The Association for Research on Mothering proudly presents the publication of its second journal issue on

Lesbian Mothering

The journal showcases the newest and best in maternal scholarship. From multiple and diverse perspectives, this journal offers compelling, critical and cutting-edge insights into the meanings of Lesbian Mothering.

Among the dozen essays are:
"Queering Maternity", Mielle Chandler
"Lesbian Nonbiological Mothering: Negotiating an (Un)familiar Existence", Dawn Comeau
"Lesbian Second Mothering", Susan Dundas
"Our Kids in the Hall: Lesbian Families Challenge the Public School System", Rachel Epstein
"He's Calling Her Da Da!: A Sociolinguistic Analysis of the Lesbianism as Disease' Metaphor in Child Custody Cases", by Shari Kendall and Keller Magenau
"Lesbian Mothers and the Law of Custody, Access and Child Support", Joanne Radbord

160 pages
Individual Issues: $15 plus $3 shipping (Cdn/US)

The 1999 issues of the Journal for Research on Mothering "Mothering and Motherhood" (Vol. 1 No.1) "Lesbian Mothering" (Vol. 1 No. 2) $25 plus $5 shipping (Cdn/US)

Membership to the Association for Research on Mothering for the year 2000. Includes full membership (bi-annual newsletter, list serve, information mailings, and conferences), and subscription to the ARM Journal; Vol 2. No. 1 "Mothers and Sons" and Vol.2 No.2 "Mothering in the African Diaspora" Individual $55 Institution $ 75

Subscription to the ARM journal for the year 2000 Individual $27 Institution $47

**make cheque payable to ARM; we accept only Cdn funds, US funds and intl money orders

ARM, Atkinson College, York University
4700 Keele St, Toronto, ON M3J 1P3
416 736-2100 x60366,, fax: 905 775-1386

Andrea O'Reilly, Ph.D
Assistant Professor
School of Women's Studies
Founding President
Association for Research on Mothering (ARM)
726 Atkinson College
York University
Toronto, Ontario
Canada, M3J 1P3
Fax: 905 775 1386
Phone: 416 736 2100; Ex 60366