Orville Freeman and Angier Biddle Duke

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NO ONE News man in the nation's capital can ever expect to cover all of the day to day
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events in that busy city. News conferences press statements receptions
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luncheons and so forth and which pronouncements are often made which affect our futures and the
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future of the world. Today from Washington the National Association of
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educational broadcasters visits briefly with two new government officials in the Kennedy
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administration. These men are U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Orville Freeman
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and the U.S. chief of protocol and Biddle Duke. First we
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travel to the office of secretary Freeman for some remarks on the success story of
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Agriculture and agricultural education.
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First of all may I say that I hope that the
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negative attitude which has been so prevalent in connection with agriculture
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will be dispelled and replaced by one of positiveness
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and some optimism. Actually I think we can
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say and document the saying that agriculture is the
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number one economic success story of
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the economy of the United States of America in terms of
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its product Kitty. The results are truly fantastic.
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The average American citizen works approximately one day
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to eat better than anyone in the history of the world
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with a few exceptions. In other places of the world they work at
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least two days in many many places three years
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and in many many much more than that. And so if you're using
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really sound criteria of saying how many hours do we work to
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eat and eat well why agriculture is an overwhelming
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success. And yet we tend to hear an emphasis
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on surplus and subsidy rather than a recognition
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of the great success and what it has meant to our country
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where now one person on the farm feeds in the neighborhood of 20 to
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24 people releasing them for doing other things.
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And whereas I repeat and dollar and cents figures are not very good
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comparisons if you take the number of hours worked where we work in
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this country far less than anywhere else in the world and eat far better
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actually since the end of World War 2 the productivity of the average
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agricultural worker has grown three times as fast as that of the
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industrial worker and the net result has been the
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tremendous productivity that we have. Actually we've invested
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very heavily in agriculture throughout our history and we're getting wonderful results
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from it. You want to go back to the Homestead Act of 1862 which
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might well be said to be one of the foundations of American democracy and freedom.
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You go through the establishment of our land grant colleges the agricultural
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campuses the research and then realize that today we have an extension
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agent and a homemaker in virtually every county in the United States of
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America to apply the knowledge and the research. We have a super program of
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education and this is an example of what education can do
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and that it is done. Now this is not to gainsay the fact that we have
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had some troublesome problems in connection particularly with certain kinds of commodities.
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And today when we talk about surpluses and I say frankly
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I don't like that word. And I find the semantics of Agriculture
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worrisome in regard to many phrases used. We're actually talking
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only about two things are really about one and that's in the field of green.
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Because of some pluses that are costing us heavily to store and handle
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our almost entirely wheat and feed grains.
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And I hope that as we progress here that we can in a
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sense engineer and direct this magnificent productive
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machinery into the paths of things that are needed here
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and also all around the world. More proteins more oils and
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that kind of thing. Now this of course isn't going to happen overnight.
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This is a long term program and I then asked What's the plan and when do you think you'll
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solve the problem. And I might say I would say they'll probably never be a
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solution nor any date. This world is changing rapidly and
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agriculture is changing. Perhaps more rapidly. And so it's a
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question of making progress. I'm not speaking fluently in terms of any
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particular time when you have solved the problem and I put that in
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quotation marks. And so we hope that we can move in that
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direction. As we know go through the process here for example of
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setting price of ports that I know you're interested in. We do it in many ways I
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think with an adequate information. I've talked on occasion about a
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food budget. Again let me just say in
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describing I generally thought I hope a year from now we will have some pretty hard
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figures as to what would be needed in the
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normal channels of distribution to feed and clothe our
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own people. What would be needed by way of our supplementary programs
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of direct distribution or food stamp plans. What would be needed
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and desirable in terms of our foreign economic program and the
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countries that we would hope to be working with and what we would want and when
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and that we would seek to direct our decisions based
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upon this kind of fundamental information so that we can kind of shape
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this magnificent productive machinery to bringing forth the things that we need
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at the times we need them rather than in a sense to Helter-Skelter tend to
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produce more of certain things and we can use at a particular time or place.
