Of time and the seasons

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Listen to the land a profile of a nation in terms of its living language. This
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week of time and the seasons.
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Everyone is fascinated by time and weather and from time immemorial writers
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have been attracted to their multiple influences.
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Here then is a program devoted to American writings on the subjects on the Listen to the
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land produced by station W.H. y y Philadelphia under a grant from the National Educational
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Television and Radio Center in cooperation with the National Association of educational
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Now here is your host and director Richard S..
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An early dictionary quotes the Bible in defining the word season as a time
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to every purpose and adds almost as an afterthought. Also one of the quarters
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of the year Noah Webster's first dictionary completely left out the division
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of the seasonal year. Simply stating that a season is a fit time
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before the Met 18:00 of the word season had become an Americanism denoting the intricate
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timings of nature. And people do not automatically associate it with a
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spring summer fall and winter seasons were time for the vagaries of the weather
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or the appearances of the moon. The peculiarities of growing things are the rise of an
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occasion. They were the slow heartbeat of the American countryside.
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They were in effect the countryman's calendar.
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I'm quoting from the seasons of America passed by Eric Sloan published
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by Wilford funk incorporated an excellent source book from which this narrative
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material helps to set the tone and framework of this program on time and
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the seasons.
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Mr. Sloan continues we are already far less aware of spring summer
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fall and winter than we used to be.
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Every schoolboy I once knew the arc of the winter and summer sun the meaning of
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economics and all the signs of nature that revolve in harmony with each season.
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He decries the modern day speeding up of life and the eventual squeezing out of
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nature's seasons. Let us then reacquaint ourselves with this age
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old Konerko analogy. By hearing from some articulate American writers on the
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subject starting with winter Mark Van
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Doren one of America's most respected and versatile poets essayists and short
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story writers published a volume entitled A Winter's diary and other
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poems in 1935 which contains some extremely
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evocative writings on the winter season. I particularly like this
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passage on the coming of biting cold.
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So quietly it came that we could doubt it. There was no wind from anywhere to shout
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it simply cane the inescapable cold sliding along some
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world already old and stretched already there had we perceived it.
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Now by this hour the least one has believed it. Snippy the lesser kitten lies in
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tangled deep in the fur of snappy or dangled feed sack drapes a box inside the
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shed. I found them with a lantern playing dead.
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Those very creatures Snoopy and her brother who were in the orange sunset tumble each other
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light by the stepping stone through such a night. How often have they put the
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frost to flight.
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How often when the blackness made them bolder and they confounded time that grew no colder
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yet not this night. They recognized the god as in the barn the black
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mare left the nod stands in her blanket dozing.
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I have come from tending her and heard the ominous hum of branches that no wind moved overhead
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only a tightness and a stealth.
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Instead the stiffened world turns hard upon its axis
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laboring But these yellow lamps relax us here in the living room at either end.
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She by the South one eye by the North pretend forgetfulness of pavements
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I remarked how very dead the sky is and how dark in passing
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with the air to that poor on things familiar having been before.
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It is our way of knowing what is near. This is the time. This is the
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holy year we planned for casting every cable off that was a
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board creak. That was the horse's cough. That was no wind we say.
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And looking down smile at the wolf dog Sam who dreams of brown clipped
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fields that he will open when he wakes. He dreams and draws
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us Ackles up and slips imaginary thirsts that frozen pools.
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He is the wolf dog. He is the one that fools newcomers up the yard for
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gentler beast. Never proud to country for a feast.
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He is the boy's companion. But dusk ran rings with them tonight and were in the husk of
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daylight in his teeth and stood his hair wind up right now he sleeps
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unthinking their companion of the boys who long ago climbed the dark
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stairs to bed. So we below should come there too. We sigh
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and say it again and laugh to hear the clock tick out the ten.
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We are not sleepy. This is the holy year.
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But it took on the midnight sun for cheer start coffee in the kitchen while I spread
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bright jam upon the goodness of cut bread.
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I think that the VanDoren selection presents a charming combination
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of aesthetic expression and only circumstance one can almost
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feel the chill. You probably would enjoy Mark Derek Darren's selected
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poems. Which as I said earlier are published by Random House.
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But winter doesn't last forever although along about February it usually seems like it.
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At length however the days stretch and become warmer and we begin to feel the stirring of the sap
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in our joints and one day just as Heywood Broun dead.
