Published by H-Urban@h-net.msu.edu (May, 2000)
David Higgs, ed. Queer Sites: Gay Urban Histories Since 1600.
London: Routledge, 1999. viii + 214 pp. Illustrations, notes,
bibliography, and index. $75.00 (cloth), ISBN 0-415-15897-4.
Reviewed for H-Urban by Brett Adams ,
American University
Twenty-one year old Luiz Delgado, in prison for theft, was denounced
for sexual relations with his putative future brother-in-law, aged
twelve. The violin player was sent to Rio de Janeiro as part of the
movement of Portuguese migrants and sexual refugees and set up a
tobacco shop. He established homes with two different flamboyant
feminine-acting students before his activities came before
Inquisition officials who sent the 45 year old to a ten-year exile
in Angola. While capturing the age differential that characterized
the majority of male sexual relationships into the late nineteenth
century, the forming of a couple and the creation of a shared
domestic space made this relationship highly unusual.
The seven essays that comprise Queer Sites trace the development
of dissident sexualities in Rio and six other cities. The locations
investigated include four European capitals, London, Lisbon, Moscow,
and Paris, another European city, Amsterdam, and San Francisco. The
six authors provide readers with insight into the specific locations
that males with same-sex interest used to fulfill their desires
between 1600 and today. Editor David Higgs observes that the
comparison of these cities can yield information about differences
and similarities in sexual cultures. The authors use the source
material of social history, including legal records, diaries, and
journalistic materials. The essays build upon historian John
D'Emilio's argument that urbanization and industrial development
created the anonymity, congregation, and freedom from family that
offered men and women greater social and economic freedom and
allowed homosexual subcultures to develop. Some of the differences
among these sexual cultures emerged because of the varied rates of
modernization and urbanization. Cultural factors, such as different
religious beliefs, led to certain differences, including less
persecution of sodomy in cities like Moscow. However, the
similarities among these cities appeared more significant.
One important similarity among the sexual cultures of these cities
involved the predominance of the adult-youth sexual system from 1600
through the 1700s. In this system, a man could have sex with a woman
or younger male (boy) as long as he assumed the active (penetrative)
role. Authors Randolph Trumbach (London) and Michael D. Sibalis
(Paris) noted that changes in this system emerged in these fastest
growing urban centers. The sodomites known in London as Mollys,
because they met in molly taverns and had similarities to female
prostitutes also called Mollies, and pederasts in Paris taverns in
the mid-1700s represented a third category. These groups served as
the beginning of the system of opposites. Generally, these men
adopted dress and styles associated with women and assumed the
passive position in intercourse, earning them the label, gender
invert. As George Chauncey noted in his groundbreaking Gay New
York, this system dominated the nineteenth century understanding of
same-sex behavior within the influential medical community and
helped effeminate gay males develop subcultures in urban areas.
Sibalis and Gert Hekma (Amsterdam) note that in the early twentieth
century, these homosexual males created masked and drag balls in
Paris and NWAK, the first homosexual rights group in the
Netherlands. NWAK, which established a meeting place and library,
could be viewed as godfathers to the Mattachine Society and
Daughters of Bilitis homosexual political action groups that Les
Wright describes as emerging in San Francisco during the 1950s.
These groups, along with the medical community, would be among the
figures shaping the acceptance of the third sexual system,
homosexuality as a sexual object choice.
Another important similarity among sexual cultures emerges upon
considering how men with same-sex interest in these various cities
used urban locations to meet their needs. Each author details those
locations where the men had sex and the establishments where they
congregated. Men had sex with one another in urban parks and fields,
transportation hubs, public baths, and public toilets. Hekma,
Sibalis, Trumbach, Higgs (Lisbon), and Dan Healey (Moscow) note that
homosexuals in their cities had a "toilet culture" in which men
found toilets useful for meeting men interested in engaging in
anonymous sexual encounters. The development of long-term
relationships occurred infrequently, and a majority of these men
presumably did not adopt a homosexual identity. The expansion of
commercial amusements and the consequent development of commercial
areas in cities enabled homosexuals to have more establishments that
catered to them. The essays of Hekma and Wright corroborate the
arguments of Chauncey and others that establishments with homosexual
clienteles existed in red light and tourist districts. Sibalis's
essay, among others, confirms earlier works that noted that
middle-class homosexuals mixed with literary and visual art
bohemians in cafes within theater and tourist areas of major cities.
The discussion of sexual spaces compliments the work done by
previous scholars, including the authors in Public Sex/Gay Space,
edited by William Leap. The consideration of establishments builds
on work by historians in Brett Breyman's Creating Space for
This book will be useful as an introduction to the transformation of
sexuality in those upper division courses examining the history of
sexuality or the location of minority groups in cities. However, the
very limited discussion of women hampers the book, particularly
because recent works, such as Laura McCall and Donald Yacovone's A
Shared Experience, indicate a larger public role for women than
nineteenth century historians have previously believed. The book
opens up avenues for more research into the urban dimension of
same-sex populations. Urban scholars could examine the relationship
between homosexuals and ethnic neighbors in cities. More work could
be done on the link between same-sex presence and urban renewal,
such as in current Boston, where two bars located in Bay Village
have recently been torn down. Valuable information could emerge from
examining the relationship between gentrification and gays and
lesbians, such as the revival of Dupont Circle in Washington, DC
since the mid-1970s.
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