The fertile Twenties, part 2

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Listen to the land a profile of a nation in terms of its living language.
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This week.
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The fertile twenties part two of Amy Lowell Dorothy Parker Sinclair Lewis
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Ring Lardner and F. Scott Fitzgerald. By sharing aloud the writings
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of our country past and present we can come to a fuller appreciation of those things which are
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meaningful to us as Americans and perhaps of the nature of our role in a contemporary
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world. Listen to the land is produced by station w h y y
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Philadelphia under a grant from the National Educational Television and Radio Center
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in cooperation with the National Association of educational broadcasters.
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Now here is your host and narrator Richard S. Burdick with four lines written by
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Dorothy Parker and entitled to stone for an actress.
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Her name clear cut upon this marble cross shines as it shone when she
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was still on earth while tenderly the mild agreeable Moss
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obscures the figures of her date of birth.
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Probably no other name so quickly suggests the cynicism the irreverence and the
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disillusionment of the 1920s America. As does that
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of Dorothy Parker whose biting satiric stinging verse and prose are
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on comfortably perceptive and few people question at
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the foremost satirists of the twenties and what American literature is most skilful and
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sensitive realists was Ring Lardner. And yet Ring
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Lardner was also a highly skilled humorist with an uncanny ear for language and speech
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idioms. He wrote particularly perceptively of baseball players and one of
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his most amusing stories is alibi. I bought a first rate ball player who
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just couldn't make a move of any kind without first making an excuse for it.
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It may remind you of someone. I'll do a few pages of the story with the hope that you'll
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read the full thing for yourself. You can find many delightful stories in larger
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collections. You know me al the big town how to write short
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stories and a fine collection of the Ring
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Lardner stories untitled round up. But for now here is alibi Ike.
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By Ring Lardner.
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His right name was Frank X. feral and I guess the X stood for excuse me
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because he never pulled a play good or bad on or off the field without apologizing
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for it.
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Alibi was the name Kerry wished on the first day he reported soth
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him and Kerry was together in left field. The first day Frank joined us catchin
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fun goes and it was after we was through for the day that Kerry told me about him.
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What do you think of alibi Ike asked Kerry. Who's that says I.
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There's Here now feral in the outfield says Kerry. He looks like he got it
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I says. Yeah says Gary but he can't get near as good as he can apologize
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and Kerry went on to tell me what I couldn't pull in out there. He'd drop the first
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flyball that was hit to him and told Kerry is glove wasn't broken good yet
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and Kerry says the gloves could easily have been good reasons grandfather. Then he
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made a whale of a catch out of the next one and Kerry says Nice work or something like that. But
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I suppose he could have caught the ball with his back turned only he slipped when he started after it and
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besides that the air currents fooled him I thought you'd done well to get to the
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balls as Kerry. Now I ought to mean something under it says Ike.
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What did you hit last year. Carrie asked him when I had
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malaria most of the season says Ike. I wound up with only 356
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where would I have to go to get malaria says Carrie. But I didn't wise up.
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I and Kerry and him said at the same table together for supper it took him half an hour longer not
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to eat because he had to excuse himself every time he lifted his fork. Doctor
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told me I needed starch he'd say and then toss a shovel full of potatoes into him
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or they ate much meat on one of these jobs he'd tell us and grab another one
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or it say it's nothing like onions for a cold. And he
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dipped into the perfumery. Better try to get applesauce as carry
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it'll help your malaria. It was malaria such as like you
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know already forgot why don't we hit 350 sexualized here. I and Kerry
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begin to lean in mine. Are you married I asked him. No he says I'm never
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on much of a girls. Well just to shows once in a while and
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parties and dances and roller skating never take him to
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prizefights aces Kerry we don't have no real good bod says I just push
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stuff and I never figured a boxing match was a place for the ladies.
