Church of Thorembais-les-Beguines

[00:32 - 00:37]
Into European Order Today we visit the church of
[00:37 - 00:42]
perambulating Belgium. Note some facts of
[00:42 - 00:46]
musical and historical interest. Music composed by men who were
[00:46 - 00:47]
contemporaries of its build.
[00:47 - 01:03]
[01:03 - 01:08]
The organ to be explored today in the church of thought a baby gained one only
[01:08 - 01:12]
by buying out jam was built sometime around 16 7 to find
[01:12 - 01:18]
the instrument does not make it nor is it signed. Possibly the builder may never be
[01:18 - 01:23]
known. It's a positive organ which originally was part of a much larger
[01:23 - 01:28]
instrument belonging to the Priory of totem Bay irate which was under the
[01:28 - 01:32]
supervision of Live Aid to be a lobby.
[01:32 - 01:37]
Tunnel a this is a most interesting instrument as we shall see knob from a number of examples
[01:37 - 01:42]
of the individual stops and there are several combinations. Our first
[01:42 - 01:45]
own example illustrates the eight foot board on.
[01:45 - 02:10]
Now we will hear the somewhat brighter forefoot press tapped.
[02:10 - 02:31]
Our third example illustrates the tone of the forefoot float
[02:31 - 02:32]
[02:32 - 02:56]
Here again is the eight foot board on which we heard as all first example
[02:56 - 03:02]
combined with the sparkle of the two foot do but I.
[03:02 - 03:19]
[03:19 - 03:23]
In the next example we again hear the board on at 8 foot pitch combined with a
[03:23 - 03:28]
two and two thirds foot stop the Quint and off unison stop which in
[03:28 - 03:31]
combination gives an unusual effect.
[03:31 - 04:00]
Our sixth tonal example combines another off unison stop. This time the one and
[04:00 - 04:05]
three fifths won't stop but tears with the eight foot board on again.
[04:05 - 04:07]
The effect is somewhat unusual.
[04:07 - 04:27]
Now we will hear the 5 rank cornet played by the right hand and used as a solo
[04:27 - 04:32]
stop accompanied by the eight foot board gong and the four foot flute in the left
[04:32 - 04:32]
[04:32 - 05:18]
The atonal example illustrates the full organ effect without the reed stops.
[05:18 - 05:23]
We will hear the eight foot board on the four foot press stand and float the two foot do
[05:23 - 05:53]
but the five right cornet and the three rank next are.
[05:53 - 05:58]
Our total exploration of this small instrument includes as we hear the two reed
[05:58 - 06:02]
stops the eight foot trumpet and the four foot Clara.
[06:02 - 06:29]
We have now heard all of the 10 stops either alone or in simple
[06:29 - 06:34]
combinations of today's ancient European organ located in the church of
[06:34 - 06:39]
totem Balej big Gene Wilder in Buffalo and Belgium. It's an
[06:39 - 06:44]
instrument of one manual of forty eight notes and a pedal of 18 keys attached to the
[06:44 - 06:48]
manuals by mechanical devices. There are 10 stops but
[06:48 - 06:53]
16 ranks of pipes. The pedal keys were added to the organ after it had been
[06:53 - 06:58]
placed in the church of Torah. The first C Sharp of the
[06:58 - 07:03]
manual does not exist but in this connection it should be noted that organ works of the seventeenth
[07:03 - 07:07]
century were written in keys which did not require the low C sharp
[07:07 - 07:13]
in all. The organ contains six hundred twenty eight pipes. They are made of lead
[07:13 - 07:18]
except for about 21 which are of wood. Organist poem
[07:18 - 07:23]
about Iran now plays those softer oh so
[07:23 - 07:27]
Sato was a German born music publisher and composer of the sixteenth century who
[07:27 - 07:32]
spent most of his adult productive life in the Low Countries. It made a considerable
[07:32 - 07:37]
contribution to music through the publication of a number of collections of contemporary
[07:37 - 07:41]
works. Sort of a hero by so Sato.
[07:41 - 07:48]
They're like.
[07:48 - 07:53]
The brittle Arabs.
[07:53 - 07:57]
They're the bad little
[07:57 - 08:02]
blue little lib.
[08:02 - 08:03]
There the
[08:03 - 08:07]
bullet or the
[08:07 - 08:15]
[08:15 - 08:15]
[08:15 - 08:26]
[08:26 - 08:30]
[08:30 - 08:33]
Old Lady.
[08:33 - 08:38]
The Arab little
[08:38 - 08:44]
old little to a.
