WOMEN'S STUDIES TITLES FROM PATHFINDER PRESS Pathfinder Press 410 West Street New York, NY fax for orders: 212/727-0150 Information provided by: Doug Hord Pathfinder New England rep dhord@world.std.com WOMAN'S EVOLUTION >From Matriarchal Clan To Patriarchal Family Evelyn Reed takes us on an expedition through prehistory from cannibalism to culture -- and uncovers the world of the ancient matriarchy. Tracing the origins of the "incest taboo," blood rites, marriage, and the family, she reveals women's leading and still largely unknown contributions to the development of civilization. By pinpointing the relatively recent factors that led to pervasive discrimination against women as a sex, she offers fresh insights on the struggle against women's oppression and for the liberation of humanity. Reed refutes the myth that "human nature" is to blame for the wars, greed, and inequalities of class-divided societies. 491 pp., introduction, glossary, bibliography, index, 8th printing. cloth $65.00 ISBN 0873484215 paper $22.95 ISBN 0873484223 ************************ COSMETICS, FASHIONS, AND THE EXPLOITATION OF WOMEN -- How do the wealthy owners of the cosmetics and fashion industries play on women's insecurities to sell products and rake in profits? -- How are the standards of beauty determined in capitalist society? -- Why do the employers, the media, the government, school administrations, and church hierarchies promote "the feminine mystique" and narrow women's "role" to family responsibilities? -- How has the growing participation of women in the labor force changed their view of themselves and their potential? How has it affected the attitudes of men toward women? -- What does all this say about the relationship between the capitalist system and the oppression of women? These are some of the questions addressed in a lively debate over the relation of the marketing of cosmetics and fashions to the exploitation of women. The controversy was sparked by Joseph Hansen's short expose of the cosmetics industry in the Militant, a socialist newsweekly, in 1954. Included are other articles from that debate discussing the pressures bearing down on women -- and men -- in capitalist society, especially during periods of political reaction or retreat, and a related article by Evelyn Reed on the origins of the family and women's oppression. The introduction by Mary-Alice Waters places the "cosmetics controversy" in its historical framework. She assesses the political consequences of changes in women's social conditions since World War II, especially their increasing incorporation into industrial jobs and trade unions. 138 pp., introduction, notes, index, 4th printing Cloth $40.00 ISBN 0873486587 Paper $12.95 ISBN 0873486595 ********************************* SEXISM AND SCIENCE -- Are human beings innately aggressive? Are they governed by irrepressible, unmodified, inherited instincts? -- Is human society nothing but an extension of animal and insect "societies," as sociobiologists argue? -- Does biology determine women's destiny as the "second sex"? Taking up these and other prejudices cloaked as the findings of science, Evelyn Reed explains that the disciplines closest to human life -- anthropology, biology, and sociology -- are permeated with antiwoman biases that reflect the established social order and warp their conclusions. 193 pp., photos, introduction, glossary, bibliography, index, 4th printing Cloth $45.00 ISBN 0873485408 Paper $15.95 ISBN 0873485416 ********************************** PROBLEMS OF WOMEN'S LIBERATION -- Why are women oppressed? -- How did that oppression begin? -- Why are opponents of women's rights so determined to perpetuate laws and customs that deny women an equal role in society? Who benefits? -- What social forces have the power to end the second-class status of women, and have common interests in the fight for women's liberation? Evelyn Reed explores the social and economic roots of women's oppression from prehistoric society to modern capitalism and points the road forward to emancipation. She traces the original forms and institutions of private property, how they arose, and their consequences for women. She explains why the oppression of women is a manifestation of specific property relations, not sex relations. In refuting the myth of women's inferiority, Reed points the road forward to emancipation. 131 pp., 6th printing Cloth $30.00 ISBN 0873481666 Paper $12.95 ISBN 0873481674 ********************************** THE ORIGIN OF THE FAMILY, PRIVATE PROPERTY, AND THE STATE The family, private property, and the state -- the basic institutions of capitalist society -- are neither "natural" nor everlasting. They are the product of specific economic and social conditions. Frederick Engels, a founder with Karl Marx of the modern workers' movement, traces the evolution of these institutions from the dawn of class society until today. He shows how the oppression of women as a sex begins with the development of private property, and how the development of the modern working class creates the material basis to end that oppression. This edition of Engels' pioneering work includes an introduction by Evelyn Reed, author of Woman's Evolution. 240 pp., introduction, index, 8th printing Paper only $16.95 ISBN 0873482611 ********************************** WOMEN AND THE FAMILY Leon Trotsky. How the October 1917 Russian revolution, the first victorious socialist revolution, opened the door to new possibilities in the fight for women's liberation. 