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While after supper he pulled a cigar out and let it. I was just going to ask him what he done it
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for but he beat me to it. I kind of
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arrests a man to smoke after a good workout he says. Kind of subtle is a man's
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supper too. Looks like a pretty good cigar says Gary.
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Yeah says I or a friend of mine give it to me. The
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four of us sat around the lobby a while after we was through plan and when I
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got along toward bed time Kerry was proud of me and says I could
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like to go to bed only he can't think up an excuse.
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Kerry hadn't hardly finished whispering when I got up and pulled
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her voice. Well I ain't sleepy but I got some gravel I'm a shoes and
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it's killin my feet. Now we know he had never left the hotel zones we came in from
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the grounds and changed our clothes. So Kerry says I should think they'd take
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them gravel pits out of the billiard room but I quiz already on his way to the
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elevator weapon. HE'S GOT THE WORLD BEAT says
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Carrie to Jack and I. I've knew lots of guys that had an alibi for every mistake they
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made I heard pitchers say that the ball swept when somebody cracked one often. I've heard
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in feelers complain of a sore arm after he even went into the stand and I saw outfielders tooken sick with a
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disease ball and they misjudged the fly ball. But those babies get even go to bed without
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apologizing. But he excused himself to the razor when he gets ready to shave.
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And at that says Jack he's going to make us a good man. Yeah just
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carry on that's the rheumatism keep his batting average down to 400.
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Well sir I kept whaling away at the ball all through the trip to let everybody know did
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he want a job kept Adam in their regular last few exhibition games and told the
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newspaper boys a week before the season opened that he was going to start him in Cain's
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place. You're there kid says Kerry to Ike the night cap
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made announcement. They hate many boys that wins a Big League berth their third year
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out. Course I've been here a year ago says
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Ike. Only I was all bent over with lumber gone.
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Amy Lowell was a poet who
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was born in Massachusetts of a long line of publicists and poets
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and she was one of the most daring and picturesque figures in American literature.
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I mean Lowell was a pioneer and innovator. And it was because of her experiments in
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form and technique that she attracted attention I'm still best known if you would like to
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become acquainted with a striking poet. I suggest you read any
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Lowell's sword blades and poppy seeds.
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A vivid collection here in a poem called
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Meeting House Hill. She is writing in a conventional mood a mood
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of reflection and quiet dignity a point that I deliberately selected
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because of its contrast with the turbulence and the cynicism of the 20s in which it was written.
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I must be mad or very tired. When the curve of a blue baby
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on the railroad track is shrill and sweet to me like the sudden springing of a
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tune and the sight of a white church above them trees in a city
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square amazes my eyes as though it were the Parthenon.
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Clear reticent. Superb Lee final with the pillars of its
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portico refined to a cautious elegance.
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It dominates the weak trees and the shot of its spire is cool and
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candid rising into an resisting sky.
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Strange meeting house. Pausing a moment upon a squalid
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hilltop I watch the spire sweeping the sky. I am
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dizzy with the movement of the sky. I might be watching a mast with its
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royals sucked full straining before to reef breeze.
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I might be sighting a teacup or tucking into the blue bay just back from Canton
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with her hold full of green and blue porcelain and the Chinese coolie leaning over the rail gazing
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at the white spire with dull seas browned eyes.
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Creates a vivid picture doesn't it with words
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in your dictionary.
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You will find under the letter B the word babba tree anon meaning
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quote smug acceptance of the ethical and social standards of ordinary
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business and middle class respectability unquote.
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The reason the word is there is because in 1922 a novelist named Sinclair Lewis
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published a book about a man who was the epitome of the above description and the name of the book
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The man was Bobbitt just two years previously Louis's Main
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Street had been published a slashing satire of prevention as him as
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existing in a fictional town called Gopher Prairie. Babbitt's
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locale was Zenith where George Babbitt was a real estate man. Lewis had a
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fine murderous time with his pictures of the club luncheons and their hearty
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jocularity the mildly shady business practices. His
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writing rang with the passion of a man who meant what he was saying.
