Program #23 The new politics: Back to the grass roots Senator Lowenstein

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From Northeastern University the National Information Network presents
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urban confrontation.
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I keep finding people who've supported the war who said Win or get out.
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And I keep saying to them what we didn't agree about when to get out I never thought we should have won or tried to win or anything.
[00:50 - 00:55]
But that's history now let's talk about the present. We can't win the war by withdrawing half
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our troops we couldn't win it with a half a million troops we could win it. Bombing the north thirty seven months. So you know
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we're not going to win the war by this halfway withdrawal. Therefore shouldn't you join us now and say since we're
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not going to win the war let's get out what excuse is there anymore to send people to their
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death endlessly for something which makes no sense what do you get for the price you pay. We paid a
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hundred thirty billion dollars three hundred thirty thousand casualties. We're going to go on and on and on like
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that if we don't say enough. We've done all we can for the South Vietnamese after seven years. If
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they can't fight their own war we ought not to impose the war on that country. We ought to take
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ourselves out and let that government then negotiate a peace or fall whatever it is people
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want to do with it.
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This week on urban confrontation Allard Lowenstein congressman from New York
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and former campaign aide to Senator Eugene McCarthy in 1968. This
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week's program. Politics.
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Back to the grassroots. Here is your host Joseph Darby.
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The 1960s will no doubt be described by historians as the decade of the politics of
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youth. The movement for human rights and against our adventure in Vietnam channeled
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millions of young people into politics. Our guest today was a prime catalyst in the
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organization of both of these struggles. Howard K. Lowenstein of New York start
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of the 1950s as a president of the National Student Association. Ten years later he was
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organizing white northern civil rights workers in the south. Later he became a major
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coordinator of Senator Eugene McCarthy's race for the presidency and was as
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responsible as anyone can be for unseating Lyndon Baines Johnson.
[02:37 - 02:43]
Congress on the lawn stand as a former liberal student political leader turned liberal Congressman why do you
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think liberals who seek progressive change within our political system have lost so much influence
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among our young people.
[02:49 - 02:54]
Well because we haven't produced results. The basic ills of the society remain one hundred
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forty one. Kids were killed in the war from this country again last week plus force all of the
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enemies. There are still seven or eight million children who are hungry. We don't seem to be
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able to get the country moving and young people who are impatient with these
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sad failures in American democracy are looking for results they're not looking for idiology.
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Now what they don't understand yet many of them is that although it's perfectly fair to say
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that liberalism hasn't produced the results it should have in the last few years the alternatives are worse that
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radicalism tearing things down not having any idea what to replace it with or repression
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on the right. Neither of those things have any hope of bringing change. My view of it is that we would have in
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fact reversed course the country if we hadn't had the assassinations in spring of
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1968 that we would now be very close to finished with the process
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of turning around and ending the war and healing some of these terrible wounds that we've neglected. So I don't
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think that it was inevitable that liberalism as such would have failed if that's what the anti-war effort in the
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effort for social justice at home or to be called. What's happened has been the result not of inevitability
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but of the specifically in particular the assassination of Robert Kennedy which
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knocked out the effort that was on its way to success to elect a president and which gave
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people this terrible trauma this terrible sense that nothing really could work which still hangs over so many
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[04:12 - 04:17]
You know I'd like to challenge the assumption of the very question that I initially addressed to you. I wonder
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exactly how many young people are really all that disillusion you of
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course have worked with a particularly disillusioned group of young people people associated with McCarthy
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campaigns but I wonder how typical they really are that was an elitist a movement of
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prosperous families well-educated children of suburbs such as Darien Connecticut
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and bel air or in the Los Angeles area a typical suburbs you know well now I'll
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challenge your premise that was not I think an elitist movement at all.
