Program #4 Drug Abuse

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It is impossible for us to say we took a walk along time of day
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to educate that huge effect 20 years hence is going to dig them into
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action. And from each other to get them. As they
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see the case in cigarette smoke. I'm me can't you see
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so you see stuff.
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This drug they talk about drugs was what they are and
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how they affect modern man produced for radio by the
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American University broadcast center in collaboration with the
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National Institute of Medical Sciences Unit of the National
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Institutes of Health. In our discussions with
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authorities on drugs and there you will explore where drugs come from
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how they are discovered. The natural substances provided by nature
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and the synthetics invented by man. We'll examine why
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people take drugs of all kinds and the effects of drugs on 20th
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century society. We'll investigate the latest developments in
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pharmacological research ways in which the federal government is concerned with
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drugs and drug use. Drug laws why we have them and whether
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they are beneficial. These and other questions facing us all in
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this drug age.
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On today's program how should our society use drugs.
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Patricia Wakeling talks about drugs and society with Donald Miller chief
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counsel for the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs of the Justice Department.
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Bernard Barber professor of sociology at Barnard College of
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Columbia University and Walter Modelo professor of
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pharmacology at Cornell University Medical College. First
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Mr. Miller explains what the phrase drug abuse means in his
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Drug effects and consequently drug abuse
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are what we call drug abuse are greatly influenced by the type of the drug
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the quantity the frequency of the dosage the
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elimination from the body and the pharmacological
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response and the development of tolerance and dependence.
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Just to mention a few. A social response of course is measured
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in terms of ethic moral and
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legal and other consequences with far less in mind I suppose here
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is the best definition I can give to drug abuse. It's the uncontrolled
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taking of a central nervous system stimulant or depressant
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substance a habit forming drug or perhaps and
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hallucinogenic substance without any ostensible
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medical or healing function.
[04:08 - 04:12]
Dr. Vogl What do you say to that.
[04:12 - 04:17]
Well I agree very much with the way in which Mr. Mellon has put
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the interrelatedness of the pharmacological psychological
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and the sociological aspects of what might be defined as
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drug abuse. I guess I should like to stress somewhat more strongly than he
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does the amount of play that there is the amount of variability
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that there is in the psychological and the sociological dimensions.
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The committee of experts of the drug dependency commission of the World
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Health Organization has recently recognized this quite explicitly it
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defines seven different types of drug dependence
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as a specific type for each of these drugs or classes of
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drugs and indicates quite clearly that. The book
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pharmacological the psychological and the sociological dimensions may
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vary and correspondingly the definition of drug abuse I should like
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to see. Like I asked to
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vary somewhat more than we do at present the psychological and the
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sociological definitions of drug abuse. But perhaps we can come back to that later.
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And your thoughts Dr. Maddog.
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I think that as in the case of all drugs one
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has to think in terms of First of all what harm it does the individual
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and even more important what harm it does society.
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Now in those terms our society has made
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some serious errors and it is also permitted the use of some
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drugs that does man no good but doesn't harm
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society or society in particular and it then permits some habit forming
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drugs which seem to be relatively innocuous. We permit the use
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of alcohol which is harmful to the individual
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causing I think more deaths to people who use
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it. Then any other drug causing more
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deaths to innocent people on the highways than any other cause of
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automobile accidents. And so for our society in
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general is concerned it causes more disability than any other single drug
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incapacitating between two and a half and five million people to varying degrees.
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So here we have a drug which society has accepted which is harmful to everyone
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concerned. We permit the use of tobacco which so
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far as we know harms only the individual who uses it
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and after some considerable
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argument some hundreds of years ago we permit the use of caffeine which so far as we know
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is neither harmful to the individual and the usual doses which we
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regularly take and certainly not harmful to society. So here
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are three drugs habit forming which people take compulsively which
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have different types of effects and which we
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consider problems I think are more important than the nature of the
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pharmacologic effect.
[07:35 - 07:40]
Well we use coffee and nicotine and alcohol these days for hedonistic
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purposes. Why not others such as example no Ana what's wrong with this.
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This time this is what I'm asking about what I'm asking you since there's nothing wrong with it except the
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term itself.
