#36 A Collection of Millions and You're More Beautiful With a Flat Head

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From Washington we presented radio Smithsonian a program of music and conversation
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from the Smithsonian Institution. Just how did human beings differ from less
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animal. Humans have the ability to reason. The ability to perform
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manual skills. The ability to learn. But one of the more intriguing
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ways is the tendency of humans to alter their bodies to please each other.
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I can't imagine a horse getting tattooed or a cow speeding into a tight corset.
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At the Smithsonian Dr. Thomas good physical anthropologist
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has made a life study of what he calls body modification.
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Today Dr. Stuart talks about these modifications and the consequences.
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But before we talk with Dr. Stuart Frederick M. Phillips talks with Dr. Richard Cowen.
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The director of the National Museum of Natural History about his
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experience as chief steward of one of the largest museum collections in the world.
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Dr. Cowen if if the legendary man from Mars suddenly appeared here in
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Washington and asked you to describe the National Museum of Natural
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History What would you answer for any visitor whether he's
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from Mars or wherever he may start from
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the Natural History Museum that he encounters.
[01:34 - 01:39]
First of course is there is a building in a sense because that's what the sign out front says this
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is a National Museum of Natural History. But inside. And the thing that people
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think all over this country know best are the exhibits of Natural
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History subjects. Indians animals of all
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kinds. And so this is the thing that most people
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get acquainted with and really feel related to.
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We think of it as a museum of the people because in effect more than the
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fact in fact the National Museum of Natural History all the other museums in the
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Smithsonian complex are the people's museums
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sense and we are largely supported by taxpayer dollars.
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The innocence you are the steward for the American people have a vast collection of
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natural objects.
[02:29 - 02:34]
That's right. Actually when the visitor comes through and again the Martian I'm not sure
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if you are a Martian he'd go to the Air and Space Museum he might very well after he got through with the CIA
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and the FBI and so forth.
[02:43 - 02:48]
But anybody coming through the museum sees we estimate something like
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perhaps one percent or less than one percent of all of the what we call the national
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collections capital in capital city because these are the natural history
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objects that belong to the nation and that we're responsible by law. Actually
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as well as by our interests in our training to take care of for the
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sake of American science yes but.
[03:09 - 03:14]
For science internationally well how many specimens and objects are you taking
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care of in the national collection if you don't insist on coming right down to the last one I
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can say that is something in excess of fifty two million without
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being too specific once again because it's almost impossible. How did the 50 million or
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so objects break down.
[03:31 - 03:37]
Well you mean in terms of subject there in terms of subject matter OK.
[03:37 - 03:42]
The plant specimens for example runs something like three and a quarter
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million. I think insect collections if I remember correctly are
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17 one thousand million something like that. Anthropology collections are another
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segment of this. There are a lot of fossils minerals meteorites
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jams. Well naman if it's in the
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area of natural history the history of man and man's relationships within the
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environment of the documentary materials and that's the best way of thinking about
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the documentary The materials are here. I mention of ALL ago that we are by
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law the custom audience there is a law goes back to 1876 was just
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interesting it's not. I'm only relating this just because of its interest is that it says that
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collections made on federal funds with federal
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funds come to the Smithsonian when the collectors are finished with
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them. Now nobody ever goes around and checks up to be sure that everybody
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adheres to this but it does give us a an obligation to care for
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these things in perpetuity. As I said a moment ago
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the use of scientists here and abroad we loan hundreds of thousands of collections each
[04:55 - 04:55]
[04:55 - 05:00]
I think it was nineteen sixty eight I think we actually counted
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something like 750000 or something like a fantastic number of collections
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alone to research years in this country and over the world are the specimens in the national
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collections in natural history from throughout the United States up from around the world everywhere
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everywhere literally everywhere including space.
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We have if you remember seen some of the publicity we have lunar
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dust and lunar rocks being studied in our Department of Mineral
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sciences to help unravel one of man's most perplexing riddles
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the origin of the earth.