[04:44 - 04:49]
It was pretty close to generational that whole movement it was very difficult to find any place
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Kansas or any other place in the country where in fact the movement wasn't based on general
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support among younger people. In fact it was based on pretty general support among the general public if you think
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about where we won campaigns. It wasn't Greenwich Village Scarsdale or Berkeley it
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was New Hampshire and Wisconsin and Indiana Nebraska and so on so it seems to be very
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clear that what happened in 1968 was a result of a very broad effort on the part of
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very large numbers of people. And in that sense the disillusionment is very broad I
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would agree with you that the people ready to burn banks and ready to do extreme things that are the
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most dangerous are still a very small minority. But the incubation of that kind of
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violence on the part of everybody else is very general now sort of isolating the fringe violence
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which find among so many young people now is a sense that well why should I worry about seizing a building
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or pushing somebody around 150 more kids will be dead in Viet Nam when the general
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sense of violence and injustice is so pervasive in the country. So there's a very broad
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disillusionment among young people now although you're right that it has not all turned into radical action yet
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it's turned a lot of people off America sort of on the drugs or on to doing nothing that kind of
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apathy is part also the results of the failure to change the direction the country.
[06:01 - 06:06]
One of the social all of those taken place. Is the even larger number of people who are reacting
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and moving toward the right wing on the political spectrum.
[06:10 - 06:15]
Every time you have a confrontation that frightens people into thinking that the choice
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is Abbie Hoffman or Julius Hoffman and you have a situation where people in this
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country tend to turn to the right there's no question that distorter and chaos
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results in a stronger support for oppression. No question about that but the fact is the country hasn't turned to the
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right on any of the specific issues you can think about countries turned if it's turned anywhere toward
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our program. Everyone is now committed to withdrawal from Vietnam. That was the big fight two years
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ago. And that's really not a turn to the right. The president isn't carrying out the policy he talks about
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he's not withdrawing from Vietnam. But nonetheless he has to use the rhetoric of withdrawal to keep support.
[06:49 - 06:54]
Certainly on domestic questions we're now committed to providing a floor under which people don't have to
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live and they can't earn money. That's not a turn to the right. Although again the words that
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we use aren't fitted by the deeds that we carry so there is a gap in rhetoric between what the
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president says and what he does. If we don't succeed in ending the injustices that
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frustrate so many people young people or other people we are going to have increasing
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difficulty maintaining a faith that democratic process can work and if that happens and
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disturbances become more widespread all the problems that flow from that kind of
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tactic then we could very well have a turn to the right that would be a great tragedy because it won't end the
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the problem make it worse for the country rejected the idea of moving to the right it wanted to have
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change it didn't want to move it illogically left or right it want to change it wanted to get away from
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war it wanted to get away from tax programs that are unfair and from endless sense of
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revulsion developed over the way we're not coping with our pollution problems and our problems of transportation
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and urban decay all these things it's almost a national litany now we can recite them all together but
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those are all the liberal things that if the word means anything those are things that we were talking about and fighting about
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for a long time. Our problem was that because of no fault of anybody's except a
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certain certain you ended up without a standard bearer to lead the people who
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wanted to change the country around to lead them into the position where they could do it.
[08:10 - 08:16]
I wonder if there were not some more profound forces at work which accomplished the defeat of the
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Democratic Party in 1968 in addition to the assassination of
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Robert Kennedy by Sirhan Sirhan the very coalition upon which the Democratic Party has been
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based for so many years a coalition of liberals and intellectuals and blue collar workers and city people and
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southerners that coalition seems to be breaking apart. What do you think will enable the Democratic Party to
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collect another coalition and return to a majority position.
[08:38 - 08:43]
The basic fact seems to me is that the country wants change it's fed up with what's been going
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on. My own view is that Richard Nixon is now just exactly as vulnerable as Lyndon
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Johnson was his alleged popularity is 3000 miles wide in about an inch deep.
