- Series
- World of the Paperback
- Air Date
- 1966-07-19
- Duration
- 00:14:26
- Episode Description
- This program features Philip B. Kurland discussing Felix Frankfurter's "The Public and its Government."
- Series Description
- This series is dedicated to the discussion of literary topics and of the publication of significant paperbound books.
- Subject(s)
- Creator(s)
- University of Chicago (Producer)Albrecht, Robert C. (Host)
- Contributors
- Kurland, Philip B. (Guest)
- Genre(s)
- Geographic Region(s)
- regions
- Time Period
- 1961-1970
[00:06 - 00:11]
The world of the paperback the University of Chicago invites you to join
[00:11 - 00:16]
us for this series of 15 minute programs dedicated to the discussion of literary topics
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and the review of significant paper bound books each weekly program will bring to the
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microphone a different author authority or educator with his particular viewpoint towards the topic for
[00:25 - 00:30]
discussion. The book selected for today's discussion is the
[00:30 - 00:35]
public and its government by Felix Frankfurter. Our guest reviewer is Philip
[00:35 - 00:40]
Courland professor of law at the University of Chicago. Here is your
[00:40 - 00:43]
discussion host from the University of Chicago Robert C. Albrecht.
[00:43 - 00:49]
Justice Frankfurter opens his book the public and its government with this quotation from
[00:49 - 00:54]
Perry please. We differ from other states in regarding the man who holds aloof
[00:54 - 00:59]
from public life not as quiet but as useless. We decided to bait carefully
[00:59 - 01:04]
and person all matters of policy holding not the words and deeds go we'll together. But the
[01:04 - 01:09]
acts are foredoomed to failure when undertaken undiscussed.
[01:09 - 01:14]
This quotation from Perry please rightfully belong at the opening to a book on the
[01:14 - 01:18]
public and government at the opening of the book but I think it
[01:18 - 01:24]
is a model for Felix Frankfurter it
[01:24 - 01:28]
certainly contains the essence of what he was. But as a patient public
[01:28 - 01:33]
life thought before action. I think of the themes that he
[01:33 - 01:35]
most heartily.
[01:35 - 01:39]
First thing that struck me first was the title. It might have been the public
[01:39 - 01:45]
and describe the relationships between the two. I think it was important that he chose the
[01:45 - 01:48]
public in it because it is.
[01:48 - 01:53]
Testimony I think to his belief in democracy he did believe that the government
[01:53 - 01:55]
belonged to the people.
[01:55 - 01:59]
One of his reasons for writing the book was that he felt that there was at least a
[01:59 - 02:04]
measure of distrust between the public and its government. Did you feel this.
[02:04 - 02:09]
Well I don't have any doubt that when he wrote the book which was based on a series of
[02:09 - 02:13]
lectures he gave that yeah what he was trying to overcome
[02:13 - 02:18]
was what he thought was a dying perhaps and the notion that should be killed rather than a dying
[02:18 - 02:23]
notion that the government had no business carrying on doing anything except acting
[02:23 - 02:26]
as a referee among private interests.
[02:26 - 02:28]
Does this do you think this new is still commonly held.
[02:28 - 02:34]
I think it's disappeared to a large extent I think my
[02:34 - 02:40]
memories of that era are not quite clear. There was more of a problem.
[02:40 - 02:44]
I'm not sure that what we would regard as commonplace was regarded
[02:44 - 02:49]
as possibly true by a very large number of influential people in the
[02:49 - 02:54]
community. I thinking of a statement of the book The government is no longer
[02:54 - 02:59]
merely to keep the ring. To be a policeman to secure the observance of elementary decency.
[02:59 - 03:05]
It is now looked upon as one of the energies of civilization that is being drawn upon for all the
[03:05 - 03:09]
great ends assert it. I think right through the time of
[03:09 - 03:13]
the Roosevelt court packing plan a lot of people would regard this as
[03:13 - 03:15]
socialistic heresy.
[03:15 - 03:21]
And today of course it seems that one people accept another functional
[03:21 - 03:25]
government as its proper sphere.
[03:25 - 03:30]
Is it the same function that got the same function the frankfurter envisioned in
[03:30 - 03:35]
1030 vision that
[03:35 - 03:39]
he had in 1930 I think is probably best expressed in
[03:39 - 03:45]
the New Deal. What we think the New Deal stood for although actually I
[03:45 - 03:50]
suppose it really had a single philosophy but that there
[03:50 - 03:55]
are problems which are not solved of individuals or by local
[03:55 - 03:59]
governments of states that it was the function but the
[03:59 - 04:04]
obligation of the national government to take. But I think he had a
[04:04 - 04:09]
countervailing thesis which you expressed in this value to the extent that the
[04:09 - 04:14]
problem is a local. The proper area for resolution is
[04:14 - 04:16]
at the local level at the National.