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This is an era that's characterized by specialization and it's also
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characterized by mass communication so that from the time a child is
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perhaps seven years old or something or even before that he's bombarded by TV
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and films tips and slides and learns to read books and magazines and go to the
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movies and hear the radio right now in an era like this specialized
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interests and a great deal of communication. Does a generalized all
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purpose museum such as a natural history museum that we have here in Washington still
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make sense or are we moving toward more specialized
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museums of botany and anthropology and that kind of thing.
[06:20 - 06:24]
Ok to answer that I'm going to have to go back for a moment in your
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remarks. As you started to ask this question you spoke of this is an age of
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specialization believe it or not I'm getting ready to answer the question. This is
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an age of specialization I'll agree. At the same time the specialists are being required to be
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generalists in the sense that we are certainly coming into the period in this country and I think
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internationally where scientists are working together
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as teams each one contributing a special day. You see but
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at the same time to a general objective now the same thing I think is what's happening
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in museums we're not coming to more specific museums but we are coming to museums
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that tend to integrate information in new ways.
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Let me give you an example for just what we have in the museum now. You go
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into a hall that talks about the peoples of Asia and Africa you go into another
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halls North American Indians another whole people of the Pacific. OK that's
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interesting and we all enjoy having people millions of people here come and study
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these in and get a lot out of it no question about that. But the new approach
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unquestionably is going to be looked to be along the lines of taking a look at
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subject areas.
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How has man solved particular environmental problems. Defense for example.
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The blowgun have for example has been has emerged
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from cultures in Southeast Asia the Central Pacific northern South America and Central
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Africa. Not because they were transported because man had similar problems to
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defend themselves to get food and had materials at hand. So the human animal took the
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materials at hand with a similar problem and solved it in much the same way that all recognisable blowguns
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but continents apart. So in the future we might look at questions
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in a hall in the exhibit hall and say how does man how did man meet this problem.
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And then the exhibits help the visitor answer that question.
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What advantage is there to doing that in a museum setting. Because other than in
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through Motion Pictures and Television.
[08:28 - 08:33]
Oh I think I think the advantages of having a solid three dimensional objects
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directly in front of you and of course we are moving into the era of a lot of touch
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exhibits too we are trying now to develop the wherewithal
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to establish what we call the Discovery Room which will be boxes of objects
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shells rocks even freeze dried birds
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anything and everything of Natural History interest that young people as well as older
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young people. People are still learning can feel an
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employee not only their eyes and their ears. But but their hands
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as well in this learning experience. So I think there are great
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advantages to this kind of participation.
[09:16 - 09:20]
The sense of the real world a sense of reality right a sense of of human
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experience. Exactly. Rather than that the two dimensional passive spectator
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experience I think the greatest difference in the result is what I've
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sometimes phrased it this way.
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The person now going back home having visited the Natural History Museum is able to
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say I saw the biggest diamond I saw the biggest elephant I saw the biggest oil there any
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place in the world. And that's fine their body is convinced then that he's been to the
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Museum of Natural History. But you know to me it be terribly exciting if you go home
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and say I brought home with me to Kirkuk or to New York
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City or to San Francisco or anyplace else. And I do yeah I brought home with me an
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idea the idea that man is is a creature that solves problems
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and has been doing this for the last hundred thousand years or something like that you know he could This gives him
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something then to build from his daily experience to build on. You don't build on the
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fact that you've seen the biggest elephant. I'm not knocking our exhibits because these are
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very interesting I'm trying to look forward to the future in response to your question. What do people come
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to see at the National Museum of Natural History. That's the hardest thing
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in the world to answer.
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There is a class of people that come because they feel that they ought to.
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There are many people who come from the surrounding area school children especially who come
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to learn about a particular subject perhaps they're studying home as
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my children are Africa and in the geography at school and so they come to see
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things related to Africa in the museum. Or maybe they're studying birds or
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maybe they're studying sea life. And these are areas within the museum that they
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can flesh out their academic.
[11:09 - 11:14]
Training that they get out of the textbooks and so many people come to see specific things the hope.