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This is the the philosophy with which we approach this assignment.
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Recognizing that it is a very complicated and a very difficult one. And as
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some of you have said to me on occasion that being secretary of agriculture is not the easiest job in
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Washington and Nonetheless it is one that
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is more than challenging and in my brief opportunity to serve. I have
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thoroughly enjoyed it. We put in quite a few hours in this office
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as have all of the staff here and I hope that we are making good
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[07:16 - 07:20]
That was United States Secretary of Agriculture Orville Freeman. Now
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across Washington to the luncheon meeting of the Women's National Press Club where the new government chief of
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protocol the honorable NGO Bittle Duke is speaking. Ambassador
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Duke and of the Foreign Service in 1990 and served in Argentina and Spain
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in 1052 he was appointed ambassador to El Salvador the youngest ambassador
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in United States history. Since then he has been active in supervising relief
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work in Laos Austria and Yugoslavia. And as a representative of this country in
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Africa and Latin America. Now here is the honorable NGO bit
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to describe his job as he sees it.
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To return as I am returning to the State Department after seven years of exile.
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Is gratifying and. It is a challenging opportunity.
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As chief of protocol as Francis Lewine I said it would appear that I am concerned
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with the ceremonial aspects of American foreign policy. Only
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what is there cannot be a ballad without a source a shadow without substance.
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So there cannot be meaningful diplomatic formality without implicit
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significance and sincerity. If protocol then is the form
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inherent in that form lies also the content of Foreign Relations.
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And I mean to put as much substance into foreign relationships international
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human relations if you will as I possibly can. In a democratic
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society like ours with a long and proud tradition of equality
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egalitarianism if you will political becomes as well the Maidan
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of simplification.
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Therefore my question must always be how can our office be
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helpful in making it easier for foreign policy to be conducted in the best interests of the
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United States. And in many cases the
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answer to that would be to rely on the tried and true time tested formulas that have
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worked out in past practice. I will not change them. It will be no changes
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merely for the sake of change. Now it's quite tempting. I had
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meant to fall for the superficial charm of the oft quoted charm
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of the idea of abolishing all the ground rules or the formalities and ceremony
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governing diplomatic practice. And of course that would be just about as
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sensible or as intelligent as accepting all traditional protocol blinding
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blindly without analysis or understanding its mission and function.
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Dean Rusk and I can particularly remember his words when he
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administered the oath of office to me. Dean Rusk has consistently maintained that he
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wants an analysis of what is essential in this field and what is not
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essential to the effective conduct of foreign relations. And.
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I'm happy to say that a large step forward in this area may be possible very soon.
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As many of you may already know a new international conference
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on political matters is to be convened at the end of the first one since
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1915 since 1815 this time under the auspices of the
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United Nations. The conference starts tomorrow. And its purpose is to formulate a
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Convention on Diplomatic intercourse and immunities. The United States is
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participating and our State Department is sending over an eight man delegation.
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I personally regret that this date March 2nd makes it impossible for me to go
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or for my deputy climate Congar. But our office will be well and fully represented
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at this important six week conference. Now the main objective
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of this meeting will be to obtain international agreement on a
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uniform standard of diplomatic rights. And procedures. Something which of course is
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badly needed in modern times. The United States for example has
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been far more liberal in granting privileges and immunities to foreign personnel
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than most other countries and it is hoped that our liberal position will be
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endorsed by the other nations represented at this new Vienna conference. When
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the United States government also hopes that ceremonial matters will be
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simplified at this conference this meeting will take up the functional
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needs of diplomatic missions everywhere in the world such as exemption
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of buildings owned by foreign governments from taxation and zoning regulations
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exemption of building materials from customs duties uniform methods of handling
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diplomatic pouches and so forth which no similar conference is ever taken up before on an
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international scale. What is not settled at this meeting.
[12:14 - 12:19]
Well I hope be referred to regularly scheduled conferences so that we may continue
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to update accepted practice. But we also have policy
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problems and this fail which cannot be decided for us.
