
[00:05 - 00:10]
University of Utah radio presents music and other four
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letter words.
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Here is your host associate professor of music at the University of Utah Paul
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I think we must. Clarify something from the last time and that
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is that this program seems to be. A statement about special
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kinds of music not just music in general but a particular kind of music which aims to be more
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than it seems. Music another four letter words. We are called
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friend which implies I suppose that most people assume that music is actually less than it
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is. That means that there is a music which sometimes can be used as
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therapy and there is a music which sometimes can be used as entertainment.
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And that kind of music is necessary indeed to us but is not the kind of music which is
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especially vital or interesting to me in respect to this
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program. And Beethoven was the man you remember who said that music was a
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good deal more than people give it credit for at least his music. Music is the one
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incorporeal entrance said Beethoven a little way to lead.
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You into that world of reality which comprehends us. But
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which we cannot comprehend. I suppose I ought to say that
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again. But since you are now extremely attentive listeners and that may
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have passed you by. Music is the one incorporeal
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entrance into that world of reality which comprehends us
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but which we cannot comprehend.
[01:55 - 02:00]
Listening to it therefore is not the point. Being pleased by it
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is not the point. Intellect in any sense is not the
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point. Yielding. I suppose it is something
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[02:10 - 02:14]
The point being caught away. Being
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transported. Being taken to places which are
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otherwise inaccessible to us in ordinary experience.
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That is using music in some kind of extraordinary experience which leads us finally to a
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sense of reality that may be the point. And if that
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is the point then strangely enough there are lots of people who have lesser sounding names than
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Beethoven but whose views are quite similar.
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Those of you who listen to the animals will probably remember Eric Burdon saying that.
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Finally after having passed through the drug experience rock
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generally and trying to work out some way of saying things.
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That he reckoned all of the serious rock musicians were in search of
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something like the summit the ultimate by moons of sound. That
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sounds like a world of reality which comprehends us but which is not readily accessible to
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us by the by our ordinary exploitation of the sense of it's
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George Harrison of the Beatles who says that rock finally is
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intended to locate somehow the gun
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in each of us. However difficult that me that
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may seem. To many of us when we listen to some rock groups
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it doesn't necessarily deny the possibility of the experience.
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I suppose the serious rock musicians as Beethoven would say that the first
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problem with listening to any of this music which pretends
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to so much is just that. Listening. That somehow
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we must we must get out of our usual pattern of response to music.
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And try something else and that means that the music which
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talks about ultimate reality as Gustav Mahler's music tends to
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do for example is not nearly as important as the music
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which makes something happen which is
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visionary reveller Tory or otherwise
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actually illuminating.
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And one might even say soul changing.
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That means that whoever is is about this has to find a technique of
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metamorphosis I suppose and that the listener. To music or the reader of
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poetry has to let himself be swept away by that technique until
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finally he has actually changed and transported from his ordinary
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circumstances. Eliot talks about things like that
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and I suppose that's how more's the pity.
[04:58 - 05:03]
Some English scholars or readers of poetry might say
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that to communicate with Mars converse with spirits to report the behavior of the Sea
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Monster describe the horoscope or scribe as Mr Elliot.
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Observe disease in signatures evoke biography from the wrinkles of the palm and
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tragedy from fingers release Omens by sort of the joy of tea leaves riddled the
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inevitable with playing cards fiddle with pentagrams or barbiturate acids.
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What a sect the recurrent image into pre-conscious terrors to explore the
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womb or to or dream is all these are
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usual pastime and drugs and features of the
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press and always will be. Some of them especially when
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there is distress of nations and perplexity whether on the shores of
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Asia or in the Edgware Road. Men's curiosity searches
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past and future and clings to that dimension but it.
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To apprehend the point of intersection of the
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timeless with time is an occupation for the
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sane. No occupation either but
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something given and taken in a life times death in love
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ardor and selflessness and self
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surrender. For most of us there is only the
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unattended moment. The moment in and out of time.
