Book Reviews
Reviews in Women's History
African American Midwifery in the South: Dialogues of Birth, Race, and Memory by Gertrude Jacinta Fraser
- Reviewed by Patricia Evridge Hill
Anne Frank. Reflections on Her Life and Legacy by Hyman Enzer and Sandra Solotaroff-Enzer, eds.
- Reviewed by E. Thomas Ewing
A Belle of the Fifties: Memoirs of Mrs. Clay of Alabama, Leah Rawls Atkins, Joseph H. Harrsin, Jr., and Sarah A Hudson, eds. by Virginia Clay-Clopton
- Reviewed by Lorien Foote
"Bending the Future to their Will": Civic Women, Social Education, and Democracy by Margaret Smith Cracco and O. L. Davis, eds.
- Reviewed by Susan Stein-Roggenbuck
Betty Friedan and the Making of the Feminine Mystique: The American Left, The Cold War, and Modern Feminism by Daniel Horowitz
- Reviewed by Katherine Osburn
Beyond the Household: Women's Place in the Early South, 1700-1835 by Cynthia Kierner
- Reviewed by Joan Marie Johnson
A Border Passage: From Cairo to America--A Woman's Journey by Leila Ahmed
- Reviewed by Burcak Keskin
The Business of Charity: The Woman's Exchange Movement, 1832-1900 by Kathleen Waters Sander
- Reviewed by Randolph Hollingsworth
Displaying Women: Spectacles of Leisure in Edith Warton's New York by Maureen E. Montgomery
- Reviewed by Michele Plott
Domestic Goods: The Material, the Moral, and the Economic in the Postwar Years by Joy Parr
- Reviewed by Pippa Brush
Eleanor Roosevelt: A Personal and Public Life by J. William T. Youngs
- Reviewed by Stacey Cordery
Family Matters: Secrecy and Disclosure in the History of Adoption by E. Wayne Carp
- Reviewed by Jacqueline S. Reinier
Feminism and Documentary by Janet Walker and Diane Waldeman
- Reviewed by Patrick H. Griffin
Feminist Perspectives on Politics by Chris Corrin
- Reviewed by Melissa Haussman
A Family of Women by Jane Pease and William Pease
- Reviewed by Sidney Bland
Barbie to Mortal Kombat: Gender and Computer Games edited by Justine
Cassell and Henry Jenkins
- Reviewed by Grace Palladino
From Bondage to Contract: Wage Labor, Marriage and the Market in the Era of Slave Emancipation
- Reviewed by Daniel Hamilton
From Stumbling Blocks to Stepping Stones: The Life Experiences of Fifty Professional African American Women by Kathleen F. Slevin and C. Ray Wingrove
- Reviewed by Maxine D. Jones
Gender Camouflage: Women and the U.S. Military by Francine D'Amico and Laurie Weinstein, eds.
- Reviewed by Donna M. Dean
The Great Silent Army of Abolitionism: Ordinary
Women in the Antislavery Movement by Julie Roy Jeffrey
- Reviewed by Carolyn Williams
Has Feminism Changed Science? by Londa Schiebinger
- Reviewed by Doreen Valentine
Identity Poetics: Race, Class, and the Lesbian-Feminist Roots of Queer Theory
- Reviewed by Linda Garber
Immigrant Mothers: Narratives of Race and Maternity, 1890-1925 by Katrina Irving
- Reviewed by John McClymer
In Uncle Sam's Service: Women Workers with the American Expeditionary Force,1917-1919 by Susan Zeiger
- Reviewed by Heidi Hamilton
Journal of South Asia Women Studies by Enrica Garzilli
- Reviewed by Frank F. Conlon
Labor of Love, Girls of Adventure: Working Women, Popular Culture, and Labor Politics at the Turn of the Twentieth Cnetury by Nan Enstad
- Reviewed by Carole Srole
Lost Legacy: Inspiring Women of Nineteenth Century America by Susan Flagg Poole
- Reviewed by Cynthia Watkins Richardson
Madcaps, Screwballs and Con Women: The Female Trickster in American Culture by Lori Landay
- Reviewed by ViBrinan Coronado
More Than Munitions: Women, Work and the Engineering Industries, 1900-1950 by Clare Wightman
- Reviewed by Richard A. Greenwald
Nefertari Princess of Egypt
- Reviewed by Alexandra O'Brien
Reading Witchcraft: Stories of Early English Witches
- Reviewed by Anna Bayman
The Sacred Willow: Four Generations in the Life of a Vietnamese Family by Elliot Duong Van Mai
- Reviewed by Donna Dean
Together: Women of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters by Melinda
- Reviewed by Joyce A. Hanson
Mothers and the Mexican Antinuclear Power Movement by Velma Garcia-Gorena
- Reviewed by Susan V. Richards
A Nationality of Her Own: Women, Marriage, and the Law of Citizenship by Candice Lewis Bredbenner
- Reviewed by Nancy C. Unger
Public Lives, Private Secrets: Gender, Honor, Sexuality, and Illegitimacy in Colonial Spanish America by Ann Twinam
- Reviewed by Mary A. Y. Gallagher
Queer Sites: Gay Urban Histories Since 1600 by David Higgs
- Reviewed by Brett Adams
the Groove: Popular Music and Gender by Shiela Whiteley
- Reviewed by Susan Alexander
Soon We Will Not Cry: The Liberation of Ruby Doris Smith Robinson by Cynthia Griggs Fleming
- Reviewed by Marian Mollin
Soon We Will Not Cry: The Liberation of Ruby Doris Smith Robinson by Cynthia Griggs Fleming
- Reviewed by Marilyn Dell Brady
We Will Not Cry: The
Liberation of Ruby Smith Robinson by Cynthia Griggs Fleming
- Reviewed by Matthew C. Whitaker
The South in Black and White: Race, Sex, and Literature in the 1940s by McKay Jenkins
- Reviewed by Marc Seals
Steam Laundries: Gender, Technology and Work in the United States
- Reviewed by Thomas C. Jepsen
Taking Off the White Gloves: Southern Women and Women Historians by Michele Gillespie and Catherine Clinton, eds.
- Reviewed by Sheila Phipps
Technology and Gender: Fabrics of Power in Late Imperial China
- Reviewed by Ann Waltner
Vietnamese Women at War: Fighting for Ho Chi Minh and the Revolution by Sandra C. Taylor
- Reviewed by Donna Crail-Rugotzke
White Women's Rights: The Racial Origins of Feminism in the United States by Louise Michele Newman
- Reviewed by Karen Anderson
Widowhood in Medieval and Early Modern Europe by Sandra Cavallo and Lyndan Warner, eds.
- Reviewed by Michelle Wolfe
Wives of the Leopard: Gender, Politics and Culture in the Kingdom of
Dahomy by Edna G. Bay
- Reviewed by Sandra E. Greene
A Woman of the Times by Marilyn S. Greenwald
- Reviewed by Marilyn Howard
Women and Religion in Early America by Marilyn J. Westerkamp
- Reviewed by Emily Clark
Women and Sexuality in Muslim Societies
- Reviewed by Sally Bland
Women Waging Law in Elizabethan England by Tim Stretton
- Reviewed by Daniel Klerman
Women's Holocaust Writing: Memory and Imagination by S. Lillian Kremer
- Reviewed by Steve McCullough
of Women: The Making of a Woman's International Movement by Leila J.
- Reviewed by Cynthia Harrison