Rachel Jackson
Women's Studies

The new site, UnderstandingPrejudice.org, has more than 2,000
prejudice-related links, searchable databases of social justice
organizations and prejudice researchers, teaching resources, and interactive
exercises. For example, visitors can take the Ambivalent Sexism Inventory
and compare their results to females and males from more than 20 countries.
They can also test themselves for hidden gender biases on the Implicit
Association Test, and explore links and reading materials on sexism,
feminism, and women's issues at:


The web site was developed to supplement a new McGraw-Hill anthology I
edited (entitled "Understanding Prejudice and Discrimination"), but all
pages and activities are freely available and can be used with other texts
or on their own. Please stop by for a visit and consider using the site with
your students or adding a link if you maintain a web page.


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Last modified Monday, May 27, 2002
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