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Crackled with a vitality that was sadly lacking in his final novels.
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After the energy and the originality of the novelist seemed to have been
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dissipated. But Babbitt was Sinclair Lewis at the height of
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his career. Going to read to you the opening
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passages of the book Babbitt. This is from the first
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chapter of same. His name was
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George F. Babbitt.
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He was 46 years old now and April 19 20 and he
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made nothing in particular neither bought her shoes nor poetry but he was number one in the calling of selling
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houses for more than people could afford to pay. It
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was nothing of the giant in the aspect of the man who was beginning to awaken on the sleeping
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porch of a Dutch colonial house in that residential district of Zenith known
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as Floral Heights. Man George
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Babbitt was awakened rudely by the alarm clock at seven twenty.
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It was the best of nationally advertised and quantitatively produced alarm clocks with all modern
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attachments including Cathedral chime interment an alarm and a phosphorescent dial.
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Babbitt was proud of being awakened by such a rich device socially. It
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was almost as creditable as buying expensive cord tires.
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From the bedroom beside the sleeping porch his wife's detestably cheerful it's time to get up Georgie
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boy and the itchy sound a brisk and scratchy sound of combing hairs out of a
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stiff brush.
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He grunted and dragged his thick legs and faded baby blue
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pajamas from under the khaki blanket. He sat on the edge of the cot running his
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fingers through his wild hair. Well those plump feet mechanically fell for
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his slippers. He looked regretfully at the blanket
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for a suggestion to him of freedom and heroism. He had bought it for a camping
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trip which had never come off. It symbolized gorgeous loafing
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gorgeous cursing Verrall flannel shirts.
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Crick to his feet groaning at the waves of pain which passed behind his
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eyeballs. You went down the hard clean unused looking
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hall into the bathroom where the house was not large a hide
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like all houses on Floral Heights and altogether royal bathroom of
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porcelain glazed tile and metal sleek as silver. The
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Taler rock was a rod of clear glass satin nickel. The tub was long enough for
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a Prussian Guard and above the sut ball was a sensational exhibit of tooth brush
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holder shaving brush holder soap dish sponge dish in medicine cabinet so
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glittering so ingenious that they resembled an electrical instrument board.
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But the Babbitt whose god was modern appliances was not pleased. The air
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of the bathroom was thick with the smell of a heathen toothpaste Virgona been at
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it again that of thinking no little of da like I Pete at
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last as he's gone and gotten some confound and think I'm stopped and made just sick.
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The bathmat was wrinkled and the floor was wet.
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His daughter Verona eccentrically took baths in the Morning now and then
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he slipped on the mat and slid against the top.
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Seriously he snatched up his tube of shaving cream furiously he lathered with a belligerent slapping of the
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unctuous brush furiously rictus prompt cheeks with a safety razor that
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pulled the blade was dull. You hunted through the medicine
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cabinet for a packet of new razor blades reflecting as invariably
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The cheaper to buy one of these no Dennis's and strap your own blades. And when I
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discovered the packet behind the round box of bicarbonate of soda he thought ill of his wife for
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putting it there and very well of them saw him for not saying Damn. But he did
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say it immediately afterward when with wet and soap slippery fingers
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he tried to remove the horrible little envelope and crisp Cleaning Oiled paper from the new
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blade. Then there was the problem oft pondered never solved of what to do with the
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old blade which might imperil the fingers of his young. As usual he
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tossed it on top of the medicine cabinet with a mental note that some day he must remove the
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fifty or sixty over blades that were also temporarily piled up there.
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He finished his shaving in a growing testiness increased by his spinning headache and by an emptiness
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in his stomach.
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When he was done his round face smooth and streaming in his eyes stinging
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from soapy water he reached for a tollar of family towels were wet
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wet and clammy and while all of them wet he found as he blindly snatched them
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his own face told his wife for her own as Ted's take is an alone bath towel with a
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huge welt of initial Then George F. Babbitt
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that a dismaying thing he wiped his face on the
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guest doll it was a pansy embroidered trifle which
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always hung there to indicate that the Babbitts were in the best Floral Heights society.
