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Excerpts from Reviews of The War Within "Virginia Woolf's diaries, love letters, novels, recollections of her niece and nephew, interviews, ... and newly shot footage at sites where she lived or stayed seamlessly meld in this vibrant, remarkable doc, The War Within: A Portrait of Virginia Woolf ." "Wave rises, wave crashes," she wrote. "God, I wish I were dead." In the documentary The War Within: A Portrait of Virginia Woolf . . . Woolf's life is explored through wonderfully evocative archival material and sharp observations from her journals and writings. Most affecting are the achingly vivid reflections of the Bloomsbury writer, from early womanhood to the day in 1941 when she filled her pockets with stones and walked into the river." The War Within: A Portrait of Virginia Woolf (52 minutes) filmed in locations where Woolf lived and worked in England, evokes her Victorian childhood, the Bloomsbury mystique, her marriage to Leonard Woolf and her love affair with Vita Sackville-West." "An extraordinarily moving portrait of one of the giants of 20th-century literature, seen against the background of her age, boasting a cast of characters that includes Lytton Strachey, John Maynard Keynes, Leonard Woolf, and Vita Sackville-West voiced by her granddaughter Juliet Nicolson." "Fans of the Bloomsbury Group should demand that their local video stores order The War Within: A Portrait of Virginia Woolf . Filmmaker John Fuegi's nonfiction exploration of the British author's life and work is marvelous." "Le documentaire ... ne néglige aucun aspect de cette existence passionante et passionnée. Beaucoup de livres, quelques combats aussi, des amours - le plus fou et le plus profond pour une femme, Vita Sackville West, qui inspira le personnage d'Orlando - et de belles espérances, mais une mélancolie tenace... Une mélancolie qui se change en crises dépressives et mènera Virginia Woolf au suicide, en mars 1941: quelques pierres dans les poches d'un pardessus et une rivière glacée pour une mort en silence." ("The documentary ... neglects no aspect of her fascinating and passionate existence. Many books, many battles too, and love -- most madly and most deeply with a woman, Vita Sackville-West, who inspired the character Orlando -- and great promise, but a tenacious melancholy ....A melancholy that changed into a crisis of depression and led Virginia Woolf to suicide in March, 1941: some stones in the pockets of her overcoat and an icy river for a silent death. " 'Jeg er færdig med ord', lod hendes egen tragiske gravskrift. TV 2 skal have ros for dette smukke og intense portræt af en kvinde, der turde leve livet fuldt ud, og som turde sige farvel, da det samme livet blev for urimeligt. Det var flot arbejde af John Fuegi og Jo Francis samt på billedsiden den følsomme fotograf Morten Bruus." (" 'I am done with phrases' became her own tragic epitaph. TV2 should be praised for this beautiful and intense portrait of a woman who dared to live life fully and who dared to say goodbye when that same life became too senseless. It was lovely work by John Fuegi and Jo Francis together with visuals by the sensitive photographer Morten Bruus." |