Public education for the space

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This is.
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From radio and television. You know.
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We are all of us newly arrived in the age of space and we have
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come so quickly swirling about us are powerful influences
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likely to have upon our lives the most prodigiously impact known to mankind in the last
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500 years. Yet we can barely grasp the magnitude of these
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social forces. We can only guess at their meaning. What does it signify
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for us to live in a world of such suddenly extended proportions. Toward the
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answer radio television the University of Texas has prepared this
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recorded radio series produced under a grant from the National Educational
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Television and Radio Center in cooperation with the National Association of educational
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broadcasters. We present dimensions of the new age.
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And now here is our moderator Roderick Meyer.
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For the people to survive and live effectively in this tough fast moving age of
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space it is essential that they be kept in continuous touch with major
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developments on our program today we will hear from three people closely
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involved with this prodigious task of public education. The first is
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administrator of the civilian agency charged with directing this country's space program.
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The other is the science editor of Associated Press and the chief of The Office of
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Information for our Air Force air training command headquarters. On
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October 4th one thousand fifty seven there occurred an event which pinpointed the
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competitive aspects of the Space Age and set men thinking in terms of the space
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race. It was on that date as part of the International Geophysical Year
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operations that the Russians beat us into outer space with the successful launching of their Sputnik
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1. They repeated this feat a month later with Sputnik 2
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some weeks there after we launched our first successful satellite Explorer 1.
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In this climate of aerodynamic agitation some months later the
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National Aeronautics and Space Administration was born. Just what is
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Nassau and a it is a civilian agency established
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by Congress under a law that was passed and signed July twenty nine thousand nine hundred
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fifty eight. And in that law siring this progeny of science and space
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Congress declared it to be a policy of the United States that and we quote
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activities in space should be devoted to the peaceful purposes for all of
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mankind. End of quote. Administrator of the civilian
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agency to which Congress has entrusted our space activities for humane and
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peaceful purposes is Dr. Tiki Glenna to talk to us about the work of
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the National Aeronautics and Space Administration what it is doing what it hopes to
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do and why. Here is Dr. Glenn.
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Well I would like to give you some feeling of confidence that perhaps we are
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we have solved some of the problems which have beset the beginnings of the space age in
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this nation and that we're well on our way to solving many of those still
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remain. So it is an agency that was built on
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the foundations of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics a 43 year old organization
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which throughout its years had become the foremost aeronautical research
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establishment in the world. And I say it is an organization
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which had to be running very fast on its feet first hit the ground
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and had the problem of carrying out tasks which had been
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initiated by the military in that period when there was no National Aeronautics and Space
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Administration or civilian agency. And it hasn't helped the problem of organizing
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itself providing management and providing a national space program.
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What is that program. Consists of several important parts
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I'll sketch them very briefly for you.
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During the early years the acquisition of knowledge and development of techniques and technology
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is of prime importance. We are going to be doing science in space we're going to be
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active in fields of astronomy and learning something about the radiation fields that surround this
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[04:44 - 04:48]
We're going to learn something about gravitational and magnetic fields the properties of
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materials and people in a weightless condition.
[04:56 - 05:01]
Sounds a little bit impractical doesn't it. Well some people would say so useless and
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impractical a product of eggheads and and long hairs.
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You have nothing in the space field that has an
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underlying strong program that is necessary if we are to get any
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place in the years ahead. So as part of the program we have
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experiments which will be going on in the lunar field shots to the
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soft landing that is landing on the moon that it won't be broken up in the landing
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process but can be used in finding bits of
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material that will be analyzed the information sent back to us what does that consist of
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that type of thing. After all this is a body that's been there for a very long time and perhaps locked
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up in it. Well the information that will tell us something about the origin of our own earth.
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We have programs in meteorology and in communications and here again we must have a great
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deal of fundamental information before we can develop the systems that will be useful to
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mankind in weather forecasting and in solving some of the problems that are going to be
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upon us within a very few years of having enough
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capacity so that all the people talk to all the other people in this world at the
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rate that they seem to be wanting to do that these days.
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We have perhaps 40 percent of our effort in this broad field.
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The second major program is man in space about 15 percent of our effort at the present time is
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in that area.
