J. Frank Dobie & Texas

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Sudden as a Texas norther Texas is bound together with rawhide
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as big as all hell and a half of Texas. There is no doubt about it.
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There is a Texas tradition.
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This land this heritage this people a series of radio
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programs tracing and word and music the footprints of America the turns we
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took the tales we spread narratives letters diaries and songs have been
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adapted from primary source materials like Professor Robert E. Gard director of the
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Wisconsin idea theater programs were produced a WHCA of the
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University of Wisconsin for national educational radio under a grant from the
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National Home Library Foundation.
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Today's program Texas.
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Yarns that bring out human characteristics and illustrate customs and manners and
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social conditions are in a way as important historically as state papers.
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More of our yarn. If it's a good has flavor and people
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have a right to enjoy the taste of their food as well as to be nourished by it.
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And while Sam Houston was president of the Republic of Texas one anecdote goes like
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this. Some foreign power sent an agent to inveigling him into a
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treaty. Now this agent seemed to have the idea that because Houston had lived with
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the Indians he must be a savage himself from talking made to other people
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it was clear that he expected to see the president of Texas with a bunch of feathers in his
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hair dressed in a breech clout and no on raw meat.
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Houston I haven't been advised of this determined to you murder
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joke in preparation for receiving the ambassador or a
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representative. He stripped naked and seated himself in a chair on top of a
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table. There the visitor found naked as a bat his long hairs
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hanging and she was not on the end of a stick and ground.
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What effect this spectacle had on a foreign agent has not been recorded.
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Eisa Jones who is a genuine Texan but not what you'd
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call an overt Texan was telling me about an experience he had in New Orleans.
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Seems he had registered in a modest hotel run by what 190 said just
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after he'd gone to bed he was called from his room by the proprietors. He said
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a drunk man is cutting up downstairs and swearing he's going to get lodged in here. Now we won't
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have him but he won't go away. I see on the register that you're from Texas and I thought
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maybe you wouldn't mind handling this roughing it.
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Well that speech swelled me up considerably. Jones told me
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it was simply up to me to prove that I was a true Texan. I
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went downstairs and bought two shakes of the rough man was alive and still out on the sidewalk.
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Not that I had much to do though.
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Well there are many people in Texas nowadays who do not enjoy the reputation.
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But they had as well face the fact that a very distinct
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Texas tradition is based on blood violence and
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fighting. The first English speaking man to come to Texas were freebooters ready to
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sell their lives in the mad scheme of taking the land from Spain. To
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Texas colonists fought the Indians for every plot of ground they settled on.
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Next they fought the Mexican nation for independence and then fought Mexican Raiders for decades
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over a far stretch from here. Finally having attracted the fighting blood of
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the nation Texas became an arena in which the Koch's
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revolver was law. And blood was commoner than order.
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All that is changed and is far past now is free reign. But
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the earth remembered. Many many Texans
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died with the boots on. It used to be said of these Texans that they fought
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for their lives hundreds for their living and died for their country.
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If blood be the price of sovereignty then as Kipling said of the price of British
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Admiralty. Great God they've bought it fair.
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Texas March 30th 1839 dear mother
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are received by the mail of November 13th your letter which gave me great pleasure to
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hear from you and of the good health of yourself and friends. And I have
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the satisfaction to inform you that I am in better health than I have been for nearly one
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year. We still continue to be harassed by the Indians.
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On the 9th of December about noon a party of Comanche surrounded Andrew
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Lockhart. A girl about 16 and one other young lady
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together with three small children and carried them off. They were a short
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distance from the house. They were pursued but could not be overtaken.
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But we are informed they are kindly treated in their savage way of livin.
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Brother is used in every effort to get them and I hope he may
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succeed. At present there is several company of men on our front.
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Several more Razan which I hope will prevent further trouble.
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Hey you say that you know it has been unusually dry
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so it has here the winter's been fun until about the fifth
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when there was the greatest snow and sleet that we've counted up.
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Before that time we were obliged to have the horses eat the grass in our yard frequently
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and are now plowing their coal. Everything looks flourishing.
[07:06 - 07:09]
Your affectionate distant water.
[07:09 - 07:23]
Katherine Lockhart.
[07:23 - 07:28]
Is now out. Eriksson must run hard
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his own plans talk find rest and.
[07:37 - 07:41]
Stand on the spot to
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make sick fantasy fun stock stand.
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Whoa you shall be my last one just now. Next
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you can see.
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As late as the 70s debate sometimes waxed hot in
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Texas over whether the end having them should be called Texans are Texans.
