Published by H-Latam@h-net.msu.edu (November, 1999)
Ann Twinam. Public Lives, Private Secrets: Gender, Honor, Sexuality,
and Illegitimacy in Colonial Spanish America. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford
University Press, 1999. xiii + 447 pp. Tables, maps, notes,
bibliography, and index. $60.00 (cloth), ISBN 0-8047-3147-0.
Reviewed for H-LatAm by Mary A. Y. Gallagher ,
Coeditor, The Papers of Robert Morris, Queens College of the City
University of New York
Illegitimacy, Honor, and Inheritance in Spanish America
Twinam's book analyzes the records of 244 elite Hispanic Americans, the
majority of those who are known to have petitioned the crown for decrees
of legitimization (gracias al sacar), between 1720 and 1820. Favorable
action erased some or all of the disadvantages, limited inheritance
rights, disqualification for certain honorable positions, and loss of
public respect, suffered by those conceived outside of lawful wedlock.
The first chapter, "Antecedents," sets Twinam's study in context and
explains the methodological issues she encountered. Demographers and
historians, she tells us, have documented a considerable increase in
illegitimacy in both Europe and the United States during the second half
of the eighteenth century. During this same period, however, Spanish
American illegitimacy rates, even though substantially higher, generally
stabilized or declined, largely because the racial, social, and
demographic upheaval of the post-conquest period had subsided.
Nevertheless, Twinam documents a substantial increase in the number of
applications for gracias al sacar after 1750. This, she argues,
strongly suggests that those of tainted birth confronted increasing
prejudice from a "challenged" colonial elite as they attempted to
negotiate career advancement or advantageous marriages. Twinam also
considers how issues related to marriage and illegitimacy and the
increasingly stiff scrutiny of the petitions by the bureaucracy fit into
the context of the contradictory agendas advanced by Bourbon reformers.
Under "Methodological Considerations," Twinam questions whether the 244
petitions represent a meaningful statistical sampling and how her study
relates to earlier explorations of Latin American illegitimacy. She
answers the first with amazing honesty: "In most cases there can be no
direct linkage between the statistical patterns generated by the gracias
al sacar pool of petitioners and any demographic reality" (p. 21). With
regard to the second, she claims that, since petitioners were distributed
throughout the Spanish American empire, they afford a unique continental
perspective on the issues of legitimacy, gender, and honor confronted by
the colonial elites. These issues will be discussed further below.
Twinam then describes the "passing" mechanisms colonial elites employed
tore-cast illegitimate birth or liaisons with racial or social inferiors
into more acceptable form. Public and private realities might sharply
diverge. It was possible to be or become what one was not but acted as.
Parentage publicly denied might be privately admitted by raising a
"foundling" as a son or daughter. Honor might be accorded or withheld
depending on individual merit or the willingness of a particular society
to concede it at any given moment. Earlier requests for gracias al
sacar were granted almost automatically upon payment of fees which were
not standardized. As time went on and the imperial bureaucracy tightened
standards, it also tended to search the facts more carefully, consult
local authorities, and defer to local wishes as it decided whether and
which rules to enforce or dispense with.
Twinam further prepares her readers to understand Hispanic attitudes
toward marriage and illegitimacy by documenting the persistence in the
eighteenth century of marriage customs which the Council of Trent
(1545-1563), made a determined effort to reform. The post-Tridentine
church recognized as legal only sexual activity that occurred after an
exchange of vows before a priest. One does not have to read much of
Twinam's book, however, to realize that the power of the church was not
sufficient to change customs that tolerated sexual intimacy prior to
marriage, especially when promises to wed had been exchanged. Even the
Spanish state conferred a degree of recognition on such unions by
automatically legitimating hijos naturales, offspring born to partners
eligible to marry, whenever their parents exchanged their vows before a
priest and listed their names on their children's baptismal certificates.
It created a separate, somewhat inferior sphere for ninos expositos,
foundlings whose parents did not publicly acknowledge them, even though
they frequently made arrangements to have them cared for privately, often
within the family network. This provided a protection for the honor of
the unwed mother and a pretext for the state to treat the children
compassionately by presuming the most favorable status that could be
construed even if it could not be conclusively proven. Church and state
united to condemn adultery and violations of priestly celibacy by
reserving the severest penalties for children born of such unions. Even
here, however, the desire to discourage these forms of illicit sexual
activity was mitigated by pity for its innocent victims. The state,
especially when it was attempting to claim greater control over the civil
aspects of marriage from the church, felt itself fully entitled to
dispense meritorious individuals from the penalties they suffered by
reason of their parents' indifference to civil and ecclesiastical
regulations governing sexuality, procreation, and family life.
