Peter Viereck discussion, part two

[00:05 - 00:10]
I think that one of the one of the
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ideas of being an artist one of the things about an artist's. Activity
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what he does which is very important for society
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is. For the most part not recognized by that society. And
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for the most part he is not the kind of way that
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society tries to get whatever meaning there is in what he does what he
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makes. And I think that it has something to do with the fact
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that the artist within our society right now
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is almost the only person who makes a thing.
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First of all makes a thing which exists
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primarily for its own sake for its own reference which has
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value because of what it is rather than for any kind of
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statement that it makes about a political or social position explicit
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statement or rather than that it has any kind of
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function as decoration or as entertainment.
[01:17 - 01:21]
It is something he makes a thing. It's
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something which has its own value its own presence is its
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reason for being and that's all. And in society
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now in an in America now almost nobody except the artist I would say
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nobody except an artist does this kind of thing and I think that this is this is a
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very important. This is what the primary function of an artist is.
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Now the artist as a political being as a person who unlike anybody
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else who may pay as income tax or buy groceries or support a family
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or whatever may take a political position a very explicit political position on a
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question like Vietnam or anything else just the same as any other man can.
[02:06 - 02:10]
But the thing the issue that I'm trying to raise is that I think that he has
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something more to contribute than that. And I think that the thing that he
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contributes is the idea that he can become so
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absorbed or one can become so absorbed in. Thing
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in a concrete present thing that that can be a world maybe this is a
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kind of Ivy ivory tower concept of the artist and in that
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sense maybe also I'm getting back to something else that you were talking about.
[02:38 - 02:43]
But I think that this far from being very precious and far from making
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him a very removed person from all of the
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attitudes are what is civilization this
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particular culture is I think far from now.
[02:55 - 03:00]
I think this is the one thing which he can uniquely contribute or
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make for the people of his own
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time and place of the other thing is that the artist
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almost uniquely now. Is responsible for the thing that he
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makes. Nobody else in our society who makes a thing who is responsible
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for the manufacture of a thing just about is totally
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responsible for the thing that he makes.
[03:27 - 03:31]
That is he's a cog somewhere among many people
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who are responsible for the thing which is made of the manufactured article for the
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for the artifact. And this isn't true of all artists it's true of poets and it's true of most
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painters is true of most of hers it isn't true say of composers because a composer has
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to be dependent on the performance. But I think this is something else which is an important issue which hasn't been
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raised at all here and I would just like to bring it up here that the artist
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is responsible alone for the thing that he does and it if he makes a
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lousy painting then he has made a lousy painting and it's nobody else's. You know it's nobody
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else's bag.
[04:08 - 04:14]
If he makes a terrific painting then he has made that terrific painting and
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he has a kind of sense of elation and responsibility which almost
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nobody else in society can have. And it seems to me
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that the artist within society functioning through our society
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can be that kind of guy who does this for all of the people
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in all in his time and in his place in his country and
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his century whatever it is he can be the guy who does this kind of
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thing and I think that this is a very important role for
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him to fill.
[04:50 - 04:53]
This may be very much off the thrust of what's been said before but.
[04:53 - 05:00]
It was the most relevant thing so got an essential
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point which is that there is nothing more useful
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than the useless. There is nothing more social and
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ethical than the seemingly anti-social and anti
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ethical withdrawal of the authors in every case societies that were
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pragmatic and said the scientist must be practical or the poet must write
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propaganda have killed sons and killed poetry whereas those that
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have allowed pure science useless science the pure
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aesthetic joy of speculation such as Einstein whom I cited last night
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carried out to them out of this uselessness this poor useless
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anti-social joy of speculation come the most. The real I was a cowboy
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in a roundabout and similarly the artist who best
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fought fascism.
[05:55 - 06:03]
Who wrote poems right the arrow was full of low
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level and right minded and sentiments which didn't help a bit
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because they were poorly written and had no influence the people who did more against
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fascism just staying people that I've known in concentration camps were people who wrote
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such that the dignity of men shone with such radiance through them that even though these
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poems were not political and had no appeal to march up and down to protest
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the dignity of man that came to their beauty was of more social help in letting
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people resist than any right
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minded progressive propaganda tract propaganda.