[11:14 - 11:19]
Yes. Oh yeah he was jealous under a huge bang. More people ask for specific things
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like that if they ask at all. They asked Where's the Hope Diamond
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and where is the big elephant. Where's the tiger now it's a new addition to the list of
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specials. This is the largest museum of its kind in the world.
[11:33 - 11:39]
Yes. Without getting too technical I think there are
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probably other certainly some very fine exhibits and perhaps as large in terms of
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exhibits you look exhibits only at the American Museum of Natural History. If you take it in
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terms of its exhibits functions and its research functions its educational functions and
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its curatorial is caretaking functions and by its greatest complex natural history complex
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in the world yes.
[11:59 - 12:06]
Dr. Kahn is the director of the National Museum of Natural History.
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Now we discussed with Dr. Stuart how and why people change their bodies. Doctors do
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it is a unique role in the whole of physical anthropology depicting the liver
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modifications body modifications inflicted on human
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bodies. This I suppose is to show what you cannot display
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in skeletons.
[12:28 - 12:33]
Well since that is not altogether true because some of
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these modifications do go through and impress themselves on the bones as for
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instance the binding of the head causes the skull to be
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misshapen and we do have an accompanying exhibit of
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modifications of the skull skull defamation.
[12:50 - 12:56]
And we have another one showing the tooth modification of the
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filing and the inlaying. But we had the opportunity to pull them all
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together in this mural. And I had in mind there that
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the whole hall exhibits a single type of
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material and that is human bones. And I wanted to
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remind the viewer constantly that these were once living people
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and that as far as polished bald we would show in as background
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material. People in the flesh.
[13:28 - 13:32]
And so this mirror all it took advantage of that and shows many of the body
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modifications as they would appear in life and as you say some of them
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would not appear in the bones.
[13:41 - 13:46]
Could you describe a little bit what you mean by body modifications and give me some examples.
[13:46 - 13:51]
Well the body modification or many sorts
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we're familiar of course in modern life with what
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people do to their bodies you know you can pluck the eyebrow
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is you can either allow the fingernails to grow long
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and pointed or cut them off short this is a form of body modification. In the
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Victorian period the ladies wore tight corsets constricted their
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waists. This left a certain deformity on the rib cage.
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In China in ancient times until recently many
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of the ladies bound the feet and they could hardly walk on
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they had to have special shoes made so they could walk.
[14:35 - 14:39]
I didn't realize until I looked at that the picture of the bound feet in the oral
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but I thought it just made the seat smaller but it doesn't the toes actually are a wonder.
[14:44 - 14:49]
Yes and I can certainly tell him that I had it almost as if this is the value of the mural
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that did it shows the details. Another type of
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modification that had long intrigued me. I had seen back in
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1987 when I spent a summer up in Bering Sea among the Eskimos
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the Eskimos on Novak Island punch holes or through
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their lower lip.
[15:11 - 15:15]
And in there they all put a little
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button of ivory and to the exteriors part they will hang strings of
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beads. So these are known as lip plugs and of course
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the males when they don't have the plug and tempted you tobacco the juice
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trickles out comes this very day the disgusting looking.
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Then of course I imagine the pointing of the teeth filing the inlay.
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This is still going on in parts of the Americas but it was a prehistoric culture
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custom in America too. There is also the stretching the yellow
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the puncture the nose the nasal septum.
[15:54 - 16:01]
The stretching of the lips with lip plugs and the
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scarification is common in Africa. The negroes
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are prone to keel Lloyds wherever they have a cut
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scar that forms is raised and so by directing this the
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cuts on the body they can make patterns come out very intricate patterns
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all over their their bodies. So these are these are some of the more
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pronounced modifications that are shown in this mural.
[16:29 - 16:34]
What do you feel is the idea behind all the origin of some of these modifications for instance the
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stretched lips.
[16:36 - 16:40]
Well this is a very strange thing to account for.
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I I don't know why anyone would attempt to do this in the
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first place must be terribly uncomfortable. And according to our
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lights it's not attractive.
[16:52 - 16:56]
But do they feel do the men do it. Do the women to make them unattractive to other
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males or do they feel do you think they really felt that this was attractive and desirable.
[17:01 - 17:07]
Well the situation varies with each of these customs.