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You heard about a Project Mercury the X-15 is a
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small part of this program it's the first vehicle where a man will start from the ground
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and will leap into space and come back like a fish jumping out of water.
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Man in Space is well organized. It's on schedule so far as as I am able to
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tell the Argo program must underlie all of the programs that I've spoken to.
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People say we're behind and I admit we're behind in this business of being able to propel into space.
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The things that we want to put in space any time and to any distance it's
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simply because the propulsion systems have not been available to us.
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This does not mean that the missile systems are not completely satisfactory for the task. They have to
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do in a military sense. I want to make that just as clear as I possibly can.
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The guidance systems on those missiles are just as good as they need to be for the job that they have to
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do. Our vehicle program over a
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period of several years to the Saturn device a cluster of
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presently available rockets which Dr Von Braun and his people are involved in
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working on. And finally to a single chamber engine of a million that
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happens thrust which in itself can be clustered to give us nine to 12 million pounds of thrust.
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All of these things are going to be available to us as time goes on and in the meantime we
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are using the systems that are able to be put together out of the devices that are.
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On the shelf which allows us to do as good science as the Russians have done and probably better
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at the present time.
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There are other things that we need to do in terms of tracking and data acquisition systems and he's putting them up there
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unless you can bring back from them the information that they are deriving from outer space.
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Why did we do all of this. I would answer this in two parts. One
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second the pace at which we're now going.
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The first reason is the conviction that I have surely shared by almost every thinking person
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that research in space will turn up great amounts of new information that will be useful to man.
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The point is that mans progress today has resulted from his search for new knowledge and
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the application of that knowledge to his benefit in the eradication of oppressive conditions of
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labor and the abolition of routine drudgery and the elimination of hunger and
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the second of my reasons for a national space program concerns the matter of significant
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contributions to be made to the defensive strength of the United States. Advances
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in the development of operational techniques necessary to the performance of difficult research tasks in
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space will surely contribute substantially to the defense program OF THE NATION. This
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point becomes increasingly as the developing technology employed involves increasingly
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sophisticated methods of guidance and control systems
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and data acquisition systems. Third we have
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to leave on an adventurous from terror and thus the search pushes him on
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toward manned space flight. We're confident in our conviction of course that I am
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just an instrument of space vehicles will gain for us vast amounts of very useful information.
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But there is no substitute for man as an observer is nature's finest piece of
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instrumentation if you will is judgement.
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I think manned space flight is the immediate symbol of supreme achievement in the space field
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and to me success in this venture venture will be peculiarly a part of the
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tradition that has made this a nation of individuals free to risk their futures
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as each may choose. My concern is the
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possibility of discovery of life on the far off planets. Such a discovery could very
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well become the crowning achievement of man's quest for knowledge and space and achievement that
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historically speaking could transcend any present considerations of competition with
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Russia or any near future benefits from satellites and space.
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But now to get back to the compelling reason for doing this program and doing it with a
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sense of urgency with a sense of purpose and the pace of my going already even
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an accelerated pace it's clear the competition that arises out of
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our activities and the achievements that they have made in this field
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remember that for decades has regarded this country as preeminent
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scientific technological and real field. They've known us by our works
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and consider them to be larger and they're
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heavier than our satellites. The Russian space program into orbit around the sun millions of
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miles from earth to be far far followed suit. There's
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no denying that the Russian successes in space that hit our prestige but
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success without some failures is contrary to scientific experience and this is the part of their
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program in space. For my part I don't think
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that makes very much difference. It really doesn't. They've done the things they've done
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and the US the Soviets have managed to convince many even
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in the relatively sophisticated western nations and certainly in the US and desperately
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developed nations that Russian achievements in space are the true measure of scientific and
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technological advancement and thus the measure of the strength of the cultural
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achievements in space appear to have made more credible Soviet statements in other fields in the
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economic and the political and ideological propaganda
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drive is especially impressive to the people of nations with little industry or technology of their
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own. Millions are taking the technological accomplishments the Russians publicized
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as models for their own ambitions not knowing fully how these advances were made.