78 pp., introduction, notes, 5th printing Paper only $9.95 ISBN 0873482182 ********************************** WOMEN AND THE CUBAN REVOLUTION Speeches and Documents by Fidel Castro, Vilma Espin, and others Before the revolution came to power in 1959, the situation facing Cuban women was a dismal one. Illiteracy, unemployment, racism, and exploitation all bore down particularly heavily on women. Machismo was in full force and it was generally believed that a woman's place was in the home. Today, over twenty years later, the status of Cuban women has changed dramatically. Big advances have been made in education, health care, and improving the quality of life. Legal discrimination on the basis of sex has ended and women are playing a more and more important role in society. Hundreds of thousands have joined the work force, occupying many jobs previously reserved for men only. Old ideas and prejudices are being broken down and the question of winning women's full equality is a major topic of discussion. This book recounts women's changing role in Cuba since the revolution: the measures taken, the gains made, and the problems that still remain. It includes speeches on the subject by Fidel Castro and women's federation leader Vilma Espin. Also contained are several important documents: the 1975 "Thesis on the Full Exercise of Women's Equality" from the First Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba, the Maternity Law for Working Women, and major excerpts from the Cuban Family Code. An introduction by Elizabeth Stone, managing editor of Pathfinder Press, summarizes the historical context of the struggle for women's equality in Cuba and points out its relevance for women in the United States. 156 pp., introduction, photos, appendixes, index, 3rd printing Cloth $40.00 ISBN 0873486072 Paper $13.95 ISBN 0873486080 ********************************** MOTHER JONES SPEAKS Speeches and Writings of a Working-Class Fighter Edited by Philip S. Foner. --"I know of no East or West, North nor South when it comes to my class fighting the battle for justice." Declaring "I reside wherever the workers are fighting the robber," she participated in battle together with coal miners in West Virginia, garment workers in New York, steelworkers in Chicago, streetcar workers in Texas, brewery workers in Milwaukee, and countless others. For her activities she was frequently victimized by the bosses' system of justice, and spent time in many a prison cell. A prosecutor in West Virginia termed her "the most dangerous woman in America." This collection, edited by historian Philip Foner, includes her speeches, interviews, letters, and testimony to congressional committees. 724 pp., introduction, chronology, bibliography, index Cloth $70.00 ISBN 0913460885 Paper $28.95 ISBN 0913460893 ********************************** WOMEN IN CHINA Katie Curtin. Describes the steps forward and the big obstacles in women's struggle for emancipation in China from the late 1800's to the closing years of Mao's rule. 95 pp., notes, 3rd printing Cloth $30.00 ISBN 0873484045 Paper $9.95 ISBN 0873484053 ********************************** WOMEN'S LIBERATION AND THE AFRICAN FREEDOM STRUGGLE Thomas Sankara. "There is no true social revolution without the liberation of women. The struggle of the Burkinabe woman is part of a worldwide struggle of all women, and beyond that, part of the struggle for the rehabilitation of our continent," explains the leader of the 1983-87 revolution in Burkina Faso. 36 pp. Booklet $3.00 ISBN 0873485858 ********************************** IS BIOLOGY WOMAN'S DESTINY? Evelyn Reed. The roots of women's oppression as a "second sex". 31 pp., 2nd edition, 2nd printing Booklet $3.00 ISBN 0873482581 ********************************** COMMUNIST CONTINUITY AND THE FIGHT FOR WOMEN'S LIBERATION Documents of the Socialist Workers Party 1971-1986 Edited with an introduction by Mary-Alice Waters. How did the oppression of women begin? Who benefits? What social forces have the power to end the second-class status of women and have common interests in the fight for women's liberation? This three-part series makes available documents, reports, and resolutions of the Socialist Workers Party that will help the generation of women and men now joining battle in defense of women's rights find answers to these and similar questions. 3 vols., 226 pp., introduction, 8 1/2 x 11 format Part 1: Women's Liberation and the Line of March of the Working Class 73 pp., $10.00 ISBN 0873487559 Part 2: Women, Leadership, and the Proletarian Norms of the Communist Movement 68 pp., $9.00 ISBN 0873487567 Part 3: Abortion Rights, the ERA, and the Rebirth of a Feminist Movement 85 pp., $11.00 ISBN 0873487575 *********************************** FEMINISM AND THE MARXIST MOVEMENT Mary-Alice Waters. Since the founding of the modern revolutionary workers' movement nearly 150 years ago, Marxists have championed the struggle for women's rights and spotlighted the economic roots of women's oppression. 43 pp., 4th printing Booklet $3.00 ISBN 0873482417 ********************************** ABORTION IS A WOMAN'S RIGHT Pat Grogan and others. Why abortion rights are key to the fight for the full emancipation of women. 44 pp., 2nd printing Booklet $3.00 ISBN 0873484851 ********************************** SURROGATE MOTHERHOOD, WOMEN'S RIGHTS, AND THE WORKING CLASS Cindy Jaquith. Examines how "surrogate mother" contracts exploit children and women; rights and responsibilities in child raising; and how these questions relate to the working-class struggle for economic justice and social progress. 23 pp., Booklet $2.50 ISBN 0873484959 ********************************** WOMEN AND THE NICARAGUAN REVOLUTION Thomas Borge. The effort, in the early years of the Nicaraguan revolution, to lead, organize, and educate in the fight for women's rights. 30 pp., 4th printing Booklet $2.50 ISBN 087348388X ********************************** WOMEN AND THE SOCIALIST REVOLUTION Mary-Alice Waters explains how and why the fight to transform the social and economic status of women is part of the struggle for socialism. 30 pp., 3d printing Booklet $3.00 ISBN 087348388x ********************************** REVOLUTIONARY DYNAMICS OF WOMEN'S LIBERATION George Novack. Explains why only a thorough-going reorganization of the entire social system -- from the economic foundations to family relations -- can eradicate the causes of women's inferior status. 22 pp., 2nd printing Booklet $2.00 ISBN 0873481208