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The distractions that lost in the shaft of sunlight the wild time
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unseen or the winter lightning or the waterfall or music heard so deeply that it
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is not heard at all but you are the music while the music lasts. These are only hints
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and guesses hints followed by guesses and the rest is prayer
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observance disciplined thought and action.
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They didn't have to guess the gifted half understood his incarnation.
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Here the impossible union of spheres of existence is actual.
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Here the past and future are conquered and reconciled
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where action were otherwise the movement of that which is only moved
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and has in it no source of movement.
[07:22 - 07:28]
Now that. Is about an experience.
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Seems to me there is nothing in the quality of Eliot's poetry which actually
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achieves that experience but then maybe that isn't what his poetry is meant to
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do. He tries to say something which is the fruit of a lifetime of
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experience and and he manages to say it pretty well but he is still talking
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about and not making it happen. There have been other times which were less interested in talking
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about the experience than actually achieving it.
[07:54 - 07:59]
That is Mr Elliot may say the reconciliation of time with the
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timeless or the point of intersection of time with the timeless is an occupation for the
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saint as a saintly activity and probably ultimately a saintly achievement.
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There are some people who have written music and some people who have written poetry who are not necessarily
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saintly either in aspect or disposition who would like to
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make the temporal. Transcendent
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self and reach some point of contact with the infinite.
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It seems to me that this is in terms of art
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history say a great preoccupation with late
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composers and poets in that period which we are pleased to call
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by Roque.
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Whatever else you may take by Roque to be and however you may relate it to say
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the centuries preceding or following and whatever the steps may have been to
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the final achievement of the final achievement is something like a
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special phenomenon in history which finally discovers ways in poetry and
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ways in music of transporting people. The transport is
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meant not to be hypnotic.
[09:12 - 09:17]
Not merely.
[09:17 - 09:22]
Passing out for a moment in a kind of consciousness
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but actually metamorphosing it is a genuine
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transcending experience. That means it transcends the art
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which makes the route back from Art is always a sad one. As
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though we had escaped temporarily and then we must return with a degree of pathos to
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the actuality of the every day and so we keep turning again and again the to
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music and to poetry and to dance and then to painting into a variety of things
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in order to be temporarily changed or reminded of
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something which is more important. It seems to me that the by Roque a master.
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Like the saint is the person who really believes that he finds
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formulae. Which results in actual
[10:12 - 10:17]
purging illuminating changing experiences and that his
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his art is equal to Revelation. And that's what Mr Elliot is talking
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about in Four Quartets. This has been said about Richard CRASHAW
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for example the British poet of the 17th century. The effect
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of his poetry is often phantasmagoria the world of the senses is evidently
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enticing but it was a world of appearances on shifting
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restless appearances by temperament and conviction he was a believer in the
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miraculous and his aesthetic method. It may be interpreted as a genuine
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equivalent of his belief and it's translation into a rhetoric
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of metamorphosis. Veiled antithesis. Strange
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words are used about Cray shock chaotic s in the and Jemma nation
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in the process of synesthesia
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mixing metaphors placing strange words
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next to other words so that the effect is a kind of merging of the senses
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and ultimately an attempt to produce ecstasy
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and famous Crawshaw poem on the flaming heart upon the book and picture of the
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seraphic old Saint Teresa as she is usually expressed with a Sarah from beside her.
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Indeed tries to do this.
[11:37 - 11:42]
Oh heart equal poise of love's both parts big alike with wind and
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it's live in these conquering leaves live all the same and walk
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through all tongues one triumphant flame live here great heart and live and
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die and kill and bleed and wound and yield and conquer still
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let this immortal life wherever it comes walk in a crowd of loves and March of Dimes like
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Mystic death's wait on wise souls be slain witnesses of this
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life the. It was sweet incendiaries show here thy art
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upon this carcass of a hard cold heart let all live scattered shafts of light
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to play among the leaves of my logic books of the day combined against this breast at
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once break in then take away from me my self and to see in this
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gracious robber a shall die bounty be on my best fortunes such
[12:31 - 12:32]
fare spoiled something.