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People trust new presidents they expect them to do better than old ones when the old ones were Lyndon
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Johnson so there was a great period of hope and trust in Richard Nixon. That's wearing
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out. He hasn't done anything that's helpful to people who are troubled by inflation or tax
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burdens or war or any of the other things. Now the question is you see which way do they go when
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Nixon doesn't succeed producing change if the Democratic Party nominates a
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candidate who is able as a candidate to appeal to the sense of frustration in the country given a
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sense that he cares and understands the problems of the country and wants to change things. The
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Democratic party will gain power again if they don't if they run a candidate who does not come across
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to the ordinary person is concerned and interested and able to cope with these problems. Nobody a
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logical tie is going to drive people one where the other they'll then turn to somebody else. And I
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think that's the key to understanding the political situation United States now has very little idiology has very little
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commitment to one party or to one point of view. I don't think of myself as a liberal is one reason why it's
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difficult to talk in these sort of set phrases. The thing I think I'm an
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independent like I think most Americans are. I think it's quite clear that my views on the war and on social
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problems at home are pretty much the views of the mainstream in this country. I could have gotten elected if they
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weren't we would have been able to win all those primaries if they weren't. So the notion that I represent in some
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way one ideological point of view seems to me to be oversimplified. People
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just don't want to go on with the way that things have been. That's the common denominator now. Blue
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collar white collar black white whatever. But there is the terrible problem that people are so
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confused and lost is so self-doubting now about the capacity to influence events
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that some parts of the country given up on electoral politics entirely and that in turn
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produces events which polarize other people against them in other words if the middle class and the poor and the young and the
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black all the people who share frustration over the way things are. If they could see that
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together they represent the majority view in the country and they could then turn things around
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and the terrible distortion of the way we spend our money.
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Ninety one billion on defense for 3000 overseas bases all the rest of it that makes no sense for
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security and that makes it impossible to cut taxes and impossible to deal with inflation. If
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people could see these problems as united in the way that they're leading us to disaster I think we
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would have an overwhelming support for our program and our kind of Canada.
[11:10 - 11:15]
Well how much time are black and white radicals spending on making alliances and
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coalitions with white middle class people who are frustrated for different and similar reasons how
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many Saul Alinsky saw there are in this country moving out and organizing the middle class
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moving up within the corporate structure to create change.
[11:28 - 11:33]
Well no I don't think that change basically is going to come because black and white radicals organize the middle
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class. What I'm saying something quite different what I'm saying is we need in this country some
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radical changes but I don't believe they come by radical action. They come by
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political action under the First Amendment the protections of the Constitution. They come because
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most people in this country are not sick and racist and imperialist and eager to see
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people pitted against each other. They come because there's a common interest in making
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this country makes sense to its own people and to the world and that's what we have been doing out of the Johnson and Nixon
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administrations. So it isn't a question of how many people are organizing the radical base in the middle
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class. It's a very different question. You see the middle class as long as it thinks that it's the poor in the black
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who are sort of stealing their inheritance as long as they think that it's the problem that they face
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that the reason they can't stay in homes that they want to own and so forth is that there is a distortion against them
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in favor of poor people. As long as that happens there's a difficulty in avoiding polarization between these
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groups. It's a kind of stupid class warfare that this administration is encouraging trying to make
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middle class people feel are enemies of the poor in the black and the young. That's just not the case.
[12:36 - 12:41]
Statistically I'm not talking about philosophically statistically you could end all of these things that the
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middle class is worried about only by ending the war in the military bloat in the things which
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the poor and the black wanted. It seems to me that's the case it has to be made very clearly the United States
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now we have to bring people together not turn them against each other and bring them together so that
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instead of having hatred and fear the come the nominator there is a common purpose shared
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which seeks to make justice possible for all Americans.
[13:03 - 13:08]
Well how do you propose to do this bringing together if electoral process is going to work doesn't this bringing
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together have to eventually devolve to a precinct by precinct form of organization
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within the system.
[13:14 - 13:19]
Yes I think that you're back now to the first point that you raised the most troublesome
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point which is that events in the last few years have
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cast sufficiently grave a doubt over the process about whether we
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can in fact affect change.
