Catalan’s accusations are preposterous! I would never tell a lie, especially about such an innocent event. Some people even compare me to the great Honest Abe. This cousin’s getaway was a relaxing, peaceful, and non-violent trip. We were not chasing each other off a dock but jumping off the boat as bonding moments. Who says that adults cannot act like children? I admit we were not acting completely responsible, but when cousins get together this happens. Caitlin also assumed that we were jumping off of a small boat into a small lake when this is simply untrue. Deep Creek Lake is actually quite large and reaches great depth towards the middle. One of my older cousins, who actually makes money, rented a tall boat which did have railings. This did not prevent us from jumping because we just climbed over them! September of 2010 was actually a warm month. During the day and high noon the sun kept us warm. I believe I even got a bit of a tan that weekend. This is no longer the 90′s; I’m sure global warming has started to take and effect on the world’s climate. Hence, heat in September.