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Now if I had to divide the population into classes today I would
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characterize a goodly number is Texans a very large number as
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Texans. And finally all too many years just people who live
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in Texas. The texting and all the old rock itself.
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The Texans are out of the old rock. The others are
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wiring the rock away.
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The cowboy might be divided into three questions. First number one the genuine
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one who has as much respect for the rights of others even if he is miles away. As for
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his immediate neighbors I mean by that a man who is strictly honest.
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One whose general Hilfe won't be affected by even a piece of an animal with his own
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mocking brand on it. Still one who is not so self-righteous as to
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thank God he's not like other men but can throw the mantle of charity
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sufficiently far as to reach is less scrupulous brother. One who is
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the happy possessor of the combined characteristics of a true gentleman a loyal
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citizen and an all round business man with the GET UP AND GET of a cowboy.
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Number two is worth consideration. He is the true type of Western
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hospitality. Especially in his mall view.
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So much so that his conscience is possessed with such elasticity as to serve him
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in any emergency like the proverbial Irishman who when he
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found a U.S. blanket called out you for Patrick and it's for McCarthy.
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I watch but I'm glad I found my blanket. My father told me that my education was a
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good thing and now I know it. But for an education I never would have found my
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bike. That's how it is with number two. He is but
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particularly fortunate about his education. It often helps him in
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his interpretation of the brands of cattle from the northern Rockies and
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enables him to appropriate the same for his set.
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But if he is in that distant range and somebody should feed him own his own
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be. It acts like it AK in his own language show it
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does make him sick. Now number three is the Roman come day go
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day God since the good natured easy going cowboy who is just as happy
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where he is as where he is not cares for nothing but a good saddles
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bird's words and a forty dollar job seldom aspires to accumulate for
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itself but is satisfied to spend his life in working for somebody else.
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Now number two manipulates this latter class in many way. Too often it is
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the case that number two when found in too close a place in order to save his
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self was slipped the head of some Bible dupe into the hope of that justice has
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designed for him. I've given you the shady side of the character of
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number two but now I'll be glad to give you some real virtue. Now number two
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with some exception is a neighbor to be proud of. He has nothing to
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good to divide. And you know when you enter his house that you will
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ride twenty miles on a rainy night to bring the doctor for a sick neighbor or go to the
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relief of a distressed human being no difference what is character. All we need to know is
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that they're suffering. If any of his associates should be so far
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misunderstood as to get a rest why he'll go to his rescue and as
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a rule will be able to make satisfactory explanation and security.
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And this especially applies to dates back of 87. It's getting to a
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point and has been for several years now. That lawyers and judges are getting
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so incredulous that the boys are having a considerable trouble to explain their
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mistakes. And the consequences is that many of them have been sent east to
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work under the supervision of the state. Now of course this is invariably done under
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protest and nearly everyone who takes a state contract is innocent.
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In conclusion I wish it understood that my definition of a cowboy is a big
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hearted post-soul bundle of humanity kind hearted generous
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possessed of all the frailties common to mankind. And not the biggest rascal
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on earth by a jugful.
[12:52 - 13:07]
Texas April 1840. Dear mother I
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haven't received no letter from you for several months. I am happy to
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inform you that Andrew Lockhart has succeeded in getting his
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daughter from the Indians. They brought in a little boy to Bex our who
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was taken at the same time she was and proposed a treaty to which the
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agreed condition they would fit all the prisoners in their possession.
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They returned to their camps and in a few days returned with Matilda Lockhart.
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Only American officers met them in the council house and the
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Indians been informed that they were to consider themselves prisoners until all were
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brought in. They drew their bows and arrows which they had concealed
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under They are buffalo skins and commenced use and off them. The
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Americans being quite on armed were obliged to use rock axes or
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anything they could get hold of. There were six Americans
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and about 30 Indians killed and twenty one squad was kept
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to let them know the result since which time they have returned with
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two American children and seven Mexicans. They
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exchange equal number and will retain the rest until they are all
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or as many as they have in their possession. Ms Webster
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made her escape about the same time a tale the guard left carrying with a
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sick child and live in prickly pear apples. B and twelve days
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in reaching our. We still look forward to the time when we
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will be at peace with all our enemies and our country free.
[14:55 - 15:00]
Love for me to you affectionately your daughter
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Catherine. Heart.
[15:02 - 15:24]
On January the 1st 1822 having a car get out of Thomas boat rock
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settled in the rich bottom of a great. New Year's creek
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that's plain and so Sunday Creek which is surveying party spent a sabbath day in
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1887 at Plano lavender and Tom boat ride Ben's bang
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they probably named the creek after some I-talian St pertaining to New Year's Day
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they could not possibly ban spanking and they represent a race down right and direct the
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members of which sometimes celebrate their own birthday but never in the circuitous
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manner of the call and after some saint of the Middle Ages to whom centuries ago a certain day of the year
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was assigned.