[13:31 - 13:35]
And there are enough people who are determined to have change. Who are not prepared to wait eternally
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for food for their children and for an end of the war before they have to decide whether they're going to go off
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and get shot in the war. They're not people who feel this desperate urgency to change
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that if we don't succeed in moving the country rather faster than we have then the
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failure to move the country through these electoral processes will produce the kind
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of polarizing hatreds that will make it very difficult to bring the country
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together. So when you say how would you bring the country together. I think the answer can be given in
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several different styles you can talk about how meaning a program and the program must
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begin with withdrawal of the American troops from Vietnam in the end of the draft. It must
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begin with doing something about housing for poor people who had less units of housing bill per
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year than Bob Taft wanted 25 years ago as a minimum then. It's got to go
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into the whole problem of reforming the tax structure so oil companies don't pay less than one tenth of one percent of
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their income in taxes. Well middle income people who work very hard pay 35 percent. These are
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the ways you bring people together you make sense out of the country instead of continuing to do things which tears
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apart and deny us the chance to work together.
[14:41 - 14:46]
We should pause at this point in the program to let our audience around the country know that we're talking with
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Congressman Allard Lowenstein of New York. We're talking in his offices here in the House Office Building on
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Capitol Hill in Washington. Congressman you've touched a number of times on the
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Vietnamese War. This is one profound fact of American political life in the past
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six or eight to 10 years of the question that I have for you is is either the
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Nixon administration or the Johnson administration really responding to the
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pressure being applied. Have any of the moves the alterations in
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policy really been a one to one reflex action in response to the groundswell of opinion
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against the war.
[15:22 - 15:26]
Well they both have responded obviously of the Johnson administration responded very clearly to the public
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pressures in the first place by Johnson removing himself as a candidate in the face of the overwhelming
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defeat he was going to face in Wisconsin. And of course then in the stopping of the bombing all of this
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was a response to public pressure left to themselves they would certainly never have done those things neither
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Johnson nor the Joint Chiefs So it's clear there was success in that sense from the
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public pressures the next administration equally clearly talks about what it calls its
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orderly withdrawal in response to the tremendous public pressure to get out of Viet Nam. Now the
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problem has been that the responses have been not adequate
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to the public desires and that the next administration succeeded in buying itself a certain degree of public
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support because of the use of our rhetoric of saying it was making what it called an orderly withdrawal.
[16:10 - 16:15]
As you may remember the president said on November 3rd and made it very clear that he said the choice was between
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his orderly withdrawal and our precipitate withdrawal. That's not the choice ours is the
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only withdrawal we want to withdraw as fast as is consistent with the safety of the American troops.
[16:24 - 16:30]
And with relocating what Vietnamese feel they want to leave if there's a new government. What his program is is
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an endless staying in it's a disorderly staying in not an orderly withdrawal. It's an
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escalation laterally across the rest of Southeast Asia in a way which is very dangerous and it's
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basing its its whole program on the theory that the American people could be
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fooled into thinking withdrawing by taking out certain numbers of troops spaced in
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such a way that theoretically they are going to be coming home while at the same time
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theoretically the South Vietnamese can go on to try to win the war. That policy is not a policy it's a
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deception. South Vietnamese government you and Key cannot win the war and they cannot if they're
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not going to win the war protect us so that we can maintain the bases there. That Secretary Laird
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has said we want 50000 troops to be left in South Vietnam as a residual force
[17:12 - 17:18]
if we want a residual force in South Vietnam we're not going to be able to have that unless we win the war and
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we're not going to win the war by withdrawing troops. So the program is a deception it's an impossibility I
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keep finding people who have supported the war who have said Win or get out.
[17:27 - 17:33]
And I keep saying to them what we didn't agree about when are get out I never thought we should have won or tried to win or anything.
[17:33 - 17:38]
But that's history now let's talk about the present. We can't win the war by withdrawing half our
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troops we couldn't win it with a half a million troops we couldn't win it. Bombing the north thirty seven months so you know we're
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not going to win the war by this halfway withdrawal. Therefore shouldn't you join us now and say since we're not
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going to win the war let's get out what excuse is there anymore to send people to their death
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endlessly for something which makes no sense what do you get for the price you pay. We paid a hundred thirty
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billion dollars. Three hundred and thirty thousand casualties we're going to go on and on and on like that if we don't
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say enough. We've done all we can for the South Vietnamese after seven years. If they can't fight
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their own war we ought not to impose the war on that country. We ought to take ourselves out
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and let that government then negotiate a peace or fall whatever it is people want to do with it.