Twinam is a careful student of Spanish marriage law, custom and practice,
of elite familial arrangements in Spanish America, and assumptions about
honor and gender. She is at her strongest when she parses the effects of
the various forms of illegitimacy, the identities derived from the child's
natal, baptismal, private and public social status, his or her gender, the
devices and arrangements made to protect honor, and the degree of
responsibility assumed and recognition accorded by each parent. Informal
societal judgments based on assessments of the intricate combinations of
these factors and the scrutiny of royal bureaucrats ultimately determined
the range of opportunities for honor and inheritance open to the various
types of illegitimates. Careful study of the records generated by the
applicants provide her with a wealth of material on the mechanisms of
social control and improvisation which she exploits in masterful fashion.
She documents in exquisite detail how, in the course of the century,
applications became more numerous, more detailed and were more minutely
scrutinized by a bureaucracy that had more and more direct experience in
the Spanish colonies. She notes and periodizes changes in legislative and
bureaucratic emphasis, and interprets them in the dual contexts of
Hispanic American reality and Bourbon reform.
Twinam derives most of her data from petition files her persistence
enabled her to locate in the Cartas y Expedientes sections of legajos
for the various audiencia divisions housed at the Archivo General de
Indias in Sevilla. These are, apparently, a unique source which owes its
existence to the Iberian willingness to distinguish between the facts of
birth and the laws and customs which defined and reconstructed it. She
has supplemented these findings with further research in various
Spanish-American archives. Tables summarize the conclusions she has drawn
from the various databases she has created. She reads her documents
sensitively, and squeezes them for every nuance they will yield. Her
findings are exhaustively researched and logically presented. She studies
illegitimacy in all its grades from the perspective of the father, the
mother and the child, and follows it through the life courses of each. The
sum of her artfully worked portraits of various elite petitioners and
their family structures is a rich tapestry that provides both intimate
details of individual lives and a comprehensive overview of the legal and
societal structures in which they functioned.
Twinam's bibliography and notes mention Linda Lewin's published and
unpublished work on Brazilian inheritance law. More recently, Linda
Sturtz, has explored the social definition of race in Jamaica and the
attitudes of elite Jamaicans to legacy cap legislation designed to limit
the inheritance rights of "browns" procreated by the planter aristocracy.
Her paper, "'Exorbitant Grants . . . Made by White Persons to Negroes':
The 1761 Debate over the Rights of Englishmen in Jamaica,"[1] reveals
attitudes toward race, illegitimacy, honor, and mobility that are more
similar to the patterns Twinam describes than to North American practice.
Legal "whitening" was possible in Jamaica as it was in the Spanish world.
Sturtz indicates, however, that Jamaicans' concerns about illegitimacy
were much more overtly racial and economic in the late eighteenth century
than those Twinam identifies in Spanish America during that same period.
Sturtz mentions that the legacy caps imposed by the 1761 act could be
bypassed by private bills procured by politically well connected
Jamaicans. How closely they resemble the gracias al sacar mechanism
remains to be explored. Both Twinam and Sturtz conclude that prejudice
against illegitimacy increased after 1750. Twinam also suggests that it
was more intense in the Spanish Caribbean than it was in Andean South
America (see below). How substantive the similarities are, how much they
can be traced to the period before 1655, when Jamaica was under Spanish
rule, and how much Caribbean realities predominated over Spanish and
English legal traditions and institutions remain to be studied.
There are few studies of North American practice. No racial issues
complicated relations between Robert Morris, Financier of the American
Revolution, and his illegitimate daughter, Polly Croxall. Elizabeth M.
Nuxoll's "Illegitimacy, Family Status, and Property in the Early Republic:
The Morris Croxall Family of New Jersey,"[2] provides a North American
case study of the financial arrangements made to support Polly by a father
who may himself been illegitimate. Nuxoll's notes provide citations to
several other cases involving illegitimate daughters of upper class North
Americans. A comprehensive overview of Anglo-American practices
comparable to Twinam's study of Spanish America, however, remains to be
written. Without the equivalent of the gracias al sacar petitions
Twinam mined, It will be difficult to research.
Twinam's work is so persuasive that it is easy to forgot what she cannot
and does not pretend to tell us as we allow ourselves to become absorbed
by the intriguing case histories she presents. As she herself admits, her
data does not reveal why many members of upper class families who lived
publicly with lovers and produced offspring did not find it necessary to
go to the expense or bother of petitioning the crown to remove the taints
they incurred at birth. What percentage of elites born outside lawful
wedlock did each group represent? What percentage experienced
discrimination? Did others not apply because their coping strategies were
more successful, the prejudice less virulent in their microcosms or
because they were less ambitious? Did the increased number of applicants
at the end of the century represent an increase in discrimination or an
increase in means available for niceties like tidying up the family tree?