[04:16 - 04:21]
Did Frankfurter during particularly during the thirties seem to stand for this position on the
[04:21 - 04:22]
[04:22 - 04:27]
Well you didn't get to the court in time I
[04:27 - 04:32]
think what you have to look to when you ask what he did
[04:32 - 04:34]
on the court is his notion that a.
[04:34 - 04:38]
It is not the function of the judiciary to express the
[04:38 - 04:46]
function of a legislator or a commentator on legislation to express what he was talking about
[04:46 - 04:50]
here is what legislatures should do what executive the executive
[04:50 - 04:54]
branches should do. So far as he was concerned the court was not a
[04:54 - 04:59]
formulator power. It was a protector against imposition
[04:59 - 05:06]
on the rights of individuals. But it was not its function to undertake
[05:06 - 05:09]
the leadership and the creation of national policy.
[05:09 - 05:14]
And so as a judge I think you would say that it was none of his business to
[05:14 - 05:19]
put into effect the various suggestions that he makes here just as he said it
[05:19 - 05:24]
was none of his business to interfere with those plans when the legislature
[05:24 - 05:25]
didn't like them.
[05:25 - 05:29]
And one of the things which he seems to emphasize a
[05:29 - 05:35]
chapter of the book is the function of the Supreme Court to
[05:35 - 05:40]
review the legislature and the state. Bodies
[05:40 - 05:46]
still seem that this is one of their most important functions of the Supreme Court.
[05:46 - 05:50]
I don't think that community question about what's happened between the time he was talking
[05:50 - 05:55]
here and the problems that the court now faces and did face during
[05:55 - 06:00]
most of the time that he was a member of the court is the difference
[06:00 - 06:04]
between the Question of the power of state governments to
[06:04 - 06:09]
control economic activity which the court was limiting such an
[06:09 - 06:14]
extent that both the national and the state governments as a matter of fact became powerless to deal
[06:14 - 06:19]
with an economic catastrophe like the depression. But what we have now
[06:19 - 06:23]
is a problem of limitations on state power in the areas that affect
[06:23 - 06:28]
individual freedoms and liberties as distinguished from. Although I
[06:28 - 06:33]
don't think any sharp line can be drawn but a distinguished prophet. Well the concern
[06:33 - 06:38]
with that is today in the court as a meaning of due process of law with relation
[06:38 - 06:43]
to life and liberty and what they were concerned with at this time was primarily due
[06:43 - 06:48]
process with relation to property Frankfurter was
[06:48 - 06:52]
one of those judges who did not have a great deal of faith in the
[06:52 - 06:57]
utilization of the Due Process Clause to effectuate appropriate
[06:57 - 07:02]
ends of government. This is part in part due to is there's a real feeling about
[07:02 - 07:07]
the undemocratic nature of a court its lack of political responsibility
[07:07 - 07:13]
in part due to the failure to find any guidance in the words due
[07:13 - 07:18]
process and in part to the notion that to the extent that you read
[07:18 - 07:23]
strict concepts into the due process clause you limited the capacity
[07:23 - 07:28]
both of the states and the national government to experiment in the resolution of problems.
[07:28 - 07:33]
Frankfurter it to one point in this book mentions the problem
[07:33 - 07:38]
I suppose in his college and the divided court. This does not seem to
[07:38 - 07:40]
bother him.
[07:40 - 07:42]
This time you never barring one Islamic court
[07:42 - 07:49]
having control of it once it got to the court I suppose having contributed to the great number of
[07:49 - 07:54]
dissenting opinions. It would be hard for him to complain that this was going on but he's
[07:54 - 07:59]
spoke frequently about public and private ques and essentially what he asked
[07:59 - 08:03]
anybody who raised the price of a Why does the court
[08:03 - 08:10]
ask the question of what hard problems are there and which there are two points
[08:10 - 08:15]
of view and the fact of the matter is that the court is not a device
[08:15 - 08:20]
of the newspapers would reveal because the court divides on the hardest problems
[08:20 - 08:25]
of the Getz which also happen to be the problems that make the newspapers the
[08:25 - 08:30]
majority of decisions are unanimous decisions. They were them.
[08:30 - 08:35]
That is before Frank put it on the court they were while he was on the court and they have been since he left
[08:35 - 08:40]
because he was a great believer in the obligation of the justice to express his own
[08:40 - 08:43]
views. Where they differed from that of the majority.
[08:43 - 08:49]
I think in part this derives from the fact that he saw the individual
[08:49 - 08:53]
expression of opinions by Justice Brandeis and eventually become
[08:53 - 08:58]
dominant. I expect he would have shouted the thing got whatever might have happened
[08:58 - 09:02]
if they had remained silent and not stated that.
[09:02 - 09:07]
Did Frank for any time seem to to question the
[09:07 - 09:12]
position of the court in a democratic society or did he always see it as a
[09:12 - 09:17]
real integral part of a democratic government.
[09:17 - 09:22]
I think you have to divide the court's function into several parts. I think what you're
[09:22 - 09:27]
talking about and the public image is concerned with the power of judicial review.