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No one had ever used it. No guest had ever dared to
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guests secretively took a corner of the nearest regular towel.
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He was raging. By golly here they go and use up all the towels every doggone one of
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them they use them and get them all wet and Sapna never put a dry one for me course not for me
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I'm a goat and I want one and I'm the only person in the doggone House has got the slightest
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doggone bit of consideration for other people and thoughtfulness and consider there may be others I may want to
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use a doggone Botham after me and consider. He was pitching that you all
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abominations into the bath tub. Pleased by the vindictiveness of that deaf desolate flapping sound
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and in the midst his wife serenely trotted and observed serenely.
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Why Georgie dear what are you doing. Are you going to wash out the towels. Well you needn't wash out the
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towel. Oh Georgie you didn't go and use the guest talo
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did you. It is not recorded that he was able to answer
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for the first time in weeks. George F. Babbitt was sufficiently roused by his wife to
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look at her.
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And so begins by bit by Sinclair laws.
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I say I've got an extra few seconds here also I just insert another
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nine hundred thirty nine I think it was I was and I play in a New
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England theater with us and Clare laws and he was invited to
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come over to our summer school at a college to address a writing class which he did
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reluctantly and there are about 100 students there and he asked me to go with him
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and his opening remarks were no one in this room except
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myself will ever be a writer because if you're going to be writers you'd be home writing instead of
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here listening to me talk about it. He is very or
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awesome I am an awful lot of fun of course. Brilliant. The
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first American to win the Nobel Prize when F. Scott Fitzgerald
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died in Hollywood in 1040 at the age of 44.
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The obituaries in the press said nothing much of them except remember that he was
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quote the historian of the Jazz Age which of course was true but
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absurdly far from being the whole truth. Fitzgerald does not
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belong just to the 20s he was a writer of candor intelligence and extreme
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sensitiveness to environment in the best of his works now seems certain
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to rank with the absolutely first rate American writing. The Great Gatsby perhaps his
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finest novel is a major work. And if you haven't read it or if it's been a long time since you have
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hired you to get it from your library or buy it and give yourself
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an unforgettable reading treat. I like to read you know a typical
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Fitzgerald story. Not one of his major stories but an honest top bit of
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writing typical of his style and attitude. It's entitled three hours between
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planes. In the story Donald plant bored and restless
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has landed at a small midwestern airport with a three hour stopover. He
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recalls that a childhood sweetheart now married lives in this town and although he has lost all
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contact with her through the years Donald manages to obtain her married name and calls her
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she immediately although somewhat vaguely invites him to her home for a brief visit
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before his next flight. Now he has alighted from the
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cab which is brought into the house at the end of a curved
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drive Donald saw a dark haired little beauty standing against the lighted door a
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glass in her hand.
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Startled by her final materialisation Donald got out of the cab saying Mrs
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Gifford she turned on the porchlight and stared at him wide eyed and
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tentative. A smile broke through the puzzled expression. Donald
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it is you who we all chain saw. Well this is remarkable.
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You always were a lovely person he said but I'm a little shocked to find you as beautiful as you are.
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It worked. The immediate recognition of their changed state the bold compliment made them
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interesting strangers instead of fumbling childhood friends have a highball she asked.
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No please don't think I've become a secret drinker. But this was a blue night.
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I expected my husband but he wired to be two days longer. He's very nice Donald.
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Very attractive. Rather your type and coloring.
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And I think he's interested in someone in New York and I don't
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Well after seeing you that sounds impossible Donald assured her. I was married for six
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years and there was a time I tortured myself that way. Then one day I just put
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jealousy out of my life forever. After my wife died I was very glad of
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that. That left a very rich memory nothing martyr spoiled or hard to think over.
