THE WOMANIST: A NEWSLETTER FOR AFROCENTRIC FEMINIST RESEARCHERS Statement of purpose: _The Womanist_ is meant to be a gathering place for Afrocentric feminist researchers who are struggling to devise, develop, and disseminate womanist methodologies within traditional (or non-traditional) academic disciplines. Many of us find ourselves working alone in situations where womanist perspectives are considered foreign or even unaccceptable, and many of us are not aware of other womanist researchers we can turn to for information and corroboration. _The Womanist_ is meant to be a place where we can share ideas, ask questions, and engage in supportive criticism, in order to strengthen our mission, de-marginalize our activities, and provide wider access to our perspectives. THE WOMANIST c/o Prof. Layli Phillips, Editor Institute for African American Studies University of Georgia Athens, GA 30602-3012 bitnet: LDPHLLPS@UGA.BITNET