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We live in a society where unfortunately still the term has quite invidious
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connotations. If you redefine that word somewhat if you
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indicate that it may have a variety of psychologically and socially functional
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purposes if you don't use hedonism as I say Well obviously all of
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these agents these chemical agents some of which we call drugs and some of
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which we don't. I was again it's an interesting matter. It could be
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defined in one of those limited and useful purposes is quite
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likely psychologically and socially desirable.
[08:30 - 08:35]
I take it that that was what Dr. Modell was going to start to say well I want to have it
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brought out that the fact that something is really enjoyable.
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In no way suggests that it shouldn't be you know but we are in a country which
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descends in part from the good old Puritan thinking and tradition and all of this instead Thank
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God. Yes yes but a better way of accepted certain drugs which are certainly
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not in the puritanical traditions and that we are really pulling against ourselves.
[09:03 - 09:08]
I think the only way we can consider the problem rationally it's
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to forget our ethic and to forget legalistic
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attitudes and to think only of how harmful it is so our community and our society.
[09:18 - 09:23]
Could I say this one I think perhaps with the exceptions of those drugs that
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we have mentioned alcohol and tobacco I think our society has concluded
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that drugs should be productive of relief. And
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that it should not be permitted to sociologically or
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psychologically disable a person purely for
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hedonistic purposes. This is the thing that I think our laws are aimed at. Public
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health majors. I hope we are not still and acting all is based on for
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moralistic purposes.
[09:54 - 09:58]
I take issue with one of the phrases that Mr Miller has just used he says our
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society has concluded. I like to take issue with that on the
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grounds that large numbers of people in our society including
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legislators and including most members of my own profession sociologists
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who are supposed to be knowledgeable on these grounds are actually quite ignorant of a great
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many of the essential facts about these matters. That is
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the present what I call police and punitive approach
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to these matters is not the only possible one. Even many
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as I say legislators and knowledgeable social scientists though have
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concluded that this is the only approach partly because there is not any
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large an active group pushing the opposite point of view which is a point of view
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I should like to see as I think they should be called dangerous drugs.
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A good many of them opium and its various synthetic forms and
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especially heroin which is the most dangerous but also the
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amphetamines and the barbiturates and a series of others. These are dangerous drugs when
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overused but the question becomes of whether they may not have
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mild positive affects and even more important this is what I should like to
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stress. Do we not do more by the present
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policy of this police unit of policy than we
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would by a kind of medical rehabilitative approach. I
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should like to suggest that there is a strict analogy here to the case of
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alcoholism. It is a serious problem and has been a serious problem. There is
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still a serious social problem it will continue probably to be. But
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as a result of the Prohibition amendment we discovered that a police punitive approach only makes matters
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worse. We have I think accepted a policy
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now where we so to speak cut our losses when we try to do the best we
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can with Alcoholics Anonymous and psychotherapy and various other kinds of techniques none
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of which work very well but at least we do not do a variety of social harms we don't
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induce police corruption we don't induce disrespect for the law on the part
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of young people we don't have various kinds of racketeering. We don't induce a
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large amount of petty crime for people to get the alcohol all the
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narcotics. Overall I think despite the fact the situation
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is bad we have better off. I should like to see us change toward that kind of
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policy for these dangerous drugs.
[12:42 - 12:47]
The problem of the drug addict in the society is a controversial area.
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Mr. Miller defends the record of the Justice Department in dealing with the addict
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[12:53 - 12:58]
He supposedly stood for in the past I think I've always considered
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myself a moderate in the field I still do. Nevertheless I don't think
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I will stand by and allow any indication to go through that. A
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law enforcement agency perhaps was the cause of this whole problem or whatever the Bureau of
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Narcotics stood for in the past. I don't think they were doing anything but
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carrying out the sum total of knowledge and belief and experience on the part of
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of many many many groups not just merely the whims of Doc grand
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slam here. I think our experience was based on a certain amount
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of intellect a certain amount of scientific data and certainly based
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on medical judgment the best medical judgment that we had at the time
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and the best medical judgment that was being fed to us. If we made a mistake in the
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past society made a mistake not the Bureau of Narcotics.
[13:53 - 13:58]
I wonder if I could say something if I said I don't like to see Mr.
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Armstrong or go on the scale that I might add.
