Published by (January, 2000)
Sandra Cavallo and Lyndan Warner, eds. Widowhood in Medieval
and Early Modern Europe. Women and Men in History. New York:
Addison Wesley Longman,1999. xiv + 272 pp. Illustrations,
tables, notes, annotated bibliography, and index. $72.95
(cloth), ISBN 0-582-31747-9; $27.65 (paper), ISBN
Reviewed for H-Women by Michelle Wolfe ,
Department of History, Ohio State University.
Surviving Both Spouse and Society in Early Modern Europe
According to seventeenth-century common law, all Englishwomen
were "understood either married or to be married," and as such
the temporary dependent of a father or the permanent dependent
of a husband. Termed feme coverts in law, their legal existence
was literally "covered" over by the male head of their
household. Only when widowed did the early modern Englishwoman
become legally visible, "A woman at her own commandment." [1]
With widowhood early modern women become uniquely visible to
historians as well; in this collection of essays edited by
Sandra Cavallo and Lyndan Warner, historians of medieval and
early modern Europe probe the gendered cracks in social
constructions and social arrangements caused by the loss of a
spouse. Located at a point of rupture in the European family
and socially defined by their lack of a normative life-partner,
the widowed provide historians with a myriad of opportunities to
explore questions of gender roles, family finances, household
structures, community welfare systems, and experiences of the
life-cycle. These issues are amply treated in Cavallo and
Warner's volume, who use their introductory essay to set the
problem of widowhood within a framework of gender difference,
gender commonality and long term cultural change. Cognizant of
the uniquely gendered position of the widowed woman and
adamantly attentive to the reality of widowed men, both the
editors and assembled authors challenge the historiographical
commonplace that widowhood was an essentially feminine
experience. Addressing both widowhood and "widowerhood," the
contributors seek to comparatively engage the gendered
dimensions of spousal loss.
As several contributors note, due to their unusual visibility in
pre-industrial society, widows have long drawn the attention of
women's historians.[2] Many of the chapters seek to both build
upon and complicate these existing narratives of widowhood and
women's lives in medieval and early modern Europe. These essays
cover a variety of sources and circumstances, from analyzing the
prescriptive rhetoric of English advice-books to surveying
Italian institutional records to search out documented cases of
widows negotiating their control over their property, their
children or their lives. But a common theme through them is the
potential problem posed to family, church and state by an adult
woman no longer governed nor maintained by a husband. This
problem was both conceptual and practical, and the authors
engage both literary constructions and institutional actions to
explore how social authorities, families and the widows
themselves negotiated systems in which all women were
"understood either married or to be married."[3]
Collectively the authors sketch a picture where families and
social institutions attempted alternating strategies to cope
with the problem of widowed women, sometimes seeking to
recontain them within marriage or monasticism, sometimes
cooperating to construct a viable identity and space for the
independent widow. When viewed as a drain of parish or family
resources, or as a danger to the patrilineal transmission of
property, name or religion, male relatives and government
officials could be quick to push widows back under available
forms of male stewardship. Isabelle Chabot's chapter "Lineage
strategies and the control of widows in Renaissance Florence"
and Giulia Calvi's chapter on Tuscan widows and child
guardianship both explore this dynamic by examining the
patrilinear pressures placed on widows in early modern Italy.
In Chabot's work on the conflicting claims and interests of the
Florentine widow's birth family and her in-laws, the profound
efforts by both families to control the widow are revealed as
efforts to retain patrilineal control of the property and
children attached to the widow. Calvi's research on widows,
their children, and the Tuscan Magistrato dei Pupilli (court of
wards) documents similar patrimonial conflicts and an emerging
collaboration between widows and state authority to defend
women's guardianship over their children. While Chabot and
Calvi find Italian widows triangulating state and family in
struggles over lineage, Dagmar Freist narrates the religious
confrontations between German state authorities and the widows
of mixed marriages. In the confessionally partitioned states of
the late seventeenth-century Holy Roman Empire, Freist finds
officials intervening to separate the children of Catholic
fathers from their now-widowed Protestant mothers.
These essays show that perceived threats to lineage, property or
other patrilineal prerogatives could provoke attempts by
families and officials to reintegrate widows into institutions
of patriarchal control. These attempts were often facilitated
by the inability of authorities to imagine a natural social role
for autonomous adult women; as Patricia Skinner notes in her
chapter "The widow's options in medieval southern Italy," both
secular and ecclesiastical officials believed that the widow had
only two possible futures: monastic withdrawal or remarriage
(58-60). But Skinner and other authors also uncover joint
efforts to enable women to occupy a chaste and independent role
as a widow.
Barbara Todd's chapter "The virtuous widow in Protestant
England" analyzes a male-authored advice-book for widows that
extolled the spiritual opportunities for freedom and masculine
self-control inherent in widowhood. Tim Stretton's piece on
widows 'waging law' in early modern England shows them actively
and independently litigating, as their widowed status released
them from legal coverture. Despite the discouragement from
public activity found in conduct-books and cultural stereotypes,
many of Stretton's widows used both the law courts and
conventions of feminine vulnerability in order to pursue their
interests. More unexpectedly, Stretton finds that the courts
themselves frequently accommodated the special problems
confronting widows as plaintiffs. Skinner herself notes that
despite the societal expectation that widows would inevitably
take either the veil or a second husband, many widows in
medieval Selerno adopted a "fashion" of piety that allowed them
to stay both unmarried and at home (61).