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They reason that the Russian president himself by his bootstraps in less than a
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lifetime lifting himself to technological peaks and
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critically critically they wonder if all their marginal peoples might not be well advised
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to step in behind the communist bandwagon in the hope of being scrapped
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overnight and practically painlessly. That ladies and
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gentlemen is that international problem we face to counter the spreading communist influence that
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is based on Soviet space accomplishments. It is imperative that the United States pursue its
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own space program actively effectively and with all of the engine
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that we can muster. Note that I said pursue its own problem
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and with determination to win. We have a mandate to be a leader in this field
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when there are only two people in a race you can't run second very long and be a leader.
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We must for the present do what we can do logically
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in accordance with a well-developed plan and an expanding program. We must do it
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urgently. Now what does it mean to you people like yourselves this country over.
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First it means we're in the space business and you're going to be in the space business throughout your
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lifetime so it's a great adventure and your time exploration of limitless
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space. Second and this is an important thing
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to you when you speak about citizenship seminars a recognition of the place of
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government and undertakings of this magnitude and with the immediate international
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implications this one no single company no group of companies would
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undertake could undertake with stockholders money the kinds of expenditures that we must
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undertake in this kind of an activity. And third the recognition of the fact that government is
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people. It's not some structure over here on the corner that you look at once in four
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years when you elect a president or in two years when you are like the representative of its people
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and there is a need in this country for the young men and women to work in politics and
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government to make a proud profession that it really can be. You
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cannot continue to let George do it and causing me some of my own
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attitude on this base business of I haven't made it apparent to you already. Mark
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Twain speaking on the Mississippi made this statement
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when steamboats were about to come in when it steamboat time.
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This is space time and we must seize this opportunity to regain and to continue to
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exert leadership in the science and technology that are involved.
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And finally.
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There's a passage in Shakespeare that I think particularly appropriate here.
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It's an act for your Caesar or brother says
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there's a tide in the affairs of men which taken at the flood leads on to fortune.
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Almost all of our edge of their life has bound in shadows and miseries
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on such a full sea are we now afloat and we must take the current
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when it serves or lose our adventure. I nees and gentlemen I
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propose that we you and I so conduct ourselves that we do not
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lose our venture in the space competition on which we embark from Dr.
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Tiki Clinton's remarks concerning our complex space activities.
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It is clear that the public information specialist has no easy assignment
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for first hand information on the duties of such specialists and the difficulties involved in
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relaying space age developments to the public. We went to the Associated Press Building in New
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York. There we talked with Mr. Elton L. Blakeslee the Associated Press
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science editor and Colonel Willis Hellman Toller chief of The Office of Information
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for the Air Force air training command headquarters. Just what are your problems
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gentlemen in arriving at statements which will be readily understood by the public. Mr.
[16:22 - 16:23]
[16:23 - 16:29]
One of the basic problems is to translate any technical terms into basic English
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which we all understand each one of us a specialist and a great number of ways
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and yet a chemistry example would not understand the terminology of an astronomer.
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If the astronomer talking purely in his own specialized language.
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So our problem is to translate technical terms into terms that
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understand understandable by all intelligent people who are interested in.
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The subject also to acquire the information. Which
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makes it significant and meaningful. And here we need the cooperation of the scientist who is willing
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to. Explain these things in these ways. After a bit of
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experience with the physicists he learned some of his terminology so that you don't
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have to ask such basic questions. You can.
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Understand these concepts. He is dealing with and therefore the significance.
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We need their assistance very much in giving us this kind of background or acquiring it ourselves so that we can
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understand the significance of what some event in physics space.
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Age means that we can translate it into the general public.
[17:39 - 17:44]
I think one of the most difficult. Things that I have had to deal with it
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has. Getting the statement by
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the scientists down to manageable size. If you try to simplify it
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to where. A busy person would take time to read it
[17:59 - 18:04]
they say this is an oversimplification. That's true to an
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extent certainly but I don't think the average
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reader is going to be interested in the small
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nice and easy as long as we try to get across an honest impression to him
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of what's going on.