[18:17 - 18:22]
But in the context of the checks and balances of our American three party institutions the
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judicial system the Congressional system the presidential system aren't you relatively powerless
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to make these points with regard to the president's conduct of the war that this is an era of strong presidents.
[18:32 - 18:35]
I wonder whether the Congress really has it to make these points.
[18:35 - 18:39]
So it's very very hard you're right we have very little visibility. Our great national figures were struck
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down. That's why we're in this terrible position now. We can talk all the time as we try to
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do go here go there. But of course it's quite accurate that as long as the president can take
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television on every network for half an hour on the vice president and they say what they want in the rebuttals aren't
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there how do people get access to what the facts are. It's a terrible terrible problem of the
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media being dominated by support for the present program and I think
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that's the only reason we haven't made clear to the country so far that what's happening is not what they thinks happening but
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we have to keep trying the radical response to this. Certainly not all radicals but many of
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them is to throw up their hands and say You see nothing you do works. Well that's just not
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so. We were able without access to the media we were able to reverse the
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presidency in 1968. We're going to do it again unless we quit. What's up for
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grabs now is whether all the people who care about this are sort of philosophized into
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Mobile ism if they're logged into feeling that nothing can work then we won't succeed then the country will
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go on in this terrible business and the polarization will get worse. Frustrations will build to be more
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violence more counter violence. That's the prognosis the scenario that I think holds.
[19:46 - 19:51]
The unraveling of this country if it comes that's why you say I speak with passion how can you
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speak with less than passion about people being killed pointlessly all the time how can you speak with
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less than passion about people being deceived into thinking things are happening that aren't watching the price you
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pay for that. The erosion of democracy and the erosion of faith in self government. The Congress
[20:06 - 20:11]
is very largely impotent because we function under rules that make it impotent. How can you function under a
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system of chairmanships of committees based on the theory that whoever sits there the longest should run the committees.
[20:16 - 20:21]
Nobody else gets a chance to be heard unless with the approval of these people. That's not the way democracy
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functions we have to end the seniority system. People become committee chairman in Congress on the
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average eight years after they have to retire from every other public office that they might hold. And that's
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[20:31 - 20:36]
Don't you ever get the impression that radicals who want to burn the bank blow up the bridge in
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protest are in their own way copping out from the tough and dirty.
[20:41 - 20:46]
Day to day political work of organizing precincts of doing the
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less abstract and less rhetorical work of social change
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in a free society.
