Schneider, Jr. (Temple UP, 1997), 191-197. "Whitman and Dickinson, 1993-94," American Literary Scholarship 1994, ed. David Nordloh and Gary Scharnhorst (Duke U P 1996), 63-92. "The Poet as Cartoonist: Pictures Sewed to Words," Emily Dickinson: A Collection of Critical Essays, ed. Judith Farr; New Century Views, Richard Brodhead, Maynard Mack, Series Editors (Prentice-Hall 1996), 225-239. "Like a Laser Beam: My Ruth Stone," The House is Made of Poetry: Essays on the Art of Ruth Stone, ed. Wendy Barker and Sandra M. Gilbert (Southern Illinois UP 1995), 17-29.
"Software of the Highest Order: Revisiting Editing as Interpretation" (6,000 words), Textual Cultures 2.1 (Spring 2007): 1-15. "Surveying Our Divides, Discerning New Directions in Digital Humanities" (7500 words), in Textologies, an online journal, ed. Travis Kroeker, forthcoming. "Democratizing Knowledge," Humanities: The Magazine of the National Endowment for the Humanities (September/October 2005; 40th Anniversary Issue): 12-15. Also available: http://www.neh.gov/news/humanities/2005-09/democratizing.html. "Computing, Research, & Teaching: A Humanities Trifecta!" Liberal Education (Fall 2004): 14-23. "Emily Scissorhands: Reading Dickinson Reading," Reading Notes: Variants 2/3, edited by the European Society for Textual Scholarship (Amsterdam: Rodopi Publishers, 2004), 279-291. "Computing: What's American Literary Study Got to Do with IT?" American Literature 74.4 (December 2002): 833-857. "On Franklin's Gifts & Ghosts," coauthored with Ellen Louise Hart, review essay (6500 words) of R.W. Franklin, ed. The Poems of Emily Dickinson (1998) for special issue of The Emily Dickinson Journal 8.2 (1999): 24-38. "Because the Plunge from the Front Overturned Us: The Dickinson Electronic Archives Project (http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/dickinson)," Studies in the Literary Imagination 32.1 (Spring 1999): 1-19. "Literature" (with Catharine R. Stimpson & Marilee Lindemann), The Reader's Companion to U.S. Women's History, ed. Wilma Mankiller, Marysa Navarro, Gloria Steinem, Barbara K. Smith (Houghton Mifflin, 1998), 345-350. "Susan Huntington Gilbert Dickinson" (78-82), "Cartoons" (42-43), "Humor" 149-150), Emily Dickinson Encyclopedia, ed. Jane Eberwein (Greenwood P, 1998). "Worlds of Possibility: A Hypermedia Archive of Dickinson's Creative Work," Emily Dickinson, Textes reunis par Antoine Caze, Profils americains 8 (1996): 159-171. "The Belle of the Belle of Amherst," The Harvard Gay & Lesbian Review (Winter 1996): 25-27; rpt. in The Best of The Harvard Gay & Lesbian Review, ed. Richard Schneider, Jr. (Temple UP 1997), 191-197. "A Hypermedia Archive of Dickinson's Creative Work, Part II: Musings on the Screen and the Book," The Emily Dickinson Journal 5.2 (Fall 1996): 18-25. "Poetry: Lesbian" (573-577),"American Literature: Lesbian, 1900-1969" (40-43), "Adrienne Rich" (602-604), "Judy Grahn," coauthored with Stacy Steinberg (345-346), Gay and Lesbian Literary Heritage, ed. Claude Summers (Henry Holt, 1995). "The Importance of a Hypermedia Archive of Dickinson's Creative Work," The Emily Dickinson Journal 4.1 (Spring 1995): 75-85. "Everywoman Her Own Theology: Alicia Ostriker, the Difference of Dickinson, and Influence," Emily Dickinson International Society Bulletin 6.2 (November/December 1994): 6-7, 17-18. "Editing Emily Dickinson: A Report to the Society," coauthored with Ellen Louise Hart, Emily Dickinson International Society Bulletin 6.1 (May/June 1994): 8-9, 13. "Toi Derricotte," American Women Writers, ed. Carol Hurd Green and Mary Mason (Crossroad/Continuum, 1993), 5: 103-106. "Gender Issues in Textual Editing of Emily Dickinson," Women's Studies Quarterly 19.3 & 4 (Fall/Winter 1991): 78-111. "Sexual Mobilities in Bruce Springsteen: Performance as Commentary," South Atlantic Quarterly 90 (Fall 1991): 833-854; rpt. in Present Tense: Rock & Roll and Culture (ed. Anthony DeCurtis, Duke UP, 1992), 197-218. "Not Each in Isolation," H.D. Newsletter 2 (Spring 1988): 48-51; rpt. in part as "Nice Crystalline Stuff: Dickinson's Influence on H.D.," HOW(ever) (Winter 1988): 14-15. "'To Fill a Gap': What of Dickinson's Has Been Erased, Cut Away, & Disguised?" special Emily Dickinson/H.D. centennial issue, San Jose Studies 13 (Fall 1987): 3-25. (Winner of the Bill Casey Award for Best Contribution in 1987.)
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