Browse Items (43 total)

  • Exclude is exactly "Exclude people who like United Muslims of America"
The war is most horrible thing! We offer a shelter!
If you are a refugee, you'll find support here!
The safety, freedom, and dignity of all people must be safeguarded. Terrorism
and anti-Mus Safe Space for Muslim Neighborhood
A page to unit all Muslim people living in the USA!
A page to unit all Muslim people living in the USA!

If you don't want refugees, stop creating them! Hands off Syria!
Please, come out to support us on June 3rd in front of Trump Tower in New
York. We must stop this madness! Some believed Trump would withdraw the
US. from useless and bloody military…
If you also think that there should only be peace, come with us on June, 3 and
let's make it happen.

Stop war! Stop killing the innocent! Some believed Trump would withdraw the
US. from useless and bloody military campaigns. But what we see is only…