[06:44 - 06:49]
Agree with you and I think this has been the most relevant remark
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of uselessness. The only remark which didn't disagree with you.
[06:56 - 07:01]
Stick with me by a
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[07:07 - 07:10]
So I think I think you mean I think gently to the left
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but individuals and I think I think partly agree there's one other thing however they
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can do and you didn't mention. I've talked enough said one word
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nobody but the audience does it today in this world of. Oh you and us
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[07:28 - 07:33]
It's spontaneity spontaneity.
[07:33 - 07:38]
We could could we say that we are responding to
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let's say a political way and respond in a unique
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way that is not however completely socially relevant.
[07:50 - 07:55]
Yeah absolutely but he may respond as a man as any other man made nice taking
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a position and by stating his position one way or the other. But the thing
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that interests me is not his role as a man because we all have that right.
[08:05 - 08:06]
Everyone has that role.
[08:06 - 08:10]
Yes but what does he have which is unique and which is you know
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I feel that in light of all this Miss said the artist is a human being after all.
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And that we can lose his identity just as easily as quite shocked
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or anyone else. He can be subject to academia
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and lose his identity as a personality and his individuality. He
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can do it through becoming souped up on technique and technique alone
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or spontaneity and spontaneity alone. He can do it by succumbing to
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modern technology to the point where he's lost completely his identity and you have the
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object that is foreign to you and only that. The artist is not there any
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longer. This is there a danger it's a trap. That the artist is subject
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to these things as much as anyone else and particularly so today.
[09:02 - 09:07]
I hear tape music and I admit that it would take a giant to make this a kind
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of individual performance and we have some giants but there certainly are damn few.
[09:13 - 09:18]
But it is very real a very real danger. I think artists can lose is
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I am a lawyer.
[09:19 - 09:24]
I think what you're talking about is you're not trying to make a distinction between good art and bad
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I have what you would known not oh no you're wrong and I think you
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have objects which you feel I have no doubt.
[09:33 - 09:38]
Say you're wrong and you say that I'm thinking I don't have that
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danger existed since the beginning of art if you want to call it that we have not
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judging anything contemporary or otherwise as I said it could be less an
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academician he could be lost and still life painting or whatever the hell it might be. But
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it is a danger and we're subject to it like anyone else
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and I don't think that we can just say gee here we have all of our little spontaneity aren't we grand
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and are we doing the world a great good. A hell of a lot of pain and
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passion and love and dedication and individuality. You want to call it that. And
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because you're an artist does not necessarily mean you have been given a god give
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license to inspire the world or poets or writers yet
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are scientists or whatever have you.
[10:23 - 10:25]
Yeah no I agree with that.
[10:25 - 10:30]
Why not come for. The people that have been
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talking here the most about her. Will that have been speaking for the last few minutes have been mostly
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artists I'd like to put in a few words for you. You know people who write
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and I think I think that and I think that one of the dangers and perhaps Mr. Gregg is
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extremely aware of this is one of the horrible dangers of the literary community
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is that they do write and they communicate in such a sense
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that everybody's extremely aware of whatever other people are thinking.
[10:59 - 11:04]
And it becomes extremely important. The idea of ideas and communicating
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in a it gradually gets to a sense of great cleverness. You know
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everybody wants to share the same ideas and you belong to one Basque intellectual literary club
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now. I hate to do it to get back to you now that's the most recent thing I can think of Mary
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McCarthy trotting over to Vietnam with in her mind you know well I'm going to show those guys
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something and I'm going to go over there and just write awful things by everybody. And
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she went over there and. Mimic Iraqi darling of the
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intellectual community went over there. To try to show up another ex darling.
[11:38 - 11:43]
John Stanley who had written some things she didn't like because John Steinbeck is
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out of the intellectual community. And then McCarthy is in.
[11:49 - 11:53]
And it gets to be that much of the comedy out of how Rambo is to have him to be there
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in the game something which went on that all day I want to be very sure there is I think that many
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people have been get the idea that you are equating somehow courage with intellectual accuracy.
[12:03 - 12:08]
You know I'm not saying that perhaps the ideas are not extremely accurate. What I'm saying is that
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they are becoming more and more an individual organized corporation like you can see
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for example they all join a little club to pick up the page ad in The New York Times saying I am an intellectual on
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the literary intellectual for which reason I am by definition John John John John John it's a
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horrible thing. You know when you start being at the Divine the literary mind.