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Internationally I am thinking of our own Washington problems the problems
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which are our own. And let's discuss for example the currently general
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acceptance of the value of entertaining as a method of implementing foreign
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[12:44 - 12:49]
Now it seems to me that both the press and public and I might say
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also the government appears to agree to the to its effectiveness
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without much question. In recent testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
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both the prospective ambassador designate and their
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interrogators have discussed in some detail the need for a
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larger representation allowances the questions have sounded and here's the point.
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The questions of centered more around how to get that increase. Then on an analysis of the
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need for it now I would seriously suggest that an objective and careful
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survey be made of the function of and attaining as an arm of diplomacy.
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I see the gleam in Howard Beale's our eye on this one.
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I've often wondered if the. Staggering sums of money we
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read about are really essential to the conduct of our missions in Paris
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London and Rome. Is it true that our ambassadors must spend so much to make friends and
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influence leaders in intellectual and labor circles in government in the
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church press and commercial circles. Perhaps it is
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but if so it should be carefully documented and buttressed by realistic thinking.
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Personally I am rather prejudiced. I've been exposed to the
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shotgun approach to official hospitality and some of the
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inconclusive even counterproductive results. On the other hand
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as a junior Foreign Service officer and large embassies in Madrid and when
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Osiris. I've worked under Chief of Mission who carefully zeroed
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in on time money and objectives when
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entertaining and I'm not convinced that the size of the
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representation allowance is a determining factor in the success of
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our mission. My experience I must admit is not broad enough to be
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conclusive and I hope with more thought and study would go into this field.
[14:54 - 15:02]
Here in Washington one of the interesting challenges
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connected with this is that face is the new protocol chief is the
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diplomatic inflation. In 1940 there were some 40 missions accredited
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here. And today there are 93. And by the year's end there may be over
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100 20 of these are embassies from nations which have recently established their
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independence. All of these new missions have much in common. They represent
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young and vigorous countries to a greater or lesser degree uncommitted and they present
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ideological struggle. It is my most earnest desire that the representatives
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of these new lands who are already in Washington know who will soon as stablish their
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embassies here should feel that the United States welcome them warmly and
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with as much genuine interest and curiosity as that which they have
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concerning our own country. Now there are some people in these
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new countries and persons in our own country who regard each other and
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sometimes glare at each other over the broad expanse of oceans
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with certain misgivings founded in no small degree on ignorance and a certain
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misunderstanding of the historical processes through which America came into
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being only a relatively few years ago and through which the new nations have been coming
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into being and are coming into being lately. The United
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States has its African and its Asian critics who accuse us of
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imperialist designs. Or of a desire to maintain the status quo throughout the world.
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You and I know of America's passion for change. We know
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about our cult of progress but a broad prosperity is equated
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with conservatism and a static society. And thus we are
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completely misunderstood. The African and Asian nations have their critics in
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the United States who think of these areas as underdeveloped.
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And with a lack of sophistication. The term
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underdeveloped as it applies to the economies of Nations is an increasingly outdated term and is
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no longer used in government circles. All nations in the world including the United
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States in the USSR are underdeveloped in terms of their ultimate
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potential. If we consider the present condition of mankind
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the still lingering helplessness of man struggle with himself.
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And against the physical elements of our universe and we project our thoughts to the great
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strides of the human race as a whole can make an understanding
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understanding first itself and in conquering this earthly environment.
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How puny indeed appear all of our gadgets and mechanisms and machines in relations
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to the common hope of all men for the conquest of the universe and in
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releasing the potential of the human race.
[17:58 - 18:02]
Yes we're living in an underdeveloped world in a developing world
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a significant thing to ascertain is a nation's desire its resolution
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its determination to develop if possible in peace.
[18:12 - 18:18]
Which of the developing nations of the world and which of the static nations. Fortunately all the
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new nations which are now entering into the sphere of world politics have high hopes
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and a great deal of zeal for their developing countries all in different
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stages of escalation. This then the bond between us.
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This then is the common bond that common desire. To better our human life.