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We see the first robin but if only we could capture
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the essence of the experience is he dead. In the following York
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Where the temperature at 10 degrees below zero the first robin of the year was seen in York today.
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It was found dead on Penn common.
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Call me an old and old son a mentalist if you weld but this seems to me the most tragic news
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note of the cold way. I like people better than robins and there have been
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widespread and agonizing suffering. But you see this was the first drama.
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It was by all odds the pioneer of his clan. He flew up from the south days
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weeks and months before any reasonable Robin whether it was to be expected without
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doubt the rest tried to discourage him.
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They spoke of the best recorded experience of bird kind. Rome wasn't built in a day.
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Some other Robin told him and no doubt he was advised that if he insisted on such
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precipitate action he would split the group and no good could come of it.
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Somehow I seem to hear him saying if 10 will follow me I'd call out an army
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other two will join up.
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Maybe one.
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But all the Robins recall oiled and clung to their patches of sun under the southern skies.
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Later maybe they told him not now. First there must be
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a campaign of education.
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Well replied the Robin who was all for going to York P.A. without waiting for further reinforcements.
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I know one whole try at. I'm done with arguments and here I go.
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He was so full of high hopes and dedication that he rose almost with the roar of a partridge
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for a few seconds he was a fast moving speck up above the palm trees and then you couldn't spot him even
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with field glasses. He was lost in the blue and flying for dear
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life impetuous I call it.
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Said one of the elder statesman. Well someone took him for a worm. He always did want to
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show off another announced. And everybody agreed. No good could come of it.
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As it turned out maybe they were right. It's pretty hard to prove that anything has been
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gained when a robin freezes to death on Penn Con.
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However I imagine that he died with a certain sense of elation. None of the rest
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thought he could get there and he did. The break in weather turned out to be
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against him he just guessed wrong in that one respect and so I wouldn't think of calling him a complete
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failure when the news gets back home to the robins who didn't go. I rather
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expect that they'll make him a hero. The elder statesman will figure that since he is dead his ideas
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can't longer be dangerous and they cannot deny the lift in the swing of his venture.
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After all he was the first robin. He looked for the spring and
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it failed him. Now he belongs to that noble army of first Robins.
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Many great names are included in the honors of office and public acclaim of ribbons and
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medals. The keys of the city these are seldom the perquisite of men or birds
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in the first flight. They go to a fifth sixth and even
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20th Robin. It is almost a rule that the first robin must die
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alone on some bleak common before mankind will agree that he was a hero.
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And sometimes it takes 50 years and often a hundred. John
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Browne Galileo and those who sought goals before the world was quite ready are all in good
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standing. The man who says that would be swell. But of
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course you can't do it as generally as right as rain. But who
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wants to get up and cheer for frustration in the long haul.
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The first Robin is more right than any. It was his idea.
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He softened the way for the others and with him even failure is its own kind of triumph.
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He is not the victim of dry rot or caution or doomed eyestrain from too close an
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attention to Ledger's ere I go. He cries and I wouldn't be surprised to be
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told at the first minute of flight is reward enough no matter what follows.
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And so in a metaphorical way of speaking I bare my head and
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Balo in the general direction of the ice covered plane which is known as Penn Conn..
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And I think that the brief address should carry the statement. You were the
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first and after you will come others they will inherit the
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grubs and the nests and the comfort. But yours is the glory.
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You are the first robin.
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Let's follow up. It would brooms graceful sige attention to the first
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precipitous Robin with a description of the actual arrival of
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spring in the month of April. As it comes to the farm Betty FEIBEL
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Martin wrote a beautiful description of this season
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in the New York Times Magazine narrating the seasonal rebirth in the farmlands of a
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genuine she entire late spring comes to the farm.
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Ours is a back road spilling off U.S. Highway Number 51 small
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farm after another. We do not need to be told what is happening. We know
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we hear the peepers chorusing their high overture to spring from every Martian pond.