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The entries for September 5th and 6th 18 24 from a diary kept by Stephen F. Austin.
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Found at this encampment the bones of two men which had been buried
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and called the great cannibal creek.
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Austin's party was at the time campaigning against the cannibalistic Rockaway Indian
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trap around a big bin once left a dog watch camp which was in a canyon while he went to
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town for her circumstances mixed with whiskey delayed his return
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for many days. When he got back to camp he found his dog was still on guard.
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The star of. The dog may have been forgotten but that a dog
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Canyon remembers his faithfulness.
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California in which Rough and Ready pioneer names sprang up to supply a right to live on this
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[16:51 - 16:57]
Spanish names forward to parallel for the French nomenclature and.
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The editor of The San Francisco Herald no in
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1853 Abraham an editorial on the subject. Some of
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our people in the interior have almost ordinary taste in
[17:11 - 17:12]
[17:12 - 17:18]
The recent election has brought to light such delectable localities as Whiskey Creek.
[17:18 - 17:24]
Jackass go home but city one horse town.
[17:24 - 17:28]
Our suckers flat rattlesnake bar
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and so on. For the love of austerity reform your nomenclature good
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people before it is too late.
[17:35 - 17:58]
The Texans have not acquired the reputation of the Californians for saying a good word
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for their state at every juncture whether in or out of season but they are not
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noted for reticence on the subject. A man from how I am on
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my way or some other state of that region. Well I often say I am from the Middle
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West. A man from Idaho and about I may say I am from the
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west. I joined Dinora Mississippi and they admit to being merely a Southerner
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but no Texan given the opportunity ever said otherwise than I am
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from Texas.
[18:30 - 18:34]
One time a political art star was making a sign just ended a speech at a
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Texas barbecue. He was making the lone star shine brighter
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than a bed of must get coals on a dark night and remembering the Alamo
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from a time before the flood.
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The audience was with him.
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Taxes he all rated is the land of opportunity and
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democratic individual ism. It is a land where every
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man is as good as every other man.
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Yes came a voice from the audience and a down side better.
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The ideal of individual independence is not of course exclusively Texan.
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However like the Longhorns seedless grapes fruit and hot oil companies
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ruggedness has driven lustily in Texas. One
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time there was a story that should be true whether it is or not. Sam
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Houston sent word to the Thomas plantation on the Colorado River that he was coming.
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The Thomases invited all the bellwethers in the country dinner of course was in the
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middle of the day.
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It was election time and Houston was full of talk. His enemies may have been
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man with the bark on but he peeled it up he had a
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lefty appetite is eating did not interfere with his talking
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and talking did not interfere with his eating. After an
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enormous bite of pork and turnip greens roast beef and fried
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venison baked sweet potatoes and Irish potato salad roast
[20:12 - 20:16]
MIERDA carne and red beans boiled with fat bacon
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both cornbread and biscuits along with the plantings and butter meal the
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dessert came.
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It was hot rice putting than which nothing can be hotter. It
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was served an ample dose and eaten with ample splint.
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In the midst of an accusation of a certain character whom used and often denounced as nothing
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but a damn vegetarian he clapped a heaping spoonful of the hot rice
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putting into his mouth immediately if not sooner he objected it back into the
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boat and all into the surrounding territory. Then Pollard
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suspended in mid-air. He calmly interposed. Many a damn
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food would have swallowed that. General Sherman is often credited with
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having originated to saying that if he own Texas inhale he had
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read out Texas and live in the other place no matter who started it.
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This story is kept in a lab by Texans themselves.
[21:17 - 21:28]
Oh the devil and how he wished he
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remained. He complained nor did he rob. But
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of his own he could own and the sones of.
[21:42 - 21:47]
The prison and the house already
[21:47 - 21:49]
and he's.
[21:49 - 21:55]
Over. Making this land.
[21:55 - 22:00]
Oh and he said yes I have plenty on this way down south
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on the Rio Grande and to tell you the truth.
[22:04 - 22:11]
To stop this town it.
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Went down in the Northern Rock.
[22:13 - 22:16]
And yet he was stuck
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carefully in this place for us to drive on. Our.
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Texans are as proud of this uncomplimentary tradition as Oliver Cromwell
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wa the big war it was a Texan in this crowd and
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the whitewashed wall of the West decked out as he was abandoning it.
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They had word the water cannon out the
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wood six to hail down back to the wife
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family. Make yourself at home.