[08:44 - 08:44]
[08:44 - 08:56]
Sort of by the 16th century composer so Sato
[08:56 - 09:02]
the next composition to be heard on today's broadcast of ancient European organs from the church of
[09:02 - 09:07]
totem baby again is by the 16th and 17th century organist
[09:07 - 09:12]
composer Peter Courtenay Courtenay was organist at the Cort chapel in
[09:12 - 09:17]
Brussels from 15 93 until 16 26 and the list of
[09:17 - 09:21]
expenses for the funeral of the Queen of Spain in December 16 11
[09:21 - 09:27]
shows that corn 8 was organized for that occasion. Your knowledge he
[09:27 - 09:32]
took on a five hour sets on the Magnifique got they bad the title's saw they had a
[09:32 - 09:36]
Gina they call mom aunts and I had a go at Clements and a prophy.
[09:36 - 19:23]
The end.
[19:23 - 19:31]
The end.
[19:31 - 19:34]
The end The
[19:34 - 19:46]
[19:46 - 19:52]
The end.
[19:52 - 19:54]
And the end.
[19:54 - 20:04]
The Eh. Eh
[20:04 - 20:09]
[20:09 - 20:14]
Eh and.
[20:14 - 20:17]
[20:17 - 20:20]
[20:20 - 20:26]
Louis Louis.
[20:26 - 20:33]
I am.
[20:33 - 20:38]
Louis. Louis. Thank
[20:38 - 20:43]
[20:43 - 20:44]
[20:44 - 21:21]
[21:21 - 21:30]
[21:30 - 21:34]
Peter corn A's Fiverr sits on the Magnificat
[21:34 - 21:41]
organist a poet turns now to the works of the greatest of the North German
[21:41 - 21:44]
organists of the late 17th century Dietrich books to hold up
[21:44 - 21:50]
the organ we are hearing today was erected about sixty and seventy five books to who
[21:50 - 21:55]
died in 1770 and therefore was a contemporary of the man who built the
[21:55 - 22:00]
instrument in the church of totem Bay books to whose most famous
[22:00 - 22:05]
position which he held beginning in sixteen sixty eight was that of organist at the St.
[22:05 - 22:10]
Mary Church in Ribbeck. So famous was the OP and music and other
[22:10 - 22:14]
activities of books to who to hear that both Handel and Bach journeyed to St. Mary's to
[22:14 - 22:19]
observe. We now hear organist Paul but Opera form books too who
[22:19 - 22:22]
has a few in C major.
[22:22 - 23:22]
Her and her.
[23:22 - 24:10]
[24:10 - 24:17]
The end. Louis.
[24:17 - 24:21]
I am. I
[24:21 - 24:26]
a Louis Louis
[24:26 - 24:35]
Louis. Louis.
[24:35 - 24:36]
[24:36 - 24:57]
There has.
[24:57 - 25:21]
To go.
[25:21 - 25:25]
Fugue in C Major by Dietrich books.
[25:25 - 25:31]
Today's ancient European organ concert concludes with the work by an anonymous
[25:31 - 25:36]
sixteenth century English composer. Went to jail up taken from
[25:36 - 25:39]
and ontology for the organ. Life will have to be as
[25:39 - 25:41]
[25:41 - 26:13]
[26:13 - 26:17]
No one. Know
[26:17 - 26:22]
[26:22 - 26:26]
I am. I
[26:26 - 26:33]
am. I am.
[26:33 - 26:37]
I am. The
[26:37 - 26:47]
[26:47 - 26:48]
[26:48 - 26:54]
[26:54 - 26:56]
[26:56 - 27:02]
[27:02 - 27:07]
You heard one.
[27:07 - 27:23]
Up one a Chela a composition by an anonymous sixteenth century English composer
[27:23 - 27:44]
taken from an anthology for the organ by Pierre White B.
[27:44 - 27:45]
Thank you.
[27:45 - 28:20]
I'm listening to another program on the series ancient European organs presenting
[28:20 - 28:24]
instruments erected during the period from the Middle Ages through the middle of the 18th
[28:24 - 28:29]
century. Together with facts about them and the structures in which they are housed. The
[28:29 - 28:34]
music performed on them by their contemporaries. Today's
[28:34 - 28:38]
broadcast explored an instrument built about 16 75 by some unknown
[28:38 - 28:43]
craftsman and instrument of one manual with 48 keys and the
[28:43 - 28:47]
pedalboard of 18 keys attached to the manual with trackers.
[28:47 - 28:52]
Their attempt stops some 16 sets of pipes. The instrument is housed in the
[28:52 - 28:58]
church of quorum Balej begin in Wallonia Brabant Belgium.
[28:58 - 29:03]
Materials for these programs are recorded by members of the European Broadcasting Union. Today's
[29:03 - 29:07]
programme having been recorded by the French division of the Belgian radio. Especially the
[29:07 - 29:13]
presentation in the United States by Member Stations of the NPR network.
[29:13 - 29:18]
Programme was prepared and written by Honeywell over and produced at the University of Michigan.
[29:18 - 29:23]
At her speaking and inviting you to listen again next week at the same time for another
[29:23 - 29:54]
program of ancient European market.
[29:54 - 29:57]
This is the national educational radio network.