* 1970s Lesbian Feminism
* 4000 Years of Women in Science
* ACLU Freedom Network
* AIDS Quilt Website
* Abortion and Reproductive Rights Internet Resources
* Additional Women's History Resources and Links
* Advancing Women
* Advocates for Abused and Battered Lesbians
* African American Women
* Agencia Latinoamericana de Informacion (ALAI) Women's Program
* American Association of University Women
* American Medical Women's Association
* American Women's History
* Amnesty International Women's Human Rights
* And Adam Knew Eve: A Dictionary of Sex in the Bible
* Ann Gardner's "Sinai Bedouin Women"
* Arming Women Against Rape and Endangerment
* Artemis Guide to Women's Studies in the United States
* Artwomen.org
* Asian American Women
* AsiangURLs - Website for Women of Asian Heritage
* Assault Prevention Information Network
* Aviva
* Avon's Breast Cancer Awareness Crusade
* Barbie Liberation Organization
* Biographies of Women Mathematicians
* Bisexual Resource Center
* Bisexual Resource List
* Black Cultural Studies Site Index
* Border Crossings
* Breast Cancer and Black Women
* Breast Cancer Information Clearinghouse
* British Columbia Ministry of Women's Equality
* Camera Obscura: Feminism, Culture, & Media Studies
* Canadian Women's Health Network
* Canadian Women's Studies Online
* Captain Barbara A. Wilson's Women Veteran's Page
* Celebration of Women Writers
* Center for the American Woman and Politics
* Center for Reproductive Law and Policy-International Program
* Center for Research on Women
* Center for Women's History
* Center for Women and Information Technology
* Center for Women and Work, University of Massachusetts, Lowell
* Civil War Women
* Claremont Graduate University: Women's Studies in Religion
* The Coalition of Women Scholars in the History of Rhetoric and Composition
* Commission on the Celebration of Women in American History
* Community Breast Health Project
* Computing in the Humanities
* Core Lists in Women's Studies
* Crossroads Safehouse, Information on Domestic Violence
* Curricular Crossing: Women's Studies and Area Studies
* CWLU Herstory Project
* Differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies
* Diotima:Women and Gender in the Ancient World
* Directory of Feminist Bookstores
* Documents from the Women's Liberation Movement
* Domestic Violence, Family Violence, Child Abuse Page
* Eating Disorder Referral and Information Center Community Breast Health Project
* Electra Pages Directory of Women's Organizations and Businesses
* Emily Dickinson Information
* Emily Dickinson Journal
* Emily's List
* Emma Goldman Biography Page
* Equity Online: WEEA Equity Resource Center
* Expect the Best from a Girl
* FeMiNa: Web Search for Women
* Feminist Activist Resources on the Net
* Feminist Internet Gateway
* Feminist Majority Foundation Online
* Feminist Majority Online
* Feminist Majority's 500 Great Books by Women
* Feminist.Com
* Feminista
* Feminist Studies
* Gannon Center for Women and Leadership
* Gays and Lesbians of Zimbabwe
* Gender Inn: Women's and Gender Study Database (in German and English)
* The Gender Knot - Allan Johnson
* Gender Related Electronic Forums
* Gender and Sexuality, English Server at Carnegie Mellon University
* Gertrude Stein Virtual Salon
* Girl Power: Young Women Speak Out
* Girlfriends Magazine
* Global Center for Women`s Studies and Politics
* Global Fund for Women
* Hospital Records Database, a joint probject of the Wellcome Trust and the Public Records Office
* Hypatia
* Information Resources for Women's Studies
* Institute for Women's Policy Reseach
* Interagency Gender Working Group (IGWG)
* InterMountain Woman Magazine
* International List of Women's Organizations
* Iota Iota Iota
* Iris: The Women's Photography Project
* Isle of Lesbos
* Jane Austin Information Page
* Jewish Women's Archive
* Journal of Sexual Orientation Law
* Journal of South Asia Women's Studies
* Journal of Women's History
* Kate Chopin Links
* Korean Council for Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery
* Latina Web Pages
* Lesbian Herstory Project
* Lesbian Links
* Library of Congress Archive of Original Documents
* Literary Traveler
* Literature by Women Syllabi
* Making Face, Making Soul: A Chicana Feminist Homepage
* Massey University, Women's Studies Homepage
* Media Reading List
* Medieval Feminist Index
* Military Woman Home Page
* Ministers for Women in the United Kingdom
* National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League (NARAL)
* National Association of Women Business Owners