[18:40 - 18:44]
It is of course the task of the enlightened Supriya the newest
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nation of the Indonesian of the Togolese of the American
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indeed of the enlightened Russian to convince his fellow countrymen of the
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common bonds we share that much work lies ahead. And there is much to do
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for all mankind. None of us can afford to waste time in
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petty stuff astri. Why complicate our lives by creating inexcusable
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misunderstandings. We are coarse and we recognize that a
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nation ourselves less than 200 years old and like all the lands of the
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world. Our country attained its status of Independence
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forged in the processes of evolution and revolution.
[19:26 - 19:32]
We were voted against Europe and I'm still conscious. Of the bonds that
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unite us with Europe. We came into this world as a new underdeveloped nation in
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the time of our great grandfathers. We are a land of recent immigrants from all
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corners of the earth. Many of them became Americans less than one generation
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ago. And I myself. AM For example married
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to a first generation American immigrant and my children therefore can be labeled
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hyphenated Americans. So I'm particularly conscious of this
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type of heritage part of our heritage is the seed of
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evolution the quality that all Americans share of never standing still.
[20:12 - 20:17]
But this is not a unique American quality and we share our impatience today
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with most of the modern. And restless and changing world. We're particularly
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conscious of this restlessness and this ambition of the high goals for which the new nations have set for
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themselves. Now the new American generation
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which you ladies of the press. To such a large degree the spokesman.
[20:36 - 20:42]
This generation coming into its own today admires the vigor of the new generations that
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are coming into their own. The world over. We Americans admire
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national pride we admire economic progress and the desire for
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independence from those interests which may be out to exploit the hopes and
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aspirations of any new country. We're apt to make friends among sovereign
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equals route to enrich and to be enriched. We do not
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want independence. Rather we do not want dependence satellites.
[21:11 - 21:15]
What we are looking for is a healthy independent nationhood
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which can maintain and can share a power position in world brotherhood as
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equals among equals and as such to take their place in the Parliament of
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Man. One word of advice if
[21:30 - 21:35]
unsolicited advice is desired is to say to these new
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countries be able to guard and to guard your independence jealously
[21:40 - 21:45]
as jealously as we have guarded ours. I think it's now safe to say
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that we no longer consider those who are not with us as being against us.
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In fact our basic concern is not of the growing independence of other nations but their
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ability to maintain it. It should be my endeavor
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as chief of protocol. To see to it that the ambassadors and their staffs
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from these new nations get all the proper assistance required in order to carry
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on their mission among us. Visiting delegations on the official
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level Well I can assure you I would be greeted in the same spirit.
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They will be assisted in penetrating to the heart and core of
[22:25 - 22:30]
America to see us at home intellectually politically spiritually and
[22:30 - 22:35]
productively. Our country is so vast and so extensive a person newly
[22:35 - 22:39]
arrived here has a hard time in making a synthesis of our national
[22:39 - 22:44]
character. And diplomats in particular who remain in our country for only a few
[22:44 - 22:49]
years or perhaps just a short time need all that could a C and understanding
[22:49 - 22:54]
that we can give them in a bad awaiting our land for what it really is. Now it's with this
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in mind that I'm especially aware of the need for a
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cultural and social center here in Washington which will deepen
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relationships between a multi-faceted national life and
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representatives from overseas. Congress will soon consider
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a Foreign Service Center as part of Title 11 section 11
[23:18 - 23:22]
a one way of the U.S. information educational exchange act of
[23:22 - 23:27]
1948 and amendment which would provide club like facilities to
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bring our government people educators Benen women in labor and business artists and
[23:32 - 23:37]
journalists together with their counterparts from abroad. I would like to
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give my support to such a foreign service center or international club to be
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founded in Washington under initial government support.
[23:47 - 23:51]
Now such a club is not a new idea and when I speak of it I'm thinking as
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much or more. Lower ranking embassy personnel in
[23:56 - 24:00]
Washington as I am of those chiefs of mission the rising
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secretaries and attachés who are the ambassadors and sometimes the prime ministers
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of their countries tomorrow. Now. Although protocol
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is not in a position to direct citizen participation in other power
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diplomatic matters perhaps we can channel the interest
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the intense interest that already exists here in Washington and throughout the country
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through such civic organizations as the night breath veterans groups women's
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organizations. And in this context I would like to draw attention to a colleague and friend
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Katie Lacan and to her activities. I'm sure there's an area here where
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she and I can be mutually helpful in seeing that interested citizens groups are more
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effective in revealing the real America to those who visit us.