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We see the cows and horses shedding their heavy winter coats. We find the bloody
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hens clucking over a nest of eggs. We smell the earth again after weeks of
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odorless snow and ice in the quiet of the night. We hear the rabbits
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drumming on the ground calling to their mates. Our world is being born
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anew out of the darkness of winter has emerged a fresh bright land of
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opportunity returned ours to do with as we will. Last year's failures
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and mistakes are somehow wiped away gone with the winter's snow and here we have a
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whole new season inviting new adventure. It has been
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thus since time began but there is always a wonder happy
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mystery about the land when spring returns the land
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endures year after turning year. And yet it is ever changing and
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spring itself is the very upsetting me of change. It is time to prune the
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great vines cut out the dead Apple would clean the fence rows and burn over the
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fields of weeds and broom sage columns of smoke dot the
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horizon bonfires here grass fires there Up up and into his'n
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spreading in the wind until the rolling countryside is enveloped in a dense screen of
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peaceful smoke like the Colts appear and pastures nuzzling
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their mothers hungrily frisking with sheer delight over being here and then
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lying out flat in the good warm sun to sleep off food and play
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wobbly calves but the cows gamble about after feeding and inadvertently bring
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milk butter and cheese to larders lean after the long winter.
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On porches and Aliyev sheds wherever the sun is warm the women
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past the time of day their hands of not been idle cutting potatoes into
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seed and small children too young for school. Twittering about their feet.
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The following morning they are out in the garden with their menfolk dropping seed potatoes into the straight
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deep furrows. Day by day brown fields green under the
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tender warmth of spring. The rain and the sun.
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Hard by the farmhouses the freshly painted and gray tumble down
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shack alike the bloom comes on the fruit plums cherries peaches
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pears and apples burst forth and all their white and pink glory.
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And after the preventive spraying there was a lull in the work. The breather between seeding and
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cultivating we walk over our acres more leisure early we see the potatoes up
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high and high alive with potato bugs feeding like gourmands on the young leaves.
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We linger outside at dusk long enough to hear the whisper wills calling in the woods and the
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first bass duets of the bull frogs in the pond bugs
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whippoorwill and bull frogs. Then we know spring has been typin out
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and some are creeping in.
[14:47 - 14:57]
Along about here half way through our program it seems to me that we could do with a smile or two
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and most of the people who write about the seasons do it with serious and poetic intent.
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One exception is our friend Ogden Nash who although a writer with poetic content is more
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delirious than serious.
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Now that we're into summer the happy time let's enjoy it with a happy rhyme from
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Mr. Nash. Summertime and seaside
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serenade. It begins when you smell a funny smell and it
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isn't vanilla or caramel and it doesn't forget me nots or lilies or new mown hay or daffy down dillies.
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And that's not what the barber rubs on father and yet it's awful. And yet you like it rather. No
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it's not what the barber rubs on Daddy it's more like an elderly finnan haddie or shall we say an electric
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fan blowing over a sardine can. It smells of seaweed it smells of
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clams. It's as fishy as first night telegrams it's as fishy as millions of fishy fishes
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in spite of what you find it delicious. You could do with a second helping please and
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that my dears is the ocean breeze and pretty soon you observe a pack of
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people reclining upon the back. And another sight is very common is people reclining
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upon their abdomen and now you lose the smell of the ocean.
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In the Swedish vapor of sunburn lotion and the sun itself seems paler and colder
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compared to the million face and shoulder athletic young men uncover their torso in a
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viral way that men maidens adore So while paunchy uncles before they
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bathed them in voluminous beach robes modestly swayed them. The beach is
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peppered with ladies who look like pictures out of a medical book like Burleigh cue queens like bubble
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dancers their clothes are riddles complete with answers.
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Last not least consider the kiddies chirping like crickets and Katy Diddy's
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splashing squealing slithering crawling cheerful tearful boisterous
[16:47 - 16:52]
bawling kiddies and clamors crowds that swarm heavily over your prostrate
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form callus kiddies who gallop and myriads twixt ardent Apollo's and eager
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near Ians kiddies who bring as a priceless cup something
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dead that a wave washed up.
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Well it's each to his taste and a taste to each. Shall we saunter down to the
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bathing beach.
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And then as the season wanes and we move into August Mr. Nash
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issues a midsummer warning.
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August is sunburn and moonlight Augusts a menace to man.
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When the casual canoe or discovers lawnmower August has done it again.
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August is moonlight and sunburn when the bachelor sows as he reaps
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his sunburn will finally unburned but he's burned in the moonlight for keeps.
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For more of Ogden Nash in season and out of season if indeed he could be out of season
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and for a delightful Reiman reason referred to his numerous books published by
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Random House. To quote again from the seasons of
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America passed by Eric Sloan. The most typically American of all
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seasons might well be Indian summer a phenomenon of the autumn season with no
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fixed date. It ranges from September through November. It is a mystic
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warm spell that occurs after the first frost of squab winter and before the entrance of
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actual winter it has been called late summer sham summer of the 5th season.