[09:27 - 09:32]
There can be no question of the desirability of the necessity of the court
[09:32 - 09:36]
for many other functions such as the interpretation of
[09:36 - 09:41]
legislation the supervision of the administration of justice in the
[09:41 - 09:47]
courts in the area of public review of judicial review.
[09:47 - 09:51]
I think Frank believed that it should be accessed only under the most
[09:51 - 09:55]
extraordinary circumstances. I think he had little
[09:55 - 10:00]
doubts about joining in the school segregation cases. On the other
[10:00 - 10:06]
I think he would have given a lot more leeway to state legislatures as well as in the
[10:06 - 10:10]
legislatures and most of his brother and have come to believe as appropriate.
[10:10 - 10:16]
One of the old questions. That one always thinks of I suppose
[10:16 - 10:20]
it's a lame Halas things that regard the court as a narrow and broad
[10:20 - 10:25]
interpretation of the Constitution. I suppose there's that this is really a dead question his need
[10:25 - 10:26]
for members of the court.
[10:26 - 10:32]
No they continue to argue about it. I think it is meaningless for
[10:32 - 10:37]
our purposes and always has been meaningless there is no doubt that it is a constitution and as a
[10:37 - 10:42]
constitution is not to be construed as literally as a statue. On the other hand it
[10:42 - 10:47]
is also true that there is some history and content to
[10:47 - 10:52]
the Constitution which means that the justices aren't free to write anything they
[10:52 - 10:56]
please as constitutional law. There's vacillation between the
[10:56 - 11:01]
two poles and sometimes you call it tends toward one and
[11:01 - 11:07]
other times tends toward the other and sometimes it will depend on the subject as before
[11:07 - 11:12]
and as to whether you have a strict constructionist or a broad constructionist with
[11:12 - 11:13]
Frankfurter usually.
[11:13 - 11:16]
Could he usually be denominated a broad constructionist.
[11:16 - 11:23]
Not in modern terms. He was considered
[11:23 - 11:27]
a more limited constructionist if you
[11:27 - 11:32]
think of the Constitution as being less of a restraint through
[11:32 - 11:37]
his government action than it was in the US.
[11:37 - 11:42]
He as I think we've indicated already has faith in democracy was
[11:42 - 11:47]
such that he had a belief that except in these extraordinary circumstances the
[11:47 - 11:52]
will of the people spoken through their legislature had to be done.
[11:52 - 11:56]
And yet he also said that the the court and the Constitution serve
[11:56 - 12:00]
also as a kind of protectors of the of the people
[12:00 - 12:06]
protected primarily of minorities and of individuals.
[12:06 - 12:11]
But even in the area of individual freedoms here and the reputation among.
[12:11 - 12:16]
Liberals close quote as a as a reactionary because he had hoped for reform
[12:16 - 12:23]
through the at the local level rather than attempt to impose reform from above.
[12:23 - 12:27]
He was not a great believer in edict from the court was
[12:27 - 12:31]
going to reform individual view. And he believed that.
[12:31 - 12:37]
You had to convince an educator who was ultimately responsible
[12:37 - 12:42]
for the election of the officials rather than the officials themselves to accomplish
[12:42 - 12:44]
what should be accomplished.
[12:44 - 12:49]
He places great emphasis in his closing remarks in this book on the
[12:49 - 12:53]
function of educational institutions with regard to the
[12:53 - 12:59]
public good. Did he see this.
[12:59 - 13:03]
Well I did see this as a necessity for
[13:03 - 13:08]
proper relations between the public and government and he certainly
[13:08 - 13:09]
[13:09 - 13:14]
I thought that first of all you needed a group with specialized
[13:14 - 13:19]
difficult problems that this group would cover could come
[13:19 - 13:24]
out of university training. But you also believe that it was necessary to
[13:24 - 13:29]
communicate to everybody who participated in
[13:29 - 13:34]
the electoral process. I think it would shock him to think that anybody was
[13:34 - 13:39]
going to sit back and say let somebody else decide who's going to win this election or
[13:39 - 13:44]
somebody else. There really is hands in politics.
[13:44 - 13:49]
You come back to those quotation from prickly at the
[13:49 - 13:54]
beginning but quiet and useless.
[13:54 - 13:57]
You know democracy.
[13:57 - 14:02]
The guest for today's discussion of the public and its government by Felix Frankfurter was
[14:02 - 14:07]
Philip Kurland professor of law at the University of Chicago. Your host for the world
[14:07 - 14:11]
of the paperback is Robert C. Albrecht assistant professor of English at the University of
[14:11 - 14:16]
Chicago. Next week John Hope Franklin a professor of history at the
[14:16 - 14:21]
University of Chicago will discuss a book that he edited three Negro
[14:21 - 14:25]
classics the world of the paperback is produced for a national educational
[14:25 - 14:31]
radio by the University of Chicago in cooperation with W A I T.
[14:31 - 14:34]
This is the national educational radio network.