[12:27 - 12:32]
And you come to the ideas that they have on political issues are
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more and more predictable and less and less individualistic. It's almost as if you know the cliched
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society that John Gavin spoke about earlier has taken over that the literary world where we all
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work in a little club you know and everybody we all get together
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and share ideas and if you if your ideas are you know considered not you know not intellectual
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at the time but there's something gravely wrong with you and boy are you like John
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[12:57 - 13:03]
Young lady a lot of weight about her now there is a danger of
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pro-Castro her over here intellectual and you almost had the misfortune napping in
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the park here and I would have not been brave and courageous by standing against the government and
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you'd go home already feel that you are going to get a vision what does one do.
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About one's ranks regardless of the consequences other fads.
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It was almost prima facia evidence against an intellect if he even knows what the fat is.
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There should be a kind of innocence that one shouldn't even know what is fashionable and
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I agree with your statement and with one proviso that you are not attacking only the left
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because there are equal fads on the right in other words if you are in the local
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American Legion of a small town then the chic fad would
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be to say bomb those bombs let's bomb Hanoi and so
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on and I would condemn this kind of collaboration is just as much
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as the sheik left collaborationists the Mary McCarthy as a
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clinical obviousness of making indignant noises
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fairly safely at cocktail parties. But let's also condemn the American
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leader right wing club business which. Wants to escalate
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the bombings and so on and the shelter
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comes to my presumably and brandishes where you have to be a member of the at certain
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club Bananarama a deep thinker on the right because he doesn't exist as a
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mine and doesn't belong to you know
[14:35 - 14:41]
very well this is why I'm against Right right right right wing idiots as much as it is against left wing ones
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with this difference the right wingers at least admit they're conformist whereas the Left left
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left things around that worried us a great individualists they are just like everybody else.
[14:52 - 14:57]
But it strikes me the artist has that great discipline as well as a great deal of spontaneity.
[14:57 - 15:01]
Yes they know something if they have some techniques before he can utilize his
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spontaneity rap even though the artist does what may be thought of as
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useless. He also does it in ways which are useful that is a great deal of marketing
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appears in churches. A great deal of art that has occurred in terms of some kind of
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context in which people are appreciative. I
[15:20 - 15:26]
have not met many artists or must say or know many artists who don't want their work to be seen.
[15:26 - 15:31]
I don't want to have a place. So if we can talk about spontaneous a great word we're all for
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spontaneity we're all for protest. We're all for self-expression. But we're
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wrong. It strikes me too for some framework within which it occurs and the
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difficult problems don't seem to me to be answerable by the kind of
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apparatus the kind of discussion that we've been having we're off of the private life
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to be sure but not completely for the completely privatized life because that becomes a
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part from any tradition apart from any kind of a continuity.
[16:01 - 16:06]
So that I I find it rather difficult to. To grapple
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with what has become now an either or kind of proposition but how the two mesh together
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sure we all we all want to care and not care we all want as George
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Orwell put it we want to give the raspberry to the the formalin the serious at
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some time. We want the underside of the oversight of how much and when and where
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becomes a regular problem. So we can all agree on these things that the more we start talking about something like
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Vietnam we separate because the abstractions are not for us.
[16:35 - 16:42]
I responded why don't you know the question of the art in the churches which is
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presumably didactic and which has a kind of function or
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use in that art for
[16:52 - 16:56]
us now is not in its value for us now
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is not in that it illustrates a certain kind of story
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or it's not in its didactic function. We have that
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in all kinds of second rate artists well isn't first rate arc. And you know from the
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same period Medieval art Renaissance art whatever the function of that
[17:16 - 17:21]
art. Well it has no real function the value of that art for us although it does have a
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didactic kind of function. The real value of that art for us is what it is
[17:26 - 17:31]
as a thing. I have as you know I would just as art but I mean is it because I'm not sure that
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I'm not saying that art might not have a function of entertainment instruction
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whatever but if that's its principal value and its principal value is not what
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it is as a presence as a thing then for me it's not. It's either not serious art
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or not good art or not interesting art to me it doesn't exist as art for me.