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She looked at him attentively and then sympathetically as he spoke. I'm
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very sorry she said. And after a proper moment you've
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changed a lot. Turn your head or remember father saying that
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boy has a brain. You know you probably argued against it. Oh
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no I was impressed. Up to then I thought everybody had a brain. That's why it sticks in
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my mind. What else sticks in your mind he asked smiling.
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Suddenly Nancy got up and walked quickly a little away. Oh now she reproached him that
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isn't fair. I suppose I was a naughty girl.
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You were not. He said stoutly and I will have a drink now. As she poured it
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her face still turned from him he continued. Do you
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think you were the only little girl who was ever kissed. Do you like the subject she demanded.
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Then her momentary irritation melted and she said oh
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well we did have fun. Like in the song.
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Yes on a sleigh ride. Yes and somebodies picnic to
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James and at Frontenac that those
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[22:27 - 22:32]
It was the sleigh ride he remembered most and kissing her cool cheeks in the straw in one corner
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while she laughed up at the cold white stars. The couple next to them had their backs
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turned and he kissed her little neck in her ears and never her lips.
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Nancy he said whenever I talked to my wife about the past I told her you were the
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girl I loved almost as much as I loved her. But I think I
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really loved you just as much.
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When we moved out of town I carried you like a cannon ball in my insides
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were you that much stirred up.
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He suddenly realized that they were now standing just two feet from each other he was talking as if he loved her in the
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present but she was looking up at him with her lips have parted in a clouded look in her eyes.
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Go on she said. I'm ashamed to say I like it.
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I didn't know you were so upset than I thought it was me who was upset you. He
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exclaimed don't you remember throwing me over at the drug store. He laughed. You stuck out your
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tongue at me. I don't remember at all she said.
[23:36 - 23:40]
It seemed to me you did the throwing over her hand fell lightly almost
[23:40 - 23:45]
consolingly on his arm. You know I've got a photograph book upstairs I haven't looked at for years I'll
[23:45 - 23:50]
go up and dig it out. A few minutes later side by
[23:50 - 23:55]
side on the couch they open the book between them. Nancy looked at him smiling
[23:55 - 24:00]
and very happy. Oh this is such fun she said such fun that you're so nice that you
[24:00 - 24:02]
remember me so beautifully.
[24:02 - 24:06]
Let me tell you I wish I'd known it then. After you've gone
[24:06 - 24:13]
after you had gone and after what we had done I hated you.
[24:13 - 24:19]
What a pity. He said gently but not now. She said I regret nothing.
[24:19 - 24:20]
Let's kiss and make up.
[24:20 - 24:29]
That isn't being a good wife she said after a minute. I really don't think I've kissed two men since I
[24:29 - 24:34]
was married. Once more he said. But
[24:34 - 24:39]
Nancy had turned a page and was pointing eagerly at a picture and half an
[24:39 - 24:44]
hour Donald had developed an emotion that he had not known since the death of his wife
[24:44 - 24:48]
that he had never hoped to know again.
[24:48 - 24:52]
Then she was saying here's you right away. He looked he was a little boy in shorts
[24:52 - 24:57]
standing on a pier with a sailboat in the background. I remember she laughed.
[24:57 - 25:02]
The very day it was taken Kitty took it and I stole it from her for a
[25:02 - 25:07]
moment Donald failed to recognize himself in the photo. Then bending bending closer
[25:07 - 25:13]
he failed utterly to recognize himself. That's not me he said.
[25:13 - 25:18]
Oh yes she said it was at Frontenac that summer we we used to go to the
[25:18 - 25:23]
cave. CAVE What cave I was only three days in front and back
[25:23 - 25:28]
again he strained his eyes at the slightly yellowed picture and that isn't me. That's Donald
[25:28 - 25:33]
Bowers. We did look rather alike. Now she was staring at him
[25:33 - 25:35]
leaning back seeming to lift away from him.