* National Cervical Cancer Coalition
* National Clearinghouse on Marital and Date Rape
* National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
* National Council for Research on Women
* National First Ladies Library
* National Museum of Women in the Arts
* National Women's Hall of Fame
* National Women's History Project
* National Women's Studies Association
* National Women's Studies Association Journal
* Native Shop
* Newcomb Pottery: A Look at the Women, the Art, and the History
* New Moon (for Girls)
* Nineteenth Century Feminisms journal
* Notable Women Ancestors
* Notable women in computing and mathematics
* Nurse Advocate: Nurses and Workplace Violence
* On the Issues: The Progressive Woman's Quarterly
* Online Database of Women's Studies Programs (maintained by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
* Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
* Other Queer Pages
* Outbox
* Out of the Past
* Pleiades: An Internet Resource for Women
* Printable List of Postal addresses for Women's Studies Programs
* Professional Training Center, Tbilisi, Georgia (former Soviet Union Republic)
* QWorld
* Radiance Magazine
* Resources for Anti-Violence Networks (RAVN)
* Resources in Philosophy and Women's Studies
* Resources on Women Mathematicians
* Reviews of Select Public History Web Sites: Women's History
* Role of Women in the Balkan War
* Role Model Project for Girls
* SafetyNet Domestic Violence Online Resources
* Sapphic Ink Literary Journal
* Scary Women
* Schlesigner Library on the History of Women in America, Radcliffe College
* Search Database of Women's Studies Programs
* Sexing the Political
A Journal of Third Wave Feminists on Sexuality
* Sexual Assault Information Page
* Sisterspace
* Society of Women Engineers
* South Asian Women's NETwork
* Southern Illinois University Women's Studies
* Stop Violence
* Suffrage Oral History Project
* Texas Woman's University
* The International Women's Writing Guild
* Transcultural and Multicultural Health Links
* UMD System Lesbian Gay and Bisexual Staff Faculty Association
* UN Internet Gateway on the Advancement and Empowerment of Women's Rights
* University of Florida: Women's Studies Resources
* University of Wisconsin Women's Studies Librarian's Office
* Updated Internet Resources on Women
* Vancover Rape Relief and Women's Shelter
* Vedams Books International
* ViVa: A Bibliography of Women's History
* Voices from the Gaps: Women Writers of Color
* Voices of Girls
* Web Sites for Women's Health (maintained and updated frequently)
* Wellcome Library Web Site, Hospital Records Online
* Whatever it Takes: Women on Women's Sports
* Without Restraint (SM/Leather/Fetish Homepage)
* Women of Color Web
* Women and Computer Science
* Women and Gender Issues
* Women and Judaism
* Women and Performance
* Women and Politics
* Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1830-1930
* Women and Talent
* Womenfolk: A Gathering Place for Women
* Women in Animation
* Women in Antiquity
* Women in the Arts Biography Sites
* Women in Canadian History
* Women in Development Network (WIDNET)
* Women in Engineering
* Women in Governments
* Women, Ink.
* Women in Technology International
* Women in the Middle East
* Women in World History Curriculum Home Page
* Women Leaders online
* Women Make Movies
* Women Online Worldwide
* Women-Related Web Sites in the Arts and Humanities
* Women'Space
* Women's Bookshelf Home Page
* Women's Campaign School at Yale University
* Women's Cybrary
* Women's Early Music - Art - Poetry
* Women's Health Weekly
* Women's History
* Women's History Archive
* Women's History and History of Sexuality (maintained by Lesley Hall, UK)
* Women's History Resources
* Women's History in Education
* Women's International Center
* Women's International Electronic University
* Women's International Net Magazine (WIN)
* Women's Liberation Research Network
* Women's Online Resources (ADA Project)
* Women & Social Movements in the United States, 1980 - 1930
* Women's Studies and Domestic Violence Publication
* Women's Studies Home Page, University of Antwerp
* Women's Studies Programs, Departments, Research Centers
* Women's Suffrage and the 19th Amendment
* Women's Wire Home Page
* Women Who Write Erotica
* Women Writers: A Literary Magazine for and by Women Writers
* Women Writers Project at Brown University
* World's Women Online Gallery and Directory of Artists
* WWWomen: The Premier Search Directory for Women Online
* Virtual Library - Women's History Site
* Yahoo Women's Health Page