Published by H-Minerva@h-net.msu.edu (June, 2000)
Francine D'Amico and Laurie Weinstein, eds. Gender Camouflage: Women and
the U. S. Military. New York and London: New York
University Press, l999. x + 279 pp. Appendix, select
bibliography, contributor biographies, photographs and index.
$55.00 (cloth), ISBN 0-8147-1906-6; $19.95 (paper), ISBN
Reviewed for H-Minerva by Donna M. Dean
blackwolfden@earthlink.net, Independent Scholar
"Militarized Women"
D'Amico and Weinstein have addressed various aspects of
"militarized women" in this book: Women whose lives are affected
by the military in this country. They include military women,
military wives, civilian women who work for the Department of
Defense as civil servants, sex workers and prostitutes around
military bases, and peace activists. One article centers upon
the issue of civilian jobs which the author theorizes might go
to women in the civilian sector if money spent on the military
budget were to be freed for other uses.
The book is organized by a system the editors call locational,
based on whether the individual articles concern women who might
be considered "insiders," such as military women and veterans,
(including the excluded lesbian military women); "fringe" or "at
the margins," such as military wives and DOD civilians, and
"outsiders," such as peace workers, prostitutes and other women
affected somehow by the military. The central premise of the
book is that individual women must don a sort of gender
camouflage to survive in the hostile male world of the military,
while the military itself must camouflage the ways it depends
upon women to accomplish its mission, as well as to provide a
contrast against which the hypermasculinity of the system can be
Part I, "Insiders: Women in the Military" contains both
personal stories of military women and a brief historical look
at women in the military. Part II, " At the Margins: Women
With the Military" is a mix of personal stories as well as
historical articles on several institutions devoted to women in
the military such as the Defense Advisory Committee on Women in
the Service (DACOWITS) and the Women In Military Service for
America Memorial Foundation, Inc. (WIMSA). Part III,
"Outsiders: Women and the Military" consists of the same mix of
personal stories and analytical and historical articles. Some of
the personal stories address issues of the military treatment of
homosexuals, racial prejudices and assumptions.
This book works better in the table of contents than it does in
the reading. It is disorienting to move from autobiographical
article to cold statistical data and back to personal stories
without some sort of bridging or connecting material. For
instance, an article by a civilian DOD employee addressing the
issues around working in a military hierarchy would have been
interesting, as would an analytical discussion of the interface
between the two very different worlds. There is a great deal to
be said about this, both on the military side and on the
civilian side, and the aspect of gender makes the issues even
more complex. The civilianization of the military which saw the
massive substitution of military personnel by civil servants and
the later tremendous cutbacks in military strength have occurred
concomitantly with significant increases in women and minorities
which is barely addressed. An article basically presenting
statistical data on DOD civilian jobs needs to be put into
There are strange gaps in coverage: "Military brats", or
children of military personnel are important parts of the
military story, both as subjects themselves and in light of the
expansion of jobs now open to female military parents, or
two-parent military members with the concomitant issues of
deployment and combat. Parents of women who enter the military
might provide some interesting material as well. One neglected
and vital group of women impacted by the military is widows.
Surely they should have a place in such a work.
Perhaps this reviewer's discomfort stems from the fact that the
book tries to be all things to all people, and thus the impact
of the individual articles is stronger than that of the whole
work. Perhaps a slightly different structuring and presentation
of the material would have helped. I did find myself wishing
for more material on issues raised by the presence of women in
the military, whether it be experiential or more informational.
Of course, entire books can be written about topics touched upon
in "Gender Camouflage": Race, social class, sexuality, and a
myriad other social issues can be, and have been, written about
most of them. It would be absurd to expect any one book to
cover them all. D'Amico and Weinstein have made a good effort
to address a lot of issues, and a lot of communities of women
have been represented in their book, including some not
automatically associated with women and the military.
In the end, "Gender Camouflage" is a very good anthology
touching upon some of the aspects of women and the military
which are not often found in one volume. Some of the
autobiographies themselves are noteworthy for the importance of
the individuals and the impact they have had historically in the
constantly evolving place of women in the military. The
biographies of the contributors contains an impressive list of
women whose writings make a substantial contribution to the
scholarship around the topic. Last but not least, the selected
bibliography contains a valuable list of works which deserve
places on the shelves of every person interested in how women
exist within, around, and beside the military.
Copyright © 2000 by H-Net and MINERVA: Quarterly Report on Women and the
Military. All rights reserved. This work may be copied for non-profit
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