Where, in the spectrum of wealth, did the majority of applicants come
from? Since fees for decrees were not standardized in any way until the
very end of the eighteenth century, does the cost of the legitimization
provide any clue to the wealth of the applicant? Twinam implies that it
does not. She deals with the wealth issue most directly in her treatment
of the application from Dr. Don Manuel de Borda, heir to an immense
Mexican silver-mining fortune. Borda paid forty thousand pesos to
legitimate his two sons, an amount equivalent to 49 percent of all the
fees collected in the eighteenth century (pp. 280-281). Twinam uses his
case, however, to argue that it is an exception to a general rule that the
crown did not use the process primarily as a source of revenue. She
suggests that the varying charges that were levied before fees were
standardized in 1795 relate more to the level of shame attached to the
taint which the petition was intended to remove or to official caprice
than to wealth of the applicant.
Twinam might, perhaps, have provided more in the way of geographic
analysis. She breaks down applications by audiencias from which they
originated, but takes her investigation no further. She provides a map
(p.19) of the "home cities" of petitioners which distinguishes audiencia
capitals, although the map does not explain the difference in the symbols
used. She does not, however, analyze the relative political or economic
importance of the other cities or specify the number of petitions which
came from each. How many were provincial capitals? If a significant
number, what influence might the establishment of the intendancy system
had on any increase in the number of applications? Should the reader
assume that most petitions came from major cities rather than provincial
outposts? Is there any way in which geographical distribution correlates
with relative wealth or opportunities for political appointment or public
Future studies might also consider some alternative explanations to those
Twinam suggests about the geography of prejudice against illegitimacy. She
finds that, in some regions, women were much more likely to apply for
legitimization than in others, and speculates that high percentages of
female petitioners suggests elevated levels of prejudice. The geographic
and gender distribution of petitions, she argues, indicates that
"Illegitimates suffered the greatest discrimination in the Caribbean and
northern South America; somewhat less in Mexico and even less in Central
America, the southern cone, and northern Mexico; and the least in the
Andes" (pp. 205-206). Elevated numbers of petitions, however, can be
interpreted as an optimistic reaction to illegitimacy. A foundling home
was established in the 1780s in Arequipa, Peru, a city at the foot of the
Andes. Records indicate that the bishop felt it was needed because of the
increasing incidence of infanticide in his diocese, which he blamed, not
on the economic distress the region was then experiencing as a result of
the Tupac Amaru rebellion, but on parents trying to hide the guilt of
illicit sexual activity.[3] It will probably never be possible to
determine the social status of victims of infanticide, but several of
residents of the Arequipa foundling home seem to have come from the upper
levels of a very class-conscious society which may have regularly resorted
to drastic measures to deal with illegitimacy. Arequipa may, of course,
represent nothing more than an exception to a general pattern which
closely approximates the one Twinam sketches. Nevertheless, matching the
geographical distribution of petitions with whatever figures on
infanticide are available might shed new light on how discrimination
against illegitimates was manifested.
There is very little to criticize about this very fine book. It is
intelligently and accessibly written, logically developed, and thoroughly
researched. Undergraduate students will be able to use the individual
histories Twinam presents as a gateway to understanding the intricate
systems societies have set up to manage race and sexuality, to create
hierarchies, and to distribute wealth on the basis of them. They will
also, hopefully, be inspired by the example she sets of perceptive,
nuanced reading of her sources. Historians of family, gender and
sexuality at every level will find the book rewarding. Its thorough
treatment of Hispanic practice on the imperial level invites both further
research on Spanish American regional variations and comparison with other
colonial systems. Ample notes and bibliography will lead scholars further
in any direction they choose to take.
[1]. Sturtz (sturtzl@beloit.edu) presented her paper at the Fifth Annual
Conference of the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and
Culture (1999).
[2]. Elizabeth M. Nuxoll, "Illegitimacy, Family Status, and Property in
the Early Republic: The Morris-Croxall Family of New Jersey, New Jersey
History 113 (Fall/Winter 1995): 3-21.
[3]. Mary A. Y. Gallagher, "Aristocratic Opposition to the Establishment
of a Foundling Home in Arequipa, Peru," in Roseann Runte, ed., Studies in
Eighteenth-Century Culture, vol. 9 (University of Wisconsin Press:
Madison and London, 1979), 45-58.
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