[17:07 - 17:10]
I remember reading in one ethnographic report about.
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Head binding in Melanesia and some of the children
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had been removed from the area where they did this had by then and
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taken by the missionaries away from that area and so they didn't have their heads bowed
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and they were miserable.
[17:30 - 17:35]
They felt that they were strange looking and they had
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missed their opportunity this can only be done when you're a child.
[17:38 - 17:43]
In some places these lot of the kids I suppose have real meaning for
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instance with the Eskimo gals who have lines put on them when they read.
[17:47 - 17:52]
Oh yeah there's some of the some of those is symbolic.
[17:52 - 17:56]
We know that some of the head flattening was
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to identify members of the tribe
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tribe at the mouth of the Columbia River. Their practice was a true flat
[18:08 - 18:12]
head type of head deformity.
[18:12 - 18:16]
It was done in the cradle board and the head was put into a sort of a
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vise that really crushed it down. And if they
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survived they really had a flat head. But they had
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slaves and they never allowed their slaves to the former head. In this
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sense as Washington Irving said this became the sign of freedom.
[18:34 - 18:40]
And you could well say what price freedom do you think that this possibly had any did any
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bright cause any brain damage.
[18:42 - 18:47]
I think it may have caused some temporary brain damage they
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describe this as causing the eye is devolved out and
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blood to run from the nose and ears its own and
[18:58 - 19:03]
I suspect quite a few of them died in the process.
[19:03 - 19:06]
What it did tattooing originate.
[19:06 - 19:11]
Well we of course don't know because this is something involving
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the soft parts which do not last and so we don't
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recover them from ancient times with a few exceptions and that would be in
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[19:22 - 19:27]
We have an exhibit near this mural in the case of mummies
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forearm of a mummy from Peru which is fully
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tattooed and I've had an artist fill out the
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design and in the coming sketch to show what it
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looked like. That goes back to prehistoric times in Peru
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and we don't know how much earlier.
[19:51 - 19:56]
There one thing that I have learned about tattooing
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that I hadn't known.
[19:59 - 20:05]
And that is that probably the Western peoples that has your opinions picked it up from the
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Orient through their sailors the sailors went there in the early sanding ships
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and saw the custom got tattooed and brought the custom back to the west.
[20:14 - 20:19]
It seems to be more prevalent amongst naval people. Yes it is very common among
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others that is the reason for this as a logical reason. But this still is continuing very much
[20:24 - 20:25]
[20:25 - 20:30]
You know the Bene revival today in
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some of the communes in the West I understand and it's being done very
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frequently now when there is bone involvement
[20:39 - 20:44]
in Peru you were talking about some of the skulls that you have that have quite a few holes in the
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US in the head. Why was this done.
[20:48 - 20:53]
Well we can only surmise from what the evidence
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presented in the specimens we can see clearly that they did it in
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cases of fracture. That is clear in the
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other cases where there are no signs of fracture. We would have to assume it might
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be for letting the evil spirits out in cases of headache or
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epilepsy or insanity. One of the cases that we
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[21:18 - 21:24]
Is unfortunately only a copy because the original specimen is in the
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British Museum in London. What it showed was seven heel holes
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in one skull.
[21:32 - 21:36]
I doubt whether any more than two have been made at a single
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operation. Probably only one in an operation.
[21:40 - 21:45]
But this seems to indicate that an individual could
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survive many such operations without
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being done in by.
[21:52 - 21:57]
Do you think this is one of the early examples of migraine headaches.
[21:57 - 22:02]
From the way the holes are distributed it was migrating had it
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in the skin and defamation.
[22:06 - 22:11]
Do you feel that most of these were really for for adornment.
[22:11 - 22:18]
Well OK Lloyds of the UK Lloyds. Yeah. Yes.
[22:18 - 22:22]
This is done in and I and I had a steady
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pattern and very ingenious patterns at times
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and they do it with actually buttoning the skin.