[17:50 - 17:54]
I guess I just want to make that distinction I want to make that distinction and
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perspective from memory here universal element of some
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kind of and I have got the necessity of discipline but I also believe in the
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necessity of the impulse and the spontaneity.
[18:09 - 18:14]
Are you suggesting the bedroom again or let the guide
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play to the peculiarity of his work with the
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artist and are private rather than public.
[18:28 - 18:33]
Yes I would say so and I would say within the object that he makes use of the fang that
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he makes takes on a kind of existence a kind of sounds corny to
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say so but a kind of life of its own it becomes something separate from the artist who made it.
[18:43 - 18:48]
With jazz itself it's you know it's its own thing. It has its presence its important to
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us because of what it is as a thing and not because of what it does for us
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not because of there it entertains us or decorates our walls are it
[18:58 - 19:04]
tells a story or whatever. But may do all of those thing yes.
[19:04 - 19:10]
Inform the parent of everybody heard them Professor McGonagall stressed grasses.
[19:10 - 19:14]
There's no spontaneity and because there's some record lows again
[19:14 - 19:19]
I think what I object to is extra not mechanical.
[19:19 - 19:24]
Empire was filmed by a government dictatorship
[19:24 - 19:27]
Midwest congressman saying I'm against abstract
[19:27 - 19:34]
but I think we both accept discipline and family if it's organic form which
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grows out of its subject I don't think either of us have a reverse SSN so to speak.
[19:39 - 19:44]
So there's no contest at all between spontaneity and on the contrary
[19:44 - 19:49]
in poetry reading up the lecture but the afternoon poetry reading
[19:49 - 19:53]
yesterday I was asked as a matter of riled ness
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and spontaneity Oh is it a matter of strict craftsmanship and the answer is very simple strict
[19:59 - 20:03]
while this summer one of your current artist want to
[20:03 - 20:08]
have a man who can.
[20:08 - 20:14]
Thank you want to wait. Well what. I saw is a car
[20:14 - 20:20]
man gives you are this morning ban. Their. Right.
[20:20 - 20:24]
As guides say persecuted
[20:24 - 20:30]
because of technological image of Perseus us were the ones that have quite
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humorous old. Person very similar
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yet we are one of the major.
[20:41 - 20:44]
Difference. But I'd rather not go there first. All the terror
[20:44 - 20:52]
I don't want my career is based on the love my things and I was for his good
[20:52 - 20:56]
love my parenting Otherwise I'm the bread of life the name of
[20:56 - 21:02]
heaven I'm I'm going to fight this you are just saying sure you're wasn't being picked up.
[21:02 - 21:07]
We are the ones you have here this
[21:07 - 21:16]
is one person had three o'clock in the morning.
[21:16 - 21:18]
If you're an athlete you're kind of artist
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bad good bad bad bad.
[21:26 - 21:40]
Possible with the book or.
[21:40 - 21:45]
Other words by
[21:45 - 21:50]
Alex. Yeah cool develop
[21:50 - 21:55]
the whole. Building before packing
[21:55 - 21:57]
people together with
[21:57 - 22:06]
a real possibility of being wrong are we.
[22:06 - 22:11]
Crap I think I think you know we're here. Are.
[22:11 - 22:15]
There. Any. Part of this.
[22:15 - 22:24]
By varying numbers of people I want
[22:24 - 22:31]
from the odds are against us I agree.
[22:31 - 22:36]
Minute Gesta that's where they're just as minute. It has to be made anyway not just by
[22:36 - 22:40]
the artist who are not sacred. No no better than anybody else no worse
[22:40 - 22:45]
Philistine resentment against artist which we've just heard expressed is really not to be
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ridiculed by you because our gains of the artist against the Philistines is even worse.