[25:35 - 25:38]
But your DONALD But no
[25:38 - 25:43]
you're Donald Platt.
[25:43 - 25:47]
Well yes I told you on the phone. She was on her feet her face faintly
[25:47 - 25:52]
horrified. Plant. Bowers I must be crazy or was it that drink
[25:52 - 25:58]
I was mixed up a little when I first saw you. Now look here what have I told you. He
[25:58 - 26:02]
tried for a monk as calm as he turned a page of the book way nothing at all he said.
[26:02 - 26:07]
Pictures that did not include him formed and reformed before his eyes front and back. A cafe
[26:07 - 26:12]
Donald Bowers. You threw me over. Nancy spoke now from the other side of the
[26:12 - 26:17]
room. You'll never tell the stories she said. Stories have a way of
[26:17 - 26:21]
getting round but there isn't any story.
[26:21 - 26:24]
But he thought she was a bad little girl.
[26:24 - 26:31]
And suddenly he was filled with wild raging jealousy of little Donald bombers he who had banished
[26:31 - 26:36]
jealously from his life forever in the five steps he took across the room he crushed out 20
[26:36 - 26:41]
years and the existence of Walter Gifford with his stride kissed me kissed me again Nancy said
[26:41 - 26:45]
sinking to one knee beside her chair putting his hand on her shoulder. But Nancy
[26:45 - 26:50]
strained away. You said you had to catch a plane. It's nothing I can miss
[26:50 - 26:55]
it's of no importance. Please go she said. And
[26:55 - 27:00]
please try to imagine how I feel. But you act as if you don't remember me at all he
[27:00 - 27:02]
cried as if you don't remember Donald plant.
[27:02 - 27:08]
I do. I remember you but it was all so long
[27:08 - 27:08]
[27:08 - 27:15]
The taxi numbers crossed what 8 4 8 4 on his way to the airport Donal
[27:15 - 27:20]
shook his head from side to side. He was completely himself Naba he could not digest the
[27:20 - 27:25]
experience only as the plane roared up into the dark sky and its
[27:25 - 27:30]
passengers became a different entity from the corporate world below. Did you know. Did he draw a
[27:30 - 27:34]
parallel from the fact of its flight. Donald had lost a good deal in those
[27:34 - 27:39]
hours between the planes. But since the second half of life is a long process
[27:39 - 27:43]
of getting rid of things that part of the experience
[27:43 - 27:46]
probably didn't matter.
[27:46 - 27:55]
Thanks so for the past two weeks we've examined the literature and some of the
[27:55 - 28:00]
writers of the 1920s. We've covered quite a field Col. Sunbird Robert
[28:00 - 28:05]
Frost Samuel Hoffenstein Eve Cummings Dorothy Parker Ernest
[28:05 - 28:09]
Hemingway ne Lowell Ring Lardner Sinclair Lewis and F. Scott Fitzgerald
[28:09 - 28:15]
names whose contribution for the literature of this nation cannot be measured in volumes of print.
[28:15 - 28:20]
Next week we come to the hour of parting our Twenty sixth and final programme in the
[28:20 - 28:25]
lesson to the Land series. The title of next week's programme appropriately is as others
[28:25 - 28:30]
see us. I hope you will see fit to join me as we hold the mirror up to ourselves.
[28:30 - 28:33]
Until then this is Dick Burdick saying so long.
[28:33 - 28:45]
Listen to the land was recorded at station W.H. y y Philadelphia under a grant from the
[28:45 - 28:50]
National Educational Television and Radio Center. And is being distributed by the National
[28:50 - 28:55]
Association of educational broadcasters. This is James Keeler inviting you to be with us next
[28:55 - 28:59]
week for the 26 and final program in the series as others see us with your host and
[28:59 - 29:06]
narrator Richard S. Burdick. This is the N E E B Radio Network.
[29:06 - 29:06]
[29:06 - 29:14]
[29:14 - 29:33]
[29:33 - 29:33]