[23:01 - 23:05]
Alone I just can't stop on his promise to
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turn out for you have some oh I heard that was of no use.
[23:11 - 23:16]
Regular bog hole that stunk like to use for granted was made and
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it was given already returned to his place up in heaven.
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The tunnel soon Sayed everything needed by now
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and so he proceeded.
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He scattered Terence horns on the
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cactus and horns on the tongue. He sprinkled the sands with millions
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on the hands of the man that stump must wear soles on his pants.
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Feeling in the arms of the new Texas stared at it an inch to
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the jackrabbits. Keep the peace and only
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see the snakes.
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A land agent would writing with a newcomer down the often overflowed bottom to the Trinity river in
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East Texas.
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Just look at that so while he was saying it did Rick just carry yards
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after a while the new comer called attention the mud marks 10 feet high on the trees.
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Yes the agent explained that's where our Razorbacks rubbed in Salem's.
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I'll tell you this land produces such rich acres and roots and other radio back
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feed that dogs grow taller than Jarrah rafts and it is
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not very well known several million acres of land in western Texas comprise
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Spiers of the Rocky Mountains. It used to be sold very cheap site on
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scene to land Hungary's in the east. One time one of the buyers as
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the story goes presented himself in the Land Office had always been to get field notes and
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directions for finding his property. About a month later he returned.
[25:02 - 25:07]
Well I asked a clerk who recognized I guess you located your land all
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right yes the New Englander did plaid.
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I found it but I never could get over it. All I could do would lean up
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against the dying step.
[25:18 - 25:23]
Yeah I remember the tree pics. If
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we send police rattle snake might soon the scorpion
[25:28 - 25:33]
stings you know it and likes you by putting his.
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Right in the summer and too hot for the
[25:37 - 25:42]
javelin to hunt. Oh man and all who remain in that climate
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soon mark and mites and scratches and blisters.
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When you let know these stories in Texas you never know exactly whether the joke is on the
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land or on the bamboo pays a taxi all while though when the
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chance of have obsoleted all such stories and of course are not published
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in Chamber of Commerce prospect as it is because the Texans are so
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sure of themselves and of the virtues of their own land that they
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and such they track the yard.
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The quick and not come the Broncos stand. Why isn't
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this defeat. Oh roams in the black shops
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it's a place that we have got car and house planted read
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hers beside all the rooms. That Mexicans use namin all that they
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cook just fine with their grease earned then you will shout time out from
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the inside as well as me.
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They take a special pride in the vagaries of their weather and the
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meteorological pride of all Texans east north south and west
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is the norther the Texas norther the Texas norther
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which comes sudden and soon in the dead of night or the blaze in it.
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Now one time a man was riding a race mare about 10 miles north of his home when he saw one of these
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northerners coming now. They can certainly be seen.
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It was a hot January day and the man was not prepared for freeze.
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He turned toward home and struck a gallop now looking back he saw that no other was going to overtake him unless he
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rode faster so we spurred up. Now I look back again after a little while and saw that the norther had
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almost overtaken and he could hear the rush of the wind. He shook out his court and just it he
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did he felt the norther twisted his coat tails. Now the mare knew what was coming to now she started to head like
[27:51 - 27:56]
a cry of joy. For six or seven miles that man used to swear they kept exactly
[27:56 - 28:01]
with that how another that is the norther had the mare's hand quarters in his coat
[28:01 - 28:06]
tails in its grass but the mares for parts news on face were ahead of it.
[28:06 - 28:11]
Now the stable dollars out remedies you rushed into it and dismounted he found the mare's four quarters
[28:11 - 28:15]
foamy was slap but her hind quarters virtually
[28:15 - 28:19]
frozen. You know she died of pneumonia right then and there.
[28:19 - 28:34]
This land this heritage this people a series of radio
[28:34 - 28:38]
programs tracing in word and music the footprints of America the turns we
[28:38 - 28:43]
took the tales we spread narratives letters diaries and songs have been
[28:43 - 28:48]
adapted from primary source materials by Professor Robert E. Gard director of the
[28:48 - 28:53]
Wisconsin idea theater programs were produced at W.H. a
[28:53 - 28:58]
University of Wisconsin for national educational radio under a grant from the
[28:58 - 29:18]
National Home Library Foundation.
[29:18 - 29:23]
Today's program Texas much of this program was drawn from the writings of
[29:23 - 29:28]
J Frank Dalby the male voices were recorded for us at the University of
[29:28 - 29:36]
[29:36 - 29:45]
Music by contempt for production by Ralph Johnson.
[29:45 - 29:49]
Again I was speaking this is the national educational radio network.