This file was prepared for electronic distribution by the inforM staff. Questions or comments should be directed to THE COURAGE TO QUESTION WOMEN'S STUDIES AND STUDENT LEARNING Edited by Caryn McTighe Musil ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN COLLEGES AND NATIONAL WOMEN'S STUDIES ASSOCIATION, 1992 PROJECT PARTICIPANTS 1992 Project Director CARYN McTlGHE MUSIL Senior Fellow Association of American Colleges Project Associate SUZANNE HYERS Association of American Colleges Project Coordinators, Participating Colleges and Universities ANITA CLAIR FELLMAN, Old Dominion University LAURIE A. FINKE, Lewis and Clark College ROSANNA HERTZ, Wellesley College MARY JO NEITZ, University of Missouri-Columbia MICHELE PALUDI, City University of New York-Hunter College SUSAN REVERBY, Wellesley College LINDA R. SILVER, Oberlin College JOAN TRONTO, City University of New York-Hunter College GAY VICTORIA, University of Colorado JEAN WARD, Lewis and Clark College MARCIA WESTKOTT, University of Colorado BARBARA A. WINSTEAD, Old Dominion University National Assessment Team CAROLYNE W. ARNOLD, University of Massachusetts-Boston LEE KNEFELKAMP, Teachers College, Columbia University JILL MATTUCK TARULE, Lesley College JOAN SHAPIRO, Temple University MARY KAY THOMPSON TETREAULT, California State University-Fullerton External Evaluator PATRICIA HUTCHINGS, American Association for Higher Education TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION CHAPTER TWO UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO CHAPTER THREE LEWIS AND CLARK COLLEGE CHAPTER FOUR OLD DOMINION UNIVERSITY CHAPTER FIVE WELLESLEY COLLEGE CHAPTER SIX CUNY-HUNTER COLLEGE CHAPTER SEVEN OBERLIN COLLEGE CHAPTER EIGHT UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-COLUMBIA CHAPTER NINE CONCLUSION ACKNOWLEDGMENTS In keeping with its leadership in the assessment movement, the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE) of the U.S. Department of Education funded our three-year grant and this volume, The Courage to Question. FIPSE did so in a period when backlash against women's studies had just reemerged with a new vehemence. This project could not have come into being without the quietly insistent and shrewdly wise counsel of our first FIPSE program officer, Constance Cook, now executive assistant to the president at the University of Michigan. A special debt also is owed to the Association of American Colleges. Paula P. Brownlee, president of AAC, and AAC's executive vice president, Carol G. Schneider, agreed a year ago to collaborate on the publication of The Courage to Question, repeating the earlier cooperation between the National Women's Studies Association (NWSA) and AAC that had produced Liberal Learning and the Women's Studies Major and AAC's Reports from the Fields. AAC has graciously provided office space for me and my project associate, Suzanne Hyers, and welcomed us as sojourners. Gary Egan, director of finance and administration, and his staff have been especially helpful with financial arrangements and Lenora J. Wilson, associate director of administration, with setting up our office. We asked AAC to cosponsor The Courage to Question in part because of the high quality of its publications. Our volume has benefitted immeasurably because of AAC's Publications Office. We are particularly indebted to the support, editing, and productive cooperation of its director, Sherry Levy-Reiner, and to the editing, planning, and good humor of Kristen A. Lippert- Martin, editorial associate, who saw our project through from start to finish. We are grateful as well for additional editorial support from David M. Stearman and Lisa L. Magnino. NWSA housed the grant during its first two years, and the project ran more smoothly because of administrative support from Sharon Neufeld, NWSA's office manager the first year, and particularly Melinda Berriman, its office manager the second year. Loretta Younger, NWSA's current office manager, has assisted this year with the financial administration of the grant. It has been a personal as well as a professional joy to have the opportunity to work once more with Suzanne Hyers, NWSA's former national conference coordinator, who graciously agreed to be the project associate and lend us her legendary administrative skills. No problem is ever unsolvable when Suzanne is around, and she makes it fun to come into work. She also is a superb editor. While there are single names attached to articles in this volume, the final product has been enhanced by the collective effort and conversations of many people. Each of the seven participating women's studies programs has included specific acknowledgments within their chapters. All of us benefitted from the invigorating dialogue shared among the various people who have moved in and out of the project over a three-year period. The project was especially enriched by the practical expertise and conceptual challenges of the National Assessment Team--Carolyne A. Arnold, Lee Knefelkamp, Joan Shapiro, Jill Mattuck Tarule, and Mary Kay Thompson Tetreault--and the project's external evaluator, Pat Hutchings. Finally, we thank the thousands of students whose comments and opinions are the heart of this research. You will hear some of their voices woven into the text. They have given us courage to ask difficult questions, confirmation that our commitment to feminist education makes a difference, and hope that the world can one day be made anew. Caryn McTighe Musil, Project Director, and Senior Fellow, Association of American Colleges