[20:52 - 20:57]
Well they have a right to decide they don't agree with the tactics that other people want to use I don't want to
[20:57 - 21:02]
judge their decision. Well why do you back off from a value judgement if one is very necessary
[21:02 - 21:07]
here. No because to say that it's counterproductive to burn a bank or to say that it's counterproductive
[21:07 - 21:12]
to disrupt and to blow up buildings implies that we have the same goals. And that's
[21:12 - 21:17]
not true. It's counterproductive of my goals when they burn a bank but from their point of view what they're
[21:17 - 21:22]
trying to do in fact is to discredit people like me what they want to do as many of them as does is
[21:22 - 21:27]
to prove that the war is just an irrelevant symbol that what they want to do is to force
[21:27 - 21:31]
the country to its knees in a way which would make a whole new society emerge and you don't know what that would
[21:31 - 21:36]
be. So I can't really say that they're copping out of that they're counterproductive what they're doing is
[21:36 - 21:41]
perfectly faithful to their view of what should be done. What I have to see is good sound
[21:41 - 21:46]
people who want to see the country turned around misled into thinking that that's the way to do it because
[21:46 - 21:51]
that's the danger of. You see the thing that's at stake what is the way to do it what is your way what is
[21:51 - 21:56]
your approach the only way you can do it is to strengthen not to undercut the Constitution to implement
[21:56 - 22:01]
it where it's been violated to keep the First Amendment as the standard of what's tolerable behavior and what's
[22:01 - 22:05]
not. And then in that process to educate the country as we did in 1968 the
[22:05 - 22:10]
hard day to day work of going to people not spitting at them and not blowing up their buildings but
[22:10 - 22:15]
speak to people and make them see that the time has come when they've got again to get into this
[22:15 - 22:20]
fray this difficult fray of turning the country around by voting out the people who support the
[22:20 - 22:25]
war who support social justice at home who have never been willing to end the barnacles on
[22:25 - 22:30]
democracy to grown up like seniority and like the failure to deal with and the need to reform
[22:30 - 22:35]
the way in which we collect and spend our money. That's all you can do. You can demonstrate additional
[22:35 - 22:40]
to that. But if you demonstrate in lieu of winning these elections people say well 100000 people
[22:40 - 22:45]
demonstrated 90 million stayed home. What you gotta do then is to make clear that we represent
[22:45 - 22:50]
the main thinking of the American people as clearly we have in the past as clearly we could in my
[22:50 - 22:54]
judgment again. I don't think that there's any question that the greatest danger we
[22:54 - 22:59]
face in this country is the quitting of those people who if they would work could in
[22:59 - 23:04]
fact win elections and turn the country around. Some people say well you're not going to do it fast
[23:04 - 23:09]
enough for me and I can sympathize that how can you fail to be impatient when you know that even as we're
[23:09 - 23:13]
talking there are these terrible needless deaths going on in this terrible erosion of the
[23:13 - 23:18]
people's hopes. You have to be impatient to be impatient doesn't mean to be irrational.
[23:18 - 23:23]
What it means is to see what the situation is and then to tries best you can to move as
[23:23 - 23:28]
fast as you can to end the things that are wrong and you do that in this country not by plotting
[23:28 - 23:33]
random violence and other tactics that force people to confront each other in the worst
[23:33 - 23:38]
way possible. You do it through the path that Martin King and Robert Kennedy stood for in that they were on the
[23:38 - 23:43]
way to leading this country to doing before they were killed. Now with their death we have to be honest to
[23:43 - 23:48]
say that it's no longer certain that we can do it. Quite clearly anyone asserts that certain we
[23:48 - 23:53]
can make the country come together and solve these problems is not telling the truth. But neither
[23:53 - 23:58]
is anyone telling the truth. Is it certain that we can't do it because it's only two years ago that we were that close to
[23:58 - 24:02]
doing it. Or you can say truthfully now is that while it's not clear if we can or can't
[24:02 - 24:07]
it's much more essential that we make the effort to do it because we see now what the alternatives are and they're
[24:07 - 24:10]
just unpalatable alternatives.
[24:10 - 24:14]
One last question here the very end of this program a very logical one.
[24:14 - 24:19]
Where will it all an earlier guest Julian Bond seem to paint a rather foreboding
[24:19 - 24:24]
picture of young people blacks poor people people discontent
[24:24 - 24:28]
impatient who could not wait and took the revolutionary path.
[24:28 - 24:33]
Civil war resolved. Possible and put down by massive reaction from the
[24:33 - 24:38]
right concentration camps rather gory picture of possibilities
[24:38 - 24:41]
and America's Future. Is that the way it will end.
[24:41 - 24:45]
God forbid you put in that way.
[24:45 - 24:49]
We're on must we not think about the unthinkable in order no way are you likable.
[24:49 - 24:54]
Absolutely you have to face it that's the path we're on now. If we don't begin to right the
[24:54 - 24:59]
wrongs and end the wars and heal the wounds we're going to end up in that situation and that's the tragedy of the
[24:59 - 25:04]
polarization that the far right the far left both seek all the time how many people listening to
[25:04 - 25:09]
this program at this very moment really heard it when you just said that's the path
[25:09 - 25:10]
we're on now.
