
*Publishers of Women's Studies Materials from the Association of College and Research Libraries, American Library Association.
* About Sheba Press
* Australian Feminist Journal
* Criaw Publications
* Crossroads
* Environmental Action
* Eve: A Voice of Empowerment and Creativity for Girls
* Feminista! Online Journal of Feminist Construction
* Feminist Review
* Feminist Studies Vol. 25 No. 2
* Guide to Pennsylvania State University Archive
* History Resource Catalog
* Internship Guide
* Journal of Gender, Social Policy & the Law
* Lesbian Mothering - ARM Journal
* Ms. Magazine
* NCRW Publications
* Nonprint Resources Guide
* NWSA Nonprint Media
* NWSA Publications
* NYU Press Publications
* Pathfinder Press
* Pornography Conference Tapes
* Shango Project/Purple Drum (Black Gay and Lesbian Archive)
* University of Chicago Press
* Wire Catalog
* Women: A Cultural Review
* Womanist Newsletter
* Women in French Studies
* Women in Judaism: A Multidisciplinary Journal
* Women of Color Publications
* Women's International Net
* Women's Presses Library Project