"Kibbutz" and "Children of the Kibbutz"

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The world of the paperback the University of Chicago invites you to join us for this
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series of 15 minute programs dedicated to the discussion of literary topics and the review of
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significant paper bound books each weekly program will bring to the microphone a different
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author authority or educator with his particular viewpoint towards the topic for discussion.
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The book selected for today's discussion our kibbutz venture in Utopia
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and the children of the kibbutz. Our guest is the author of these works Melford East Birol
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professor of anthropology at the University of Chicago. Here is your discussion host from
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the University of Chicago Robert C. Albrecht was just part of what is a
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The important characteristic of the keyboards is a way of life in which all
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means of production as well as most of the
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consumption goods are owned by the group and theoretically for the benefit and welfare of
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the entire group. One of the important features of the keyboards in addition to its collective property
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and the reason we want there is a system of collective education
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where children are reared collectively and come in all dormitories rather than by their
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parents in private households.
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Why were these established in the modern state of Israel.
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Well they were established of course before the state of Israel was declared. The first people it was
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established in 1909 in a wasteland near the Sea of Galilee
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and the kibbutz that we studied was founded in 1920 but it was the second key
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but started in Israel about 11 years then elapsing between the first and the second.
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They were started for a variety of reasons one of the reasons for the keyboards was to
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leave Europe for what the Jews called the Diaspora communities
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outside of Israel and to settle in a homeland of their own.
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But this would account only for the immigration to Palestine as was called at that time not for
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the people itself. Secondly they were interested in establishing
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a just a way of life and a just way of life to
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them meant a socialist way of life. The feeling which
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they had at that time was that capitalist civilisation was an
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exploitative civilisation and an opposition to exploitation they
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wanted to establish a community in which all would be equal. And I think
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the second ingredient then was this notion of egalitarianism and
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which by implication means the absence of exploitation of one group by another.
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A third and the last there are others but I think the third last important ingredient
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was the notion of labor the dignity of labor the
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labor as a means for self realisation and the
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notion that one becomes truly human by
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through work especially through work in the soil. So you've got the natural man there's
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like there's a peculiar and only romantic notion but a primitive mystic notion here.
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The man who works in the soil the primitive man is the natural man
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and we who have lived in cities detached from nature and from the from the natural
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sources of our being will return to the earth work in it
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and thereby achieve dignity as human beings and I should add from their point of view
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dignity as Jews because Jews of course for centuries in
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Europe have been divorced from the law and had been primarily urban people.
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I think these are the three ideological ingredients is a religious quality predominant
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necessarily in these communities.
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There are a number of federations that he would seem there is one religious that aeration which is the smallest of them
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all. And it is religiously informed and importantly
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in its charter. If you were to go to one of these you will see
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young Jews with beards with skull caps who
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observe. The various time we can get local laws they have
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synagogues through public prayers three times a day and so forth. But
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this federation includes probably under a number of people it
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seems probably under 10. There are three other federations.
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One is not religious in
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the Federation itself as is neutral with respect to religion and some
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individuals are and some are not religious. Using that term around the conventional sense
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there is a second Federation which tends to be somewhat more positive
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towards religion but there is an absence of organized religious institutions even in that
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federation. According to the Federation which are key but
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I was a member this federation is anti-religious. It
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views clericalism as part of the
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exploitative system of capitalism so that it has a political opposition to
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religion and it also views the supernatural quality of religion
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as antithetical to its basic scientific worldview and so that it has
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an intellectual opposition to religion as well in short the members of the people that we studied are
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anti-religious the children are raised without religion
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though they study traditional Jewish literature such as the Bible they
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are taught that the Bible is an important literary and historical document
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but that the worldview implicit in this book has a worldview which
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represents a primitive stage in human development which we have now outgrown
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your primary purpose. As an anthropologist was to study what
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aspect of these communities well our interests I say are because my wife was
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with me and participated in the research. Our interest was in
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the consequence of this educational system which we
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call collective education. The consequences of the system for the
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personality development of the children who are in it and I think you can
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understand when anthropologist would be interested in this because from a cross-cultural
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perspective if we look at societies around the world this is the most fairly unique.
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Children are not reared by their parents. They do not live in the
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homes of their parents. They live in a calm you know dormitories and are
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reared by a nursery teachers and teachers. And
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since the system is so different from our own we were interested in the
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extent to which the personality of children reared in the system
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would be similar to what we assume they would be different from the typical
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Western personality if you like. You know I came to this from a kind of a
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psychoanalytic or Friday and point of view and such notions as the
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importance of the authority structure in the family which personality theory and
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particularly cycle of the theory makes so much about authority structure in the
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family the relationship between father and mother. And
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the child's perception of that relationship and its influence on him and a whole host of problems
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of this kind which we find in almost any society that anthropologists
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have studied because however different these families are they do have these
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patterns similar to our own. But this is entirely different of course and that's what we were primarily
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concerned with.