[25:10 - 25:15]
Do you think Americans will be tuned into the problems that the country faces soon
[25:15 - 25:16]
[25:16 - 25:21]
I pray God they will because this country has the opportunity to be the most blessed place in the history of the
[25:21 - 25:26]
human race God's given us more opportunities to live. Well all of us to live well
[25:26 - 25:31]
to be good to be were justice and and peace and freedom the things we
[25:31 - 25:35]
talk about are realized for all people. But it's also clear that if we don't
[25:35 - 25:41]
make this opportunity come true we're going to end up unraveling and if we unravel it will be
[25:41 - 25:45]
not because it was inevitable but because the people who cared and
[25:45 - 25:50]
saw it didn't take the trouble to to act. I think there's a line of Yates Center
[25:50 - 25:55]
Cannot Hold here Anneke is loosed upon the world. The best lack all conviction
[25:55 - 26:00]
in the worst are filled with passionate intensity. We're getting close to the point in this country with that
[26:00 - 26:05]
awful vision of Yeats can come true. I don't think it will I don't think we need to
[26:05 - 26:10]
talk quite so somberly as you say that others have on this program. But if we're not aware that that's
[26:10 - 26:14]
will end up if the people who want to see basic social change with
[26:14 - 26:19]
reconciliation if they don't get into it and work then of course the stage will be copped by
[26:19 - 26:24]
those who who turn people against each other and who want hate as the only hope they have to
[26:24 - 26:29]
gain power. And we've got to be aware that that the danger is very much
[26:29 - 26:34]
closer now than even two years ago before the end of this next two or three years. Will either
[26:34 - 26:39]
of turn the country away from this path. Or I'm afraid it may be very difficult turn it away from this
[26:39 - 26:39]
[26:39 - 26:45]
You know it isn't hard to argue with a man like you Congressman. Loewenstein
[26:45 - 26:50]
at least to the degree that it is certain that if a country like ours is
[26:50 - 26:55]
to survive as a united people a dynamic and progressive changes in our policies and priorities will be in
[26:55 - 26:59]
order to meet these modern challenges and to make those changes I think we're going to
[26:59 - 27:04]
need men ready to take the chances and run the risk of offending the powerful people in the country and
[27:04 - 27:09]
I think our audience would agree we spent the last 30 minutes talking with one such man.
[27:09 - 27:14]
Congressman Allard Lowenstein of New York and only time will tell whether the strong words that you've
[27:14 - 27:19]
used on this program can be translated into the realistic workable programs for
[27:19 - 27:21]
change that are necessary to save this country.
[27:21 - 27:38]
Northeastern University has Brock Allard Lowenstein. Risen from New York. And
[27:38 - 27:43]
former campaign aide. To Senator Gene McCarthy in 1968.
[27:43 - 27:48]
Today's program. The new politics. Back to the grass roots.
[27:48 - 27:53]
The views and opinions expressed on the preceding program. Are not necessarily those of
[27:53 - 27:57]
Northeastern University or this station. Questions I asked were the moderators
[27:57 - 28:02]
method of presenting many sides of today's topic. Your program host has
[28:02 - 28:07]
been jealous of our baiter Director Department of radio productions. This week's
[28:07 - 28:12]
program was produced by Jeffrey Feldman. Directed by David Brown. With
[28:12 - 28:16]
technical supervision by John Fox. Executive producer for urban
[28:16 - 28:21]
confrontation is Jeffrey feld. Urban confrontation is produced for the
[28:21 - 28:26]
division of instructional communications at the nation's largest private university.
[28:26 - 28:31]
Northeastern University. Requests for a tape recorded copy of any program in this
[28:31 - 28:35]
series may be addressed to. Urban confrontation. Northeastern
[28:35 - 28:40]
University Boston Massachusetts 0 2 1 1 tie. Your announcer.
[28:40 - 28:52]
Dave Hammond.
[28:52 - 28:55]
This is the national educational radio network.