[18:19 - 18:24]
Girl I think I agree with you fully on this that. A scientist must realize that he
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is just one segment of our population that if you want to talk to a real estate dealer about
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his problems and what he is doing he could give you such a long story. He doesn't ask your
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question what does the house sell for it doesn't translate into the terms of a meaningful
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to the average person. The scientist today I think has a great appreciation of this and is
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making somewhat more effort to realize that things must be expressed simply
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and without the great and Cork confusing detail. There are
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messages that he wants to get across I mean easy to get.
[18:57 - 19:03]
I think I'm going to thing is that our scientists always like to do just a little more experimentation
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before they give you a firm statement on that on the subject. There
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things are still tentative and people like to know well
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at least I think you'd like to know. Well how are we doing tentatively at least.
[19:18 - 19:23]
And I think if I were the scientist I feel much the same way but it does present
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when the difficulty is that you bring up again that trying to report what is going on
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in this space age just a blank slate from the
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standpoint of security you find that the military
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sits on some things unnecessarily.
[19:41 - 19:47]
I suspect they do that very often out of their interests you know because they don't. They may
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not know I'd like to ask about this. As to whether very often
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security regulations are brought to bear or carried too far because nobody is certain
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as to what the influence might be if this information came out I think that the
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development of the atomic energy program that much information was kept secret.
[20:06 - 20:11]
For example it would have been very useful to other scientists within our country they could learn about this
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to perhaps make a discoveries out of their own original thinking had they been
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had access to the basic information which is developed within the APC. I was the same
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type of thing happening in the space program.
[20:24 - 20:27]
Any time you restrict the flow of information free flow of information
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you hamper whatever program you're trying to get along with
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you make it more difficult to accomplish. It
[20:38 - 20:43]
has to be a matter of judgment and I just don't think anybody's got that perfect
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judgment because in the end let me interrupt for just a minute.
[20:46 - 20:49]
In a case the military you got so many people in on the judgment.
[20:49 - 20:54]
Does it tend to be over conservative in his judgment that something is secretive because there are so many people
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involved in expressing opinions as to what the potential might be of
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this information.
[21:00 - 21:05]
I would guess that would be true there would be and I think there would be human
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nature for one to be conservative rather than risk
[21:08 - 21:15]
putting it out. I think just say well it's it's there now and
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it's not hurting anybody particularly let's just leave it like that for a while.
[21:18 - 21:23]
Isn't it difficult though in this age of space where everything that's being done
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as far as launching satellites or missiles or whatever.
[21:28 - 21:34]
Everything so big it can be seen for miles actually
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and it's got to be transported and for the most part it's transported over the roads because it won't fit
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on anything else and and it's being built maybe in an aircraft factory
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and there just aren't more places where leaks can occur that something is brewing.
[21:49 - 21:53]
Nobody knows what and doesn't this just complicate your job.
[21:53 - 21:58]
All of these things do complicate the job and sometimes it's
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almost impossible to understand why. We wouldn't go out
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with the information at a particular time. There's at least one theory that is.
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Gaining even months in a particular area of
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scientific effort in particular in the military field is very valuable to us if we can withhold
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information from our competitors and by our competitors I mean unfriendly
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nations. That down. We have gained a
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military advantage and that's after all what we as military
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people get paid for is gaining a military down into this struggle.
[22:38 - 22:42]
Well I don't think there's any question of the loyalty of American
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newspaper and radio TV people going
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along with all this. Very often there can be.
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Pressures of leaks information which either.
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Intentionally put somebody at a disadvantage of not writing about a subject until the
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official word comes. In this a very great deal of criticism
[23:07 - 23:12]
of American policy particularly during the.
[23:12 - 23:17]
Bye Gyi period immediately after when the Russians set up this booklet.
[23:17 - 23:22]
That. We had talked in advance of what we were going to do and made to look foolish because the
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Russians simply succeeded. That was a I g y meeting in Washington just
[23:27 - 23:32]
the week before Sputnik went up with time when Russians said we don't brag
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about things. Thank you Bill. Talk about deliberate compass.
[23:37 - 23:42]
This also gives a marvelous opportunity not to talk about your misfires in Russia you simply
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have no information coming up. Basically controlled countries that there were any misfires This
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is the impression to give to the rest of the world. Whereas we do talk openly
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about plans because we are under Democratic support and we want to
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know where and when he is going and when we have misfired as may be presented
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that we are in prose. Fact of the matter is that Russian and utterly have had
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misfires as you will have in any new field of science or
[24:11 - 24:12]
[24:12 - 24:16]
Things just don't go perfect but can we I wind up this discussion
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by having each of you make a little comment previously on this program. Dr.