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All Hallows summer Redman's summer and smoke season. It
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is a brief season of quiet beauty that occurs when most people are back from vacation and the fewest
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Americans therefore are at liberty to appreciate it. Legend has it that
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Indian Summer was so named because of the atmospheric haze present at that time and that the
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pioneers associated it with Indian war fires. Actually this
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was the season when the red man went into the interior to prepare for winter hunting
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and they often mentioned Indian fires where only those used for scaring the game into traps
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and groups of hunters. The blue haze of Indian Summer is caused by salt
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particles within the air that settled during the autumnal change of high altitude
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prevailing wind patterns this season of haze. The
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last sweet smile of the declining years still reigns from coast to coast as the most
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American of American seasons. Its magnitude as far
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superseded its historical interest through Indian lore it seems to be a most
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appropriate introduction to a very well written piece on this period of the year by
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Jim Bishop one of America's favorite columnists and writer of the famous the day
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Christ died and other fine books. This column by Mr. Bishop isn't titled
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The sweet season is coming.
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This will be the best. The rivers flow quiet and cold in fact fish
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fracture the wet mare. Wild Ducks break formation to come down in the tall
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reeds. A summer anger of the sun has mellowed in a comes up over the blue veils of morning
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mist to give the milkman a long shadow. It is a time for sleeping.
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The breeze is cool and it sweeps the leaves into little whirling bowls of cornflakes. The
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Pheasant cock scratches the ground ruffles his feathers and watches a speckled hen.
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A cat digs her paws into a rug and pulls against them in a long stretch
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stares balefully at the world through yellow eyes and dozes
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cellars an attic so clean and debris sits on top of the refuse cans at the curb.
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A girl going on a date is told by her mother. But I work out
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from kindergarten the first little drawings I brought home to mother a man Moez a
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lawn and mutters I was a terribly The last time.
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From a window an announcer says Carnegie Tech takes the cake on its own four and runs it back to the
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[20:56 - 21:04]
The sea is quiet during its long green fingers into the scalp of sand on shore
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far out. A rusty freighter with spiri as pride moves off the edge of the world.
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A big oak moons in the night wind because summer is gone and a long sleep is
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ahead. I farm the hounds sit quietly outside the
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kitchen tails twitching waiting for the man with the gun across the
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Great Plains miles and miles of gold wheat are cut and adjusted by the big combine
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Zz and corn shocks stand Crispin death. A tailor a
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dry cleans a top coat and tries to match a button. Crisp crisscross curtains go
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up behind windows the oilman leaves the first bill of the season in the mail box near the
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breakfast table. School bus tickets and sandwiches wait on the drawing board for a child who doesn't want
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to get out of bed. Little huts in the mountains are boarded up a rowboat
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pulled up from the edge of a lake lies upside down at the shore seagulls
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walk miles of beach alone picking for baby crabs in the sand. For
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days the sky is deep blue and cloudless the air has a clear sparkle to it
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and the odor of burning leaves. It's a profit supplies the perfume of autumn
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the good shows are back on television and the teenagers demand to know why they can't stay up till
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11. The man at the filling station says that the car could stand a tune up.
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When their life saving goes out everyone asks Now I turn the clock back or
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forward. The news commentators warn us about hurricanes that are a
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thousand miles away and die there. A round orange moon runs
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down a country dance on a hay ride. A laughing girl looks up seriously at a
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boy chewing on a straw and murmurs. Don't say that unless you mean it.
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Birds fly south and ahead of honeysuckle hangs in the air. Church
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steeples mark the clear sky and the little girl puts on her Dr. Denton 100s
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and forgets to shut the trap door. An old lady sits on a
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rocker in a home and squints as she watches one more season die.
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Soon she too will go and she no longer minds because she has seen all this
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so many times. An infant draws his tiny knees up as the hunger
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pain hits him and he wails for service. A teenager on a telephone says I'd
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like to but my mother says I have to wash all the windows outside.
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On Broadway the big shows staged their opening nights nights when the show
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on a sidewalk is better than the one on the stage in the deep woods. The
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colors make drunk the eyes.
[23:44 - 23:49]
It is a season of plumage and death. The sweet season.
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And a sweet piece of writing from Mr. Jim Bishop. From which we move on
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to the crisp season. The time of color riot in deep breaths.
