The developers may be contacted at this address:
We welcome questions, feedback, and bug reports.
The Virtual Lightbox is currently funded and supported by the Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH).
In the past (2000-2001), the Lightbox has been funded and supported by the Center for
Computational Sciences at the University of Kentucky and the Research
Experiences for Undergraduates program of the NCSA's Partnerships
for an Advanced Computational Infrastructure.
We are grateful for all support, past and present.
Principal developers:
- Matthew Kirschenbaum, Assistant Professor, Department of
English, University of Maryland: overall concept, usability testing,
documentation, and Web pages for both application and applet version
- Amit Kumar, MITH: lead programmer and technical designer for both application and applet version
Additional support from MITH:
- Susan Schreibman, project management
- eriC white, splash image on cover page, icons
These people have been involved with the Lightbox in the past:
- Jerzy W. Jaromczyk, Associate Professor, Computer Science Department, University of Kentucky: technical consultation for application version
- Adam Turner, Computer Science Department, University of Kentucky: chat facility in application version
- Laura Reynolds, Computer Science Department, University of Kentucky: project assistant for application version