[14:01 - 14:05]
He is not the late rather than Harvard and I know what you want. I'm
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tentatively pursuing the same policy.
[14:10 - 14:14]
I think that he did much to keep modern
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thinking and modern advances in the treatment of our
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control of addiction and in the spread of addiction
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especially from being introduced. I don't think that you are right Mr.
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Miller in saying that he followed the advice of every medical systems society
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in the United States because he was still in office when the New York State Medical Society
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with Dr. Barry Barry then president suggested that we follow the English
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system in some sort of modified way not in order to
[14:47 - 14:52]
prevent illicit traffic. In heroin
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especially but in narcotics and Mr. Honest thinker would have no part of it
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now. I would also like to point out that the people had nothing to do with it.
[15:03 - 15:06]
The people of the United States there were no wires in no way
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advised and since it was an administrative matter they didn't
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actually vote for it. And in addition to that there are other countries in
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the world not not not not now talking about the World Health Organization but there are other countries in the
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world important countries like England which were taking other views of the matter.
[15:27 - 15:32]
And the Bureau of Narcotics would have nothing to do with it. I would not
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consider it seriously. So I don't think it is
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really presenting the case fairly to say that the
[15:41 - 15:46]
people of this country were perfectly willing to accept this status quo
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that they didn't even know that anything could be done about it they weren't advised and they weren't
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asked. I don't think that the medical profession there was any medals either.
[15:56 - 16:01]
But certainly the bureau Bureau of Narcotics did not welcome any
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suggestions from the outside it did not take them seriously.
[16:04 - 16:09]
Well I think you are. Probably indicating which medical
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bodies you assume to be the representative medical bodies.
[16:13 - 16:19]
And no I merely think that we have exhibited such
[16:19 - 16:25]
complete failure that it was long ago advisable to
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try something different.
[16:26 - 16:31]
One other point I'd like to stress very strongly that
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there has been a considerable ignorance I think the public was kept ignorant
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but it has seemed to many people that from the
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narcotics bureau this flow at our center of
[16:46 - 16:51]
energy and out a strong tide of misinformation which spread to
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the public opinion elites that as the newspapers and the
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legislators so that even today I stress that as even today it's my
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opinion that it's those groups that are most misinformed that would be
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my guess. I wish I could have a public opinion poll to test my
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guess that if you took a public opinion poll in the United States at the present time
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the man in the street would vote for a fundamental change of policy. He
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knows he is I think much more tolerant of this much more aware of the
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desirability of having a police of having a social policy rather than a police
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punitive policy. Let me give an example the sort of thing I mean.
[17:31 - 17:38]
When the local police agents for example typically its
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sheriffs that go around and police officers go around to high schools to speak
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the kids are turned off as they put it because there is this
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police punitive approach to them seems and reasonable to watch.
[17:53 - 17:58]
The result is they think that somebody is kidding them somebody is putting them on they know
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that has no scheme of foreign devils to subvert the American public part
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of the tone in which all of this has been put and the result of it is then a
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kind of of counter-reaction kind of
[18:12 - 18:18]
foolish almost opposition to authority. Instead of seeing that these
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days drugs are dangerous under certain conditions the results the spin that they swing to
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the opposite extreme and they then try things not knowing what the
[18:28 - 18:29]
possible dangers are I.
[18:29 - 18:35]
Take out that point a little bit and bring in another one which is partly what you were
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saying. You know drug taking today among the majority of young people
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I would suggest to you is but a form of protest.
[18:42 - 18:47]
Like people of the time they are dissatisfied with what the previous generations
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has done I think they also don't want to use the same drugs we want to see and they're
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looking for they're availing again against drugs they are not using alcohol for
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example and in the Ravel to use their youth there is not
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the heroin taking but there is a new group stimulant drugs and
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they have been taking LSD and are the most important takers of LSD.
[19:11 - 19:16]
But here I think there is an important example of how
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effective communication about potential dangers can
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be used with Alice. LSD has dropped off considerably I
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think you'll agree. In recent year or so and that
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coincides very closely with the publicity given to the possible
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effects of LSD on chromosomes and on
[19:39 - 19:44]
its possible effect of producing defective
[19:44 - 19:48]
offspring. It is true that they found other drugs
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and they have a great deal of sophistication in synthetic
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chemistry so that it's a matter of keeping up with the
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young people to find out what they are taking from month to month that
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they are good candidates and they were ere they were able to make the LSD when they
[20:08 - 20:13]
wanted it but they're not making it so much they are making a variety of amphetamine like drugs and they
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do it rather well and they can keep up with it
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but I think that is part of the protest now.