Documenting the social and cultural tensions created by
"unheaded" women, these authors underscore the centrality of
marriage as an organizing principle of late medieval and early
modern society. As such, its significance encompassed both
genders; as Olwen Hufton has remarked elsewhere, men too were
almost universally expected to marry in early modern Europe.[4]
As husbands, medieval and early modern men experienced spousal
loss and its effects. Emphasizing this, the editors and several
contributors highlight the question of how men's experience of
"widowerhood" was gendered. Cavallo and Warner observe that
the terminology of widowerhood is linguistically atypical; the
masculine noun unexpectedly derives from the feminine, rather
than the reverse (4). Probing the historical record, some
contributors find that widowerhood as an identity and an
experience often derived its character from the more prevalent
feminine model. Alternately, they also find it often absent or
effaced in circumstances where widowed women were generally
Chapters by Margaret Pelling and Pamela Sharpe discuss the
relative "invisibility" of the English widower. Chronicling the
tendency of seventeenth-century widowers to disappear rapidly
into remarriage, Pelling argues that both Englishmen and English
cultural norms rejected the state of male widowhood. Pelling
suggests that men overwhelmingly preferred and needed domestic
partners, and that English society was organized to ease and
encourage their remarriage. Sharpe's treatment of
nineteenth-century poor relief and widowed men and women finds a
similar absence of widowers and a similar resistance to living
without a household helpmeet. In particular Sharpe finds poorer
widowers employing daughters as "miniature" wives when
remarriage was not immediately possible. Widowerhood acquired
invisibility as remarriage and other preferential forms of
social support relieved the widower from the solitude and
poverty which often culturally characterized the widow.
However, like the widow, the widower could be seen as
destabilizing to the marital and reproductive order. Becoming
"visible" in such moments, they could also find themselves
defined by the dominantly feminine meanings of widowhood. In
her chapter "Widows, widowers and the problem of second
marriages in sixteenth-century France," Lyndan Warner discusses
how legal restrictions originally enacted to control widowed
women were eventually imposed on widowed men. Studying a
precedent-setting case, Warner explores how the rhetoric of
weakness and emotional susceptibility, conventionally applied to
widowed women, was extended to widowed men. Despite the fact
that this rhetoric undermined the authority of the remarried
widower as a husband, householder, and representative of the
larger patriarchal order, it was nonetheless deployed by
lawyers, families and the courts when the widower's marital
ambitions undermined the heirs and established property rights
of his previous family.
Highlighting contrasts in male and female experience of spousal
loss, these chapters provide insights into the ways that
masculinity and male dependency were negotiated at the
individual and cultural level in medieval and early modern
society. Placed in dialogue with the other essays, they
illuminate some of the ways in which European constructions of
male and female experience were fluid and mutually defining.
Taken together, all the chapters provide an alternative angle on
the historical dynamics of family relationships and the range of
influence which marriage exercised upon the identities and
lifestyles of medieval and early modern men and women.
Although the volume is intended to span the medieval and early
modern periods, the majority of contributed chapters deal with
early modern Europe. Two essays address medieval widowhood and
two extend into the nineteenth century. This makes the
collection most pertinent to an early modernist audience.
However, the essays dealing with earlier and later time-frames
are both strategically included and placed. Julia Crick's
chapter on widows and widowers in pre-conquest England and
Sharpe's chapter on poverty and English widowhood from the
Elizabethan to the Victorian era begin and end the collection,
rooting the early modern material in a longer temporal
framework. The inclusion of these essays allows for a
comparative discussion, and illuminates the interaction between
long term changes in European patterns of conjugal partnership
and constructions and experiences of widowhood. Crick in
particular illustrates how the relative scarcity in formalized
and monogamous marital arrangements in early medieval England
obscured the identity of widows and widowers in pre-Norman
terminology and texts, a dramatic difference with the more
distinctively identified widows of late medieval and early
modern marriages. On the other end of the timeline, Amy Louise
Erickson's examination of the property rights of widows in the
long eighteenth century charts a decline in the executorial and
financial agency of widows accompanying the rise of the ideal of
the romantic marriage.
Aimed at students, the volume contains a substantial annotated
bibliography. The range of topics, from litigation to religion
to child custody give it an effective breadth for assignment in
historiography courses in gender and the early modern family.
The book has the additional pedagogical virtue of transcending
the typically fragmented quality of multiple author essay
collections. With several of the papers originating in a 1996
conference on the history of widowhood, the chapters possess a
high degree of cross-reference and convey a strong sense of a
shared scholarly conversation.[5] This gives the collection an
unusual cohesiveness and thematic unity. As a collection of
current work actively engaged with the issues and approaches of
comparative gender history, this volume should provoke
discussion while providing a revealing window into the
historiographical problem of how men and women were gendered in
early modern society.
[1]. The Law's Resolutions of Women's Rights[London: 1632],
excerpted in Joan Larsen Klein Ed., Daughters, Wives and
Widows: Writings by Men about Women and Marriage in England,
1500-1640 (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1992), 32; 51.
[2]. For a survey of the historiography of widowhood see Frouke
Veenstra, Kirsten van der Ploeg, "Widows in western history: A
select bibliography" in Jan Bremmer and Lourens van den Bosch
Eds., Between Poverty and the Pyre : Moments in the History of
Widowhood (London ; New York : Routledge, 1995); Ida Blom, "The
History of Widowhood: A Bibliographic Overview," Journal of
Family History 1991 16(2): 421-450. For relatively recent
discussions of early modern widowhood in the context of women's
roles and women's life-cycles, see Olwen Hufton, The Prospect
Before Her: A History of Women in Western Europe, 1500-1800
(New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1996), Ch. 6; Sara Mendelson and
Patricia Crawford, Women in Early Modern England, 1550-1720
(Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998), 174-183.
[3]. Law's Resolution of Women's Rights, ibid.
[4]. Hufton, Prospect Before Her, 62-5.
[5] "Widowhood: Conditions and Constructions", University of
Exeter, UK: 16-17 May 1996. My thanks to Dr. Lyndan Warner for
information on the symposium.
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