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Feminism and Women's Sexuality (Naomi McCormick, SUNY-Plattsburgh,
Year Unknown)
Prevention of Heterosexism and Homophobia (Jacqueline Weinstock,
University of Vermont, Summer 1995)
Psychological Development of Women (Bonnie Leadbeater, Yale
University, Fall 1993)
Psychology of Women (Olivia Espin, San Diego State University, Fall
Psychology of Women (Judith Gibbons, St. Louis University, Summer 1992)
Psychology of Women (Naomi McCormick, SUNY-Plattsburgh, Spring 1993)
Psychology of Women (Mollie Whalen, East Stroudsburg University, Fall
Sex Roles and Sexuality (Naomi McCormick, SUNY-Plattsburgh, Spring
Social Psychology of Sex and Gender Reading List and Syllabus (Arnie Kahn,
Madison University, Spring 1991)
The Limits of Psychoanalysis/Feminism/Patriarchy (Teresa Ebert,
SUNY Albany, Spring 1992)