[20:24 - 20:28]
It is impossible for us to say today what the long term I
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factor of a drug is going to be what its effect 20 years hence is going to be when we don't
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have any information about it. And if we wait till they get hooked
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as they are in the case of cigarette smoking then the
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potential for producing cancer or any serious effect will not
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stop them because they are already hooked. I think the only reason why the
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use of LSD has dropped
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and I mean assuming that it's a result of the publicity given to its possible
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effect on genes. It has been that LSD is not
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truly addictive drug it was not addictive in the same way that tobacco
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is habit forming.
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Among the new methods of treating the drug addict is the methadone maintenance
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program developed by Dr. Vincent dollar in New York.
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The heroin addict is transferred to the less harmful but still addicting
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drug methadone. Mr. Miller explains his objections to this
[21:35 - 21:37]
[21:37 - 21:41]
I think there are three factors I'd like to point out once again
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considering myself a moderate although I'm beginning to have my doubts.
[21:46 - 21:51]
But one thing about methadone maintenance and well I won't call
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that a give away program because I accept methadone maintenance programs as are being
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carried out now from the from the old discussion about giveaway
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programs. But let's talk for a minute about giveaway programs. And
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there's where I have some problems. When you accept this as a
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defeatist it's completely a different defeatist thing. You
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decided that society cannot do anything about an addiction problem
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and now it's time to give it away. While the drugs to the
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addicts that we've got to condone his addiction
[22:28 - 22:34]
I don't think methadone maintenance necessarily does it. As I understand methadone maintenance it's the
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attempt to get certain motivated individuals back into the
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to the square community do in fact reorient him in his
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thinking and in you know his way of life to re-educate him perhaps to help
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his family so that he no longer has the pressures and no longer has the old
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drives that he once had so far as going out and finding friends that have narcotic
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drugs and spends half of the day shoplifting and things of that sort. It is a way
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for doctors to pull a person in to begin to manipulate him or
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handling in a in a proper medical atmosphere. But when we're talking
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about give away programs that would just simply set up clinics to hand out drugs
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day after day to everybody walks and I don't know if there's anyone here that would
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a spouse such a proposal I star isn't there.
[23:26 - 23:29]
To do that with tuberculosis drug.
[23:29 - 23:34]
No no I would like to take it up in terms of addiction. I think that you're
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forgetting the fact that more important than the addict. It is the
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fact that the man addicted to heroin is a source of
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communication of this terrible disease that in order to
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pay for his habit a large number of them sell the drug and get others
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hooked. And what is more important than whether or
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not we placate these addicts whether we not
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can. But whether we satisfy their habits by giving them
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heroin if we need to. What is more important than that is that it is just
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as in the case of alcohol where we did retreat that way.
[24:16 - 24:22]
Consider it a social calamity. They cry that
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a peripheral effects of this disease as being more
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important to us as a CE community than the fifty thousand or whatever number of
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thousand of heroin addicts there are in New York who are burglarizing the city
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continuously and creating more and more addicts because that's a source of
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funds. Now if we condone or do whatever you want to
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say about their addiction and give them these drugs so that they don't have to
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burglarize if they don't have to draw more people into their circle then in
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that way we are accomplishing a great deal. And if you want to
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call it condoning I'm going to condone but I don't think that the give away program
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has an advantage over the punitive one the punitive one hasn't racked it hasn't worked in
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any kind of addiction that we've ever tried it in. And there is every reason to believe that it never
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will work.
[25:15 - 25:20]
I think we've made quite a lot of progress in recent years.
[25:20 - 25:21]
Everybody keeps.