[12:32 - 12:38]
Oh the undaunted daughter of desires by all the high dollar of lights and fires by
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all the eagle in the all the day by all die lives and deaths of love by large
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drafts of intellectual day and by that I thirst of love more large than day by
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all lie brimmed bowls of fierce desire by the last morning's draft of liquid
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fire by the full kingdom of that final kiss that seized my partings soul
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and sealed to be his by all the heavens now has done the sister of the sorrow
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of them by all of him we have in the nothing.
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My eyes and me. Let me so read that
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I live that high on to all life of
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mine may die. And the reader of
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that poem collapses from loss of breath because of the
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great sort of rhythmic impetus which he falls
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into and the words themselves and what they mean are less
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important than the experience of being sort of swirled
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around and up and through and an actual
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loss of contact somehow with with whatever is
[13:50 - 13:55]
about him passing out of focus and a state which
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borders on the ecstatic is meant to occur in that
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kind of poetry. The same is true with music of Bach. This piece in nature
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may seem to some people just to be lengthy but it is in fact technically and
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musically equivalent to the poetry of Cray's shock technique of metamorphosis
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a kind of continuity of silence which is meant utterly and
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finally to trends for you.
[14:23 - 23:29]
And all together appropriate musical experience for Tony Perkins to go over a cliff too
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if he wanted to die. Either to himself or to this world.
[23:35 - 23:38]
Well this is meant to be a music which does not entertain you
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which doesn't sort of hypnotize you either but which tries
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to pretend the point of intersection of the timeless with time.
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It is a baroque experience to say some people and some to. Six books
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which I suppose I would have to say is meant to blow the mind and that is to make you
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die unto yourself. To destroy you in the flesh to
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weaken you and all of your parts to create a spiritual
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metamorphosis to negate time as any kind of binding or
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unchaining the factor in your life. It posits the notion that the way
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out is the way through and that only through time time is
[24:24 - 24:25]
[24:25 - 24:29]
This happens this happens again and again not only in music
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but also in poetry.
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I think maybe what you ought to do some time is crawl in the bath tub or some other
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appropriate Sonora splays give yourself maybe
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three or four hours read in it send Tyra to a hard crane set of
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poems called The Bridge which is a modern equivalent of that kind of experience at the end of which you will be
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hoarse Of course you will be exhausted of course the water may have grown a little cold of
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course but then if your add depth that's turning on the taps with your feet as
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I and then you can sort of keep the temperature just right.
[25:04 - 25:10]
But he broke experiences happen again and again you find yourself
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intoning in that wonderful place.
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Things like steeled cognizance whose leap commits the agile
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precincts of the locks return within whose lariat sweep in Sing Sing and single
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chrysalis the many twain of stars the lot the stitching the stallion glowing like an organ dial
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with sound of sight sound and flesh just from Time's
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realm as Love strikes clear direction for the helm.
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And although that may go very quickly past you at this moment has did. Probably
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the Bach Toccata in the Major. Now that it's the bridge
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across the East River which is the steel the cognizance it is a poet looking at an
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ordinary moment of experience and being caught away who sees the bridge moving across the
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dark river and says that at some moment of apprehension the time with the
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timeless that like an organ that Brooklyn Bridge with a sound
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of doom a wondrous also leads a
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wave from time to sight and sound
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and flesh and somehow has become equated with a final one
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ultimate experience which he says is love striking a clear direction
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for the help. When I saw there a mysterious. But then so is this series
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all very mysterious. Beethoven
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Leonard Cohen last time on Johann Sebastian Bach. Richard great shot. Hart
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Crane. On a man who many people who all
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see that art is insufficient.
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But by means of it we may be led to something Bassler more important
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something ultimately real something maybe Altamont.
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This has been music and other four letter words
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featuring Paul Bunn associate professor of music at the University of
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Utah. Music and other four letter words is a production of the
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University of Utah radio. Executive director Rex Campbell.
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Series director Gene tak. This series is made possible
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by a grant from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.