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Kiki Glenn an administration National Aeronautics and Space Administration has
[24:26 - 24:31]
stressed the need for public education and so that naturally is why we came to you gentlemen
[24:31 - 24:37]
who are responsible really for informing the public. Do either one of you have comments to
[24:37 - 24:40]
make on this need for education.
[24:40 - 24:46]
Space age is going to have profound effects on human lives. I thank.
[24:46 - 24:50]
You very much for the better and the space program will be supporting the
[24:50 - 24:55]
Kurds develop faster as the public understands potentials can come from it.
[24:55 - 25:00]
From not only weather satellites communication satellites but
[25:00 - 25:06]
they can also appreciate some of the military possibilities that we simply
[25:06 - 25:08]
can't stand here doing nothing.
[25:08 - 25:13]
Furthermore it's one of the great human adventures of all time man to
[25:13 - 25:18]
put his senses out into space of satellite so you can go exploring
[25:18 - 25:23]
themself to other planets. And this is a
[25:23 - 25:28]
human story which raises tremendous questions in the minds
[25:28 - 25:32]
of people who hear about these things and wonder how that happened. It's our
[25:32 - 25:39]
responsibility telling. These fascinating things going on.
[25:39 - 25:44]
Clear and concise fashion. They cannot help but be advantages they are
[25:44 - 25:47]
tools to come home to.
[25:47 - 25:52]
Well as an air force information officer I have an obligation
[25:52 - 25:58]
to the public to try to inform them about what we're
[25:58 - 26:02]
doing in the Air Force and I have a
[26:02 - 26:07]
theory that isn't original at all but it's one I operated under.
[26:07 - 26:13]
PROFESSOR ROSS Harvard once about this.
[26:13 - 26:17]
He said what people understand they tend to
[26:17 - 26:22]
trust and when they trust they may support.
[26:22 - 26:30]
If they understand the Air Force program and what it's trying to do
[26:30 - 26:35]
they may trust us in doing this job this very big
[26:35 - 26:39]
job of satisfying the military requirements in space
[26:39 - 26:46]
and if they do trust us to do this job they may support us but I think we have
[26:46 - 26:51]
a common agreement here we have a democracy in which the democracy as
[26:51 - 26:56]
decisions are supported to the degree that people understand what the problem is so they can understand the problem.
[26:56 - 27:00]
Right from Mr LTL Blakeslee science editor of
[27:00 - 27:05]
Associated Press and Colonel Willis Hellman Toller chief of The Office of
[27:05 - 27:10]
Information for the Air Force air training command headquarters. We have learned some of the
[27:10 - 27:15]
hurdles to be cleared in public education for the age of space. We are
[27:15 - 27:20]
indebted also to Dr. T Keith Glenn and director of the National Aeronautics and Space
[27:20 - 27:23]
Administration for his picture of our space activities.
[27:23 - 27:28]
Weather observation production and control have been dramatically affected by the
[27:28 - 27:33]
vaster dimensions of this age of space. Next week at this time
[27:33 - 27:38]
Dr. Henry Wechsler director of meteorological research for the United States weather
[27:38 - 27:42]
bureau and Dr. John P. Hagen of the National Aeronautics and Space
[27:42 - 27:47]
Administration will describe for us some of the important weather developments in the
[27:47 - 27:48]
space age.
[27:48 - 28:13]
These programs were produced and directed by the Reich Meyer who serves as
[28:13 - 28:18]
moderator coordinator and writer Mary Dee Benjamin. The series was
[28:18 - 28:20]
under the supervision of Robert F..
[28:20 - 28:48]
Jim Morris speaking.
[28:48 - 28:52]
Dimensions of a new age was produced and recorded by radio television. The
[28:52 - 28:57]
University of Texas under a grant from the National Educational Television and Radio
[28:57 - 29:16]
Center in cooperation with the National Association of educational broadcasters.
[29:16 - 29:19]
This is the end of Radio Network.