Over the past two years, we have been developing a Worldwide Web site
that we hope will be of interest to teachers and students in U.S. Women's
The site is "Women and Social Movements in the United States,
1830-1930," and consists of editorial projects of primary documents that
speak to the history of women in reform movements in the U.S.
We now have
a sizable body of documents--17 projects with roughly 320 documents--along
with some graphics, links to other educational sites in women's history,
and a search engine that makes material on the site quite accessible.
are hoping the materials will be valuable in high school and college
courses in history.
You can access the site here:
Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1830-1930
We encourage faculty to use the primary documents for reading assignments
in their courses or for possible student paper topics. We would also be
very grateful if subscribers would add the site to online lists of links in
the fields of U.S. and Women's History.
The site has recently been
selected by the NEH-sponsored site, EDSITEment, as a top website
in the Humanities and it will be getting some added visibility from that
Binghamton undergraduates are currently working on new projects
for the site and the site will add another 8-10 editorial projects during
the upcoming spring semester.
We would be pleased to hear from users of
the site with suggestions for additional editorial projects. Also, faculty
who develop assignments based on the site should send us copies which we
will consider for a new "teachers' corner" to be added next summer. Any
other comments or suggestions for the site are very welcome.
Kathryn Kish Sklar and Tom Dublin
Department of History