[22:50 - 22:55]
Therefore my heart goes out to this loquacious Philistine because I prefer him to the
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hour again artist who thinks that just because he's an artist he can be and Marlon in
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every possible field and not made his death in the take care of his family. So
[23:05 - 23:09]
so so that I have great sympathy for for the Philistine I think I'm
[23:09 - 23:15]
lying to them and they're raving not time over this ungainly fowl to hear
[23:15 - 23:20]
discourse so plainly yet they always discuss
[23:20 - 23:26]
little meaning the Romans. I think I think this was a very plain and
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forthright remark and I'm fed up with it. Just because the
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artist can behave badly. They had their neighbors or
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anything else need to be sacred. No Should a big girl or the girl is
[23:41 - 23:45]
under the same ethic alone as everybody else
[23:45 - 23:50]
although they're against a sacred event happened and the
[23:50 - 23:53]
fact they have the same kind of commitment.
[23:53 - 23:55]
The principles of the ordinary jackass.
[23:55 - 24:00]
Why should I justify that as let's say an opposite as you know the
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idea they justify themselves with was a notion that was that all women are
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claiming that we need you know all sorts of stuff heart of man and the artist the
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fags and their finding all sorts of ways to avoid principles in
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order to continue to create their works of art and they're
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not standing up for the principle of whatever the devil it is they're going to make you for in
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terms of what we're talking about now stand up for those who are. Disapproving of what the nation is
[24:29 - 24:29]
[24:29 - 24:35]
How can you say the artists are not elite and you cannot tolerate this
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when just before you doubt that they believe they have to
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care all the time not enough the ordinary Jap has no alternative blasted
[24:47 - 24:51]
all he can justify himself and said what I have to you know I have to be careful now
[24:51 - 24:57]
as Peter wise you know sat in his cellar hole. I gotta play it cool man if I go out they are
[24:57 - 25:01]
not that guy that's being thrown out of his house. They're going to throw me in agreement on stuff
[25:01 - 25:07]
and you know look at me like man I'm creating all sorts of beautiful things here and
[25:07 - 25:12]
I'm gonna do a hell of a lot more for the Third Reich and for the future by staying alive than by
[25:12 - 25:17]
committing myself and getting killed. So there's a contradiction.
[25:17 - 25:22]
And what I was saying initially I'm repeating right now it seems to me and I know all
[25:22 - 25:27]
along with his tremendous a lofty concept of the artist that there is a time
[25:27 - 25:32]
and especially today it seems to be good and we can believe in the honesty you certainly the actuals we don't believe that
[25:32 - 25:37]
just because intellectuals get together and discover that there is an organized the sense
[25:37 - 25:40]
that it's a fad and therefore spurious to be honest.
[25:40 - 25:47]
We have a record of how disastrously wrong in things like the Moscow trials and style of the writing of
[25:47 - 25:52]
intellectuals in office so much wronger than that of the ignorant and the ungainly
[25:52 - 25:56]
fall that that I statically I maybe with the oddest but ethically I
[25:56 - 26:01]
think he's having at least Stalinist the under-educated non-AA distemper
[26:01 - 26:06]
has a has a better record the intellect just cannot claim to be an elite and because they've been
[26:06 - 26:11]
so disastrously wrong and wrong and not even for good reason but working out
[26:11 - 26:15]
neuroses within their own family in the revolt that then were well
[26:15 - 26:20]
satisfied overall that gets a book about father but it being for Stalin and
[26:20 - 26:25]
do this disgraceful record I don't think the artist is belongs to any that kilt
[26:25 - 26:29]
elite he belongs to an aesthetic elite of course he does
[26:29 - 26:34]
but then the good belongs to a craftmanship elite everyone who who does a good
[26:34 - 26:40]
job has its own kind of kind of elite.
[26:40 - 26:44]
The plumbers that Moscow tell you that I have data they I cited a
[26:44 - 26:49]
poll which showed that the less education people had the more they believe that
[26:49 - 26:53]
Stalin was a dictator rather than a Democrat was a better racket.
[26:53 - 26:59]
You've been listening to a discussion of a lecture by Peter Bergen titled The fight for
[26:59 - 27:04]
creativity and personality in a machine age this lecture and
[27:04 - 27:09]
discussion were a part of the University of Illinois Centennial symposium sponsored by the
[27:09 - 27:14]
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. This was the final program in this
[27:14 - 27:18]
series. Ma'am and the multitude is a feature
[27:18 - 27:23]
presentation Abhi University of Illinois radio service.
[27:23 - 27:28]
This program was distributed by a national educational radio. Based is
[27:28 - 27:30]
the national educational radio network.