[24:52 - 24:57]
Many of our guests and visitors look at us at first with a certain skepticism but always with
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great curiosity. Let us channel that interest.
[25:02 - 25:07]
Now I see my work. In the State Department that has having to do with a
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broadening or is a changing of my particular assignment. But
[25:12 - 25:17]
more as a deepening of the functions that have always been associated and performed
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as part of the duties as chief of protocol. I can say that far from
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being concerned with formalities only. Our office has always
[25:27 - 25:32]
functioned within a microcosm of the entire field of international
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relations and our contacts with the visitors and permanent
[25:37 - 25:42]
missions accredited here. We do have an opportunity to personalize
[25:42 - 25:46]
policy in some instances to explain it in others and to give an
[25:46 - 25:51]
example of our goodwill and with the hope that we may facilitate a more comprehensive
[25:51 - 25:56]
understanding of our country and its policies. And the president
[25:56 - 26:00]
United States with his secretary of state and the area specialists
[26:00 - 26:05]
decide the course of our policy and our official attitudes towards the policies
[26:05 - 26:10]
of other nations and other international organizations. That policy
[26:10 - 26:15]
must not be jeopardized or interfered with by private individuals
[26:15 - 26:20]
pursuing their own irrelevant views. I see it as an integral
[26:20 - 26:24]
integral part of my job and protocol to do the utmost within my power to avoid
[26:24 - 26:29]
incidents for a buy at say a barber here in the district or a drive in
[26:29 - 26:34]
theater attendant in church may have a detrimental influence on the success
[26:34 - 26:38]
of our policy by improper treatment of an official guest.
[26:38 - 26:45]
Now perhaps my own role is modest but at the very least I
[26:45 - 26:49]
am back in the State Department and I am part of the new team in Washington
[26:49 - 26:55]
and all through this new administration. You particularly know the
[26:55 - 26:59]
atmosphere to be one of purpose determination
[26:59 - 27:04]
resolution and will seek to succeed. We are admittedly
[27:04 - 27:08]
earnest admittedly serious. With an angry and
[27:08 - 27:13]
fiery world around us each day a day of decision each decision destined
[27:13 - 27:18]
to affect our lives. We need and I believe that we have the
[27:18 - 27:23]
best of America right here. There is so much to be done and
[27:23 - 27:29]
so much to be undone that we know there can be no quick or miraculous changes.
[27:29 - 27:34]
We know that as has been said in the inaugural address none of this will be finished in the first
[27:34 - 27:39]
hundred days nor the first thousand days. No Will it be finished in the life of
[27:39 - 27:42]
the administration or even perhaps in our lifetime on this planet.
[27:42 - 27:48]
President Kennedy in his inaugural address summoned up the
[27:48 - 27:53]
ideas and the ideals which polarized the drive's the
[27:53 - 27:58]
hopes and ambitions of our new leadership team in Washington today.
[27:58 - 28:03]
Thank God this team is here. And I'm also thankful to the Women's Press Club for giving me
[28:03 - 28:08]
this chance to tell you a little of my own role on the team today.
[28:08 - 28:10]
God bless.
[28:10 - 28:17]
All of.
[28:17 - 28:22]
You have been listening to a talk by the new chief of protocol of the United States the Honorable NGO
[28:22 - 28:26]
a bit old joke. His talk was recorded at the Women's National Press Club luncheon in
[28:26 - 28:31]
Washington to the facilities of the Voice of America and distributed by the National
[28:31 - 28:35]
Association of educational broadcasters program arranger was over Leonard
[28:35 - 28:40]
press production by the University of Michigan Broadcasting Service.
[28:40 - 28:42]
This is the n AB Radio Network.