[25:21 - 25:28]
Throwing brick bats at the whole Bureau of Narcotics about what it stood for and perhaps me
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because I'm symbolical of the old Bureau of Narcotics now
[25:32 - 25:37]
but yet I still don't want to back off from what I feel is a fairly sound
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philosophy. Certainly it's the prevailing philosophy in the United States and indeed
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every country in the world lets It's the philosophy of AMAA It's the
[25:48 - 25:53]
philosophy of the National Research Council it's the philosophy of the World
[25:53 - 25:58]
Health Organization it's the philosophy of the public health officials of all the countries in
[25:58 - 26:02]
the running those things that have people have been a sitting there for 30 years when it is not the
[26:02 - 26:03]
[26:03 - 26:08]
And even if it were the case I can point out that past I was condemned by the French
[26:08 - 26:12]
Academy before I was not a case in Great Britain. Yes it is. Yet
[26:12 - 26:17]
the fact that there are groups against it doesn't mean that they're right.
[26:17 - 26:21]
Well the case in Great Britain is as you well know is becoming very
[26:21 - 26:22]
[26:22 - 26:27]
No it's not in a very small way even by the most extreme thing is that I can
[26:27 - 26:32]
find would you people again are exaggerating and pushing. There
[26:32 - 26:37]
are some Canadians and some Americans the Canadians incidentally have a more punitive policy so
[26:37 - 26:41]
they have a more serious problem than the British do although they're the same
[26:41 - 26:46]
social stocks in a way. Many of those people are going to Great Britain.
[26:46 - 26:51]
And even if it were true that of the so to speak
[26:51 - 26:56]
that we were Americanizing these other places it's not a desirable kind of
[26:56 - 27:00]
thing to do. It is. Maybe
[27:00 - 27:05]
people thought a more punitive policy they're away from their present policy.
[27:05 - 27:09]
I think you're talking like this that if we could in our society
[27:09 - 27:16]
give approval to tolerance and dependence.
[27:16 - 27:20]
Then we would do away with a whole lot of the problems involved with narcotic addiction we don't
[27:20 - 27:26]
need we wouldn't have a narcotic tolerance any more than we approve of tuberculosis
[27:26 - 27:30]
or diabetes or cancer but we try different ways of
[27:30 - 27:35]
approaching it and we don't persist. If we've got any sense in
[27:35 - 27:40]
pushing methods that haven't seem to get any but the difficulty with a program is
[27:40 - 27:45]
that you said that everything is fail and nothing else will work so let's
[27:45 - 27:50]
try a give away program we have the pre-college if we had started this we never would have
[27:50 - 27:52]
developed a methadone maintenance approach.
[27:52 - 27:57]
You are making an assumption that you have no right to a med and I don't think Dr. Dhar would have
[27:57 - 28:03]
would have accepted either. There is no reason
[28:03 - 28:07]
why if we had a get away program Dr. Dole wouldn't have conceived that his way of
[28:07 - 28:12]
dealing with the problem to his method of dealing with the problem became
[28:12 - 28:17]
important because of the fact became much more urgent because of the fact that we
[28:17 - 28:21]
didn't have a get away program. But implicit in what you said is an admission
[28:21 - 28:26]
that if we had a giveaway program we wouldn't have the social problems we now have.
[28:26 - 28:31]
One thing that to me listening to you people really has been pointed out
[28:31 - 28:35]
is in fact one of the purposes of this whole series of programs and that's where you
[28:35 - 28:40]
need a great deal more knowledge about the effects of drugs. I mean you are making
[28:40 - 28:45]
your comments Mr. Miller based on certain beliefs and certain knowledge that you have
[28:45 - 28:50]
these two gentlemen making their comments somewhat different comments based on
[28:50 - 28:55]
their beliefs and the knowledge and the research that they have than they have done and they are
[28:55 - 29:00]
more honest diametrically opposed. And the more knowledge that we get the
[29:00 - 29:14]
more these ways of thinking will come together.
[29:14 - 29:18]
On today's program Patricia Wakeling talked with Donald Miller of the Justice
[29:18 - 29:23]
Department. Bernard Barber of Barnard College and Lanfear
[29:23 - 29:29]
Modelo of Cornell University about drugs and society.
[29:29 - 29:35]
On the next program in the series the round of the pharmacists get this drug.
[29:35 - 29:40]
Used for radio in collaboration with the National Institute of general medical
[29:40 - 29:51]
sciences a unit of the National Institutes of Health.
[29:51 - 29:54]
This is the national educational radio network.