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One of the the two books that resulted from this long stay in Israel one is the
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subtitled adventure in Utopia. The other one is focuses on the problem you just
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describing with the education of the children. It is the people it's
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really a form of utopian community does it stand up well against other
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experiments of the same kind. I'm not asking I think whether they have achieved
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utopia but whether they're their experiment is similar to other experiments.
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You know that's I think it is similar in some dissimilar from others the keyboard some
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suddenly did not like the title because to them utopia
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connotes a society which cannot be envisaged or
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at least cannot be achieved might be envisaged in the imagination. And they believe of
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course and in this sense they are quite right they have achieved a viable society. And in that
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sense if we take their definition of Utopia this title is a misnomer.
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I was using the word utopia rather in a slightly different way by
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utopia I meant. The implementation of a
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society which begins in the first place in the
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imagination of an individual or a group of individuals a type of society
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which in fact does not exist and which people who adhered to
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this idea attempt to implement and they have attempted and indeed have
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achieved to a considerable extent in implementing this idea.
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Now this society is similar to other kinds of utopian
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societies that we know of in the 19th and even 20th century
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America such as the united community in New York the Shaker community
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in East Brook Farm and so forth. It is
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somewhat different from all of these However in the degree to which it has
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insisted upon comprehensive cooperation comprehensive come you know
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living. And I think in that sense somewhat extreme
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relative to these others.
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One of the things which seems to have marked many of the utopian experiments particularly ones of
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failed or lack of change.
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On the other hand one that has marked many of the successful communities has been
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continual change in adaptation which of these two alternatives has been the feature of
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the key but I think the people it falls in between these two stools
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some of the people seem have changed notably in some of even
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the more basic features of their original charter for example. One of the important
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features of the original key but any key buts was the notion of
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self labor as the key would seem became larger it became
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obvious that they needed more manpower. Nevertheless many of them
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resisted hiring labor and the work was done by at it by working on the
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Sabbath during holidays and so forth and also by recruiting children from the schools.
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After 1948 when the state of Israel was declared there was an
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influx of immigrants from Eastern Europe and from the Middle
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East the people who had no jobs and there was considerable
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pressure from the government for to have the key would seem higher these
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workers and many of the key would seem did so claiming that this was their
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national task. They keep books which we studied and all the key
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would seem and that federation refused to do so saying that the importance
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of egalitarianism and the importance of their opposition to exploitation
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was an overriding consideration. And therefore despite the pressure from the government they
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refused to hire outside labor. They have consistently refused to do so to this day but
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many people seem have done so. This is one kind of change that others have introduced. I think there's
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been two other dramatic changes given the original charter of the key but some of the key would seem
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to have for example have taken children out of these comical
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dormitories for the first five or six years during which period they are raised by their
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parents only after that are they put back into the dormitories of the kibbutz we
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studied and it's Federation has refused to do that. A feeling of these five or six years are
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the crucial years in terms of certain kinds of personality theory they're quite right. A
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third and I will I think important change and I will stop here.
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Is the opposition to mechanization and particularly to any kind of
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industrialization. The notion that work on the soil physical manual
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labor agricultural labor is the true mark of human dignity. Now some of the
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key would seem at a relatively early stage introduced industry into the
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keyboards and there are some who become quite prosperous there is a plywood factory for example
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and they keep boats near the Sea of Galilee that now engages in international trade of supply
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would have been that successful.
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One of the misconceptions which many people may have about the it would
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seem and this whole state of Israel is the number of the proportion of the population
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that lives now or has ever lived in the can it seems as if most of the people.
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No it is a very small proportion. There are about 200000 members
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of all the key would seem divided into six or seven federations and
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the population of the state of Israel now is about two million.
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So that is a very small percentage indeed. But the influence of the
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keyboard's is much disproportionate to its numbers. The
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former prime minister David Ben-Gurion is a member of Akiba it's a
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member of many of the present Cabinet members are members of key would seem
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and in general the influence not only in the political but in the
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cultural sphere as well as much out of proportion to its actual
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The guest for today's discussion of his works kibbutz venture in Utopia and the
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children of the kibbutz was Milford East spiralled professor of anthropology at the
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University of Chicago. Your host for the world of the paperback is Robert C.
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Albrecht assistant professor of English at the University of Chicago.
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Next week William H McNeil a professor and chairman of the Department of History at the University of
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Chicago will discuss his own book The Rise of the West
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the world of the paperback is produced for national educational radio by the University of Chicago
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in cooperation with W A I T. This is the national educational
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radio network.