[22:31 - 22:33]
No they would cut
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this according to the design they wanted to create. And then apparently rub
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something dirty or something into the wound which would keep it
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open while the scar tissue was forming it would enhance the amount
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of scarring to a certain extent
[22:55 - 23:01]
peoples in the Pacific practice this custom. They combine
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color tattooing with raised patterns.
[23:07 - 23:12]
And I think theirs is the most elaborate next to them
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perhaps is the Japanese who practice only the color
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that doing but had a lab or an almost full body patterns
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with dragons chrysanthemums and flowers and people
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even portraits I suppose you have no way of telling how much infection will get
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from this.
[23:32 - 23:36]
It hasn't been retained in the bones as I know.
[23:36 - 23:40]
No it would not spread to the ball and and
[23:40 - 23:46]
I imagine by that time that where we get pictures of
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such people the art had reached the stage where they could avoid
[23:51 - 23:52]
[23:52 - 23:57]
They must have learned enough to be careful in doing it not to
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transmit infection.
[23:59 - 24:04]
Is that more research going on south doing on
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skeletons and some of the definition of skeletons.
[24:07 - 24:11]
Well I am very much interested and the
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distribution of refining and of
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head flattening and tooth mutilation these are the primary ones
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that we see and I am at the moment
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working on a purported new
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tree finding from Peru which
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Thora T and Peru calls prophylactic.
[24:43 - 24:48]
He means by this that it was carried out in childhood has
[24:48 - 24:53]
prevented far head extend and later
[24:53 - 24:58]
life. This is such a practice is
[24:58 - 25:03]
known from the Pacific where they cut holes in the child's
[25:03 - 25:07]
head and make sure they didn't have headaches and adult life
[25:07 - 25:12]
and I can't quite believe that that is the explanation of the condition
[25:12 - 25:17]
we see in Peru because the area involved is on the
[25:17 - 25:22]
very most prominent part of the back of the head. And all
[25:22 - 25:27]
of these heads are deformed or flattened on the back and I
[25:27 - 25:33]
think that may be what we're seeing is a result of this pressure on the back of the head.
[25:33 - 25:37]
And there's been in the grosses of the bone resulting from the pressure. And it
[25:37 - 25:42]
simulates how he'll treat fine. That's what
[25:42 - 25:44]
I'm setting out to try to demonstrate.
[25:44 - 25:48]
It's as if people in Peru have more headaches.
[25:48 - 25:53]
Well in ancient times of course this is this was a custom that the Spaniards
[25:53 - 26:00]
made the Indian to give up its own as they invaded Peru.
[26:00 - 26:05]
It seems to me what people just aren't satisfied with the way they're put together.
[26:05 - 26:10]
Well this brings up a point which I think we should consider
[26:10 - 26:15]
and that is creating this mural. I
[26:15 - 26:20]
was careful not to create the impression that these
[26:20 - 26:24]
are bizarre customs known only to primitive peoples
[26:24 - 26:30]
that we are just as likely to do this and that's why right down in front I have this white
[26:30 - 26:34]
man having himself tattooed. I could have put it on the
[26:34 - 26:39]
Victorian lady with a tight corset I couldn't find a place for her on it.
[26:39 - 26:42]
And we also show a
[26:42 - 26:49]
padre up in one corner who has a head shaven atonce or
[26:49 - 26:55]
and he is talking to a couple of the Iroquois Indians who have the sides of their heads
[26:55 - 27:00]
shaved leaving a central Roach and these are
[27:00 - 27:04]
all body modifications. But this is something that's a worldwide
[27:04 - 27:09]
phenomenon. And I imagine all peoples have invented something along those
[27:09 - 27:13]
lines. So. It's not a mark of
[27:13 - 27:17]
inferiority by any means.
[27:17 - 27:21]
Dr Stuart is a senior physical anthropologist here at the Smithsonian
[27:21 - 27:27]
radio Smithsonian is presented weekly at this time produced by Dan McKeever of the Office of
[27:27 - 27:30]
Public Affairs Frederick M. Phillips director.
[27:30 - 27:37]
This is Cynthia.
[27:37 - 27:45]
I am.
[27:45 - 27:51]
[27:51 - 27:56]
This is the national educational radio network.