The Men Behind the Women...

Male suffragists make particularly interesting and admirable role models today, including farsighted men like:

James Mott, Quaker businessman, who accompanied his wife Lucretia Mott to Seneca Falls and chaired the first women's rights meeting.

Parker Pillsbury, anti-slavery editor who worked on The Revolution with Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton.

Robert Purvis and Frederick Douglass, prominent Black anti-slavery leaders who were lifelong suffrage allies.

Stephen Foster , Wendell Phillips and other abolitionists who were early supporters of women's rights.

Henry Blackwell, a constant agitator for women's rights, who helped published The Woman's Journal with his wife Lucy Stone and daughter Alice Stone Blackwell for years.

George Catt, an engineer whose support and understanding of his wife Carrie Chapman Catt freed her to devote her time to leading the national suffrage drive.

Senator Robert LaFollette, Rabbi Stephen Wise, Black leader W.E.B. DuBois, editor Max Eastman, educator John Dewey, Stanford University president David Starr Jordan and other prominent men of the early 20th century who put themselves on the side of women's rights despite the ridicule and criticism they faced from their fellow men.

The Men Behind the Women...