[24:03 - 24:04]
[24:04 - 24:10]
No one has written more observantly and fervently in this time of the year than Thomas Wolfe in his novel of
[24:10 - 24:15]
time on the river published by Charles Scribner's Sons. This packed passage from which
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I'm about to read selections is one of the most famous in all of Wolf's long hand Jerrick
[24:19 - 24:23]
to his native land. October has come again
[24:23 - 24:30]
now October has come again which in our land is different from October in other lands.
[24:30 - 24:34]
They're ripe. The golden month has come again. And in Virginia the chicken pens are
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falling Frost shops the middle music of the season all things living on
[24:39 - 24:44]
earth turn home again. The country is so big you cannot say the country has the same
[24:44 - 24:49]
October in Maine. The frost comes sharp and quick as driven nails just for a week
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or so. The woods all of the bright and bitter leaves flare up and maples
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turn a blazing bitter red and other leaves turn yellow like a living light falling
[24:59 - 25:04]
about you as you walk the woods falling about you like small pieces of the sun so
[25:04 - 25:08]
that you cannot say where the sunlight shakes and flutters on the ground and where the leaves.
[25:08 - 25:14]
And the great winds hold and swoop across the land. They make a distant roaring and great
[25:14 - 25:19]
trees and boys in bed will stare in ecstasy thinking of demons and vast sweepings through
[25:19 - 25:24]
the earth all through the night there is the clean the bitter rain of acorns and the
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chestnut burrs a plopping to the ground. And often in the night there is
[25:29 - 25:34]
only the living silence the distant frosty barking of a dog the small comes the
[25:34 - 25:38]
stir and feathery stumble of the chickens on a line roosts and the moon
[25:38 - 25:43]
low and heavy moon of autumn now barred behind the leafless poles of pines. Now at the
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pine woods brooding edge in Summit now falling with ghosts dawn of milky light
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upon the rind clods of fields on the frosty scurf on pumpkins
[25:53 - 25:58]
now whiter smaller brighter hanging against the steeple slope
[25:58 - 26:04]
hanging in the same way in a million streets steeping all the earth and frost and
[26:04 - 26:08]
silence. Then a chime of frost cold Bells May peal out on the
[26:08 - 26:13]
brooding air and people lying in their beds will listen. They will not speak or
[26:13 - 26:19]
stir or silence will nod the darkness like a rat but they will whisper in their hearts.
[26:19 - 26:24]
Summer has come and gone has come and gone and now.
[26:24 - 26:29]
But they will say no more. They will have no more to say. They will wait listening.
[26:29 - 26:34]
Silent and brooding as the frost to time strange ticking time
[26:34 - 26:38]
dark time that haunts us with the briefness of our days. They will think of men long dead of men now
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buried in the earth of frost and silence long ago of a forgotten face and
[26:43 - 26:49]
moments of lost time. And they will think of things they have no words to utter.
[26:49 - 26:54]
And in the night in the dark in the living sleeping silence of the towns the million
[26:54 - 26:59]
streets they will hear the thunder of the fast express the whistles of great ships
[26:59 - 27:01]
upon the river.
[27:01 - 27:04]
What will they say then. What will they say that.
[27:04 - 27:16]
And so we've come full circle and winter is once again at hand. Soon it will be the appropriate
[27:16 - 27:21]
time for Mark mandarins words dim the ways of snow and great high
[27:21 - 27:25]
darkness. Strange the sound of whiteness coming visible to the ground.
[27:25 - 27:32]
Spring Summer Fall and Winter and the ineffable wonder of a passing time.
[27:32 - 27:37]
I hope we've enjoyed this program of time of the seasons on that you plan to be with me next week for a
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decided change of pace with a programme entitled off beat included will be a
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potpourri of items gathered with no particular plan from a multitude of sources.
[27:46 - 27:51]
Amusing. Profound. Touching perceptive all revelatory of the American
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car. Until next week and this is Dick Burdick sang along.
[28:02 - 28:07]
Listen to the land is produced and recorded at station w h y y Philadelphia under a grant
[28:07 - 28:11]
from the National Educational Television and Radio Center and is being distributed by the National Association of
[28:11 - 28:16]
educational broadcasters. This is James Keeler inviting you to join us next week for
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offbeat to listen to the land with your host and narrator Richard espec.
[